vivalatinamerica:cw// r*pe, murderin 2019 alone, at least* 1006 women were victims of femicide in Me
vivalatinamerica:cw// r*pe, murderin 2019 alone, at least* 1006 women were victims of femicide in Mexicoin 2020, the statistics have skyrocketed - already over 1000 women have been murdered this year as COVID-19 restrictions trap women in dangerous domestic violence situationsMexico experienced its most recorded female murders in April 2020just last month, in Mexico, 103 women were killed in femicide crimes. 36 were killed in their own homes, 60 in public, and 1 at her place of july 2020. a cop in Zacatecas abused a citizen by r*ping herin march, women protested and were also involved in a digital protest where women stayed home and didn’t use social media, to simulate how life would be without womenthe average age of victims of femicide is 25; however, the oldest women killed was 80, and the youngest was a 1 year-old.heads have been found in plastic bags and bodies have been found with signs of abusetoday is 3 August and the first this month of femicide in Mexico has already occurred. her name was Genebit, a 20 year-old from Mexicalimore reading: femicides in Mexico: impunity and protestspetitions to sign:no a la reducción de presupuestos para las mujeres - say no to budget cuts for the National Women’s Institute in MexicoNiñas Sin Miedo (girls without fear) - demand to the State that girls live without fearSanción a quienes publicaron fotos de Ingrid Escamilla - petition to punish those who published photos of Ingrid Escamilla, a women who was brutally murdered and dismembered by her partner in her own homeJustice for Nadia Rodriguez - Nadia Verónica Rodriguez Saro Martínez was murdered on March 8, International Women’s Day. she was found in her car brutally shot to death. she was 23 years oldJustice for Leonila - Loenila de la Cruz was an indigenous woman who was sexually abused and murdered in her homeexigir cese a los femicidios en Méxicoshare and support:amplify voices of women in Mexico because your voice and public pressure can help victims obtain the justice they deserve. movements against femicide in Mexico (and latam) can be tracked on social media with #niñassinmiedo #undíasinmujeres (#onedaywithoutwomen) and #niunamenosSource -- source link
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