moboxcritique: I KNOW i say thank you in like, every post that I make, but really,THANK YOU, everyon
moboxcritique: I KNOW i say thank you in like, every post that I make, but really,THANK YOU, everyone, for sharing your own stories with us about Mobox and helping us with all of this.I hope everyone is doing well as usual, these topics can be extra draining so I hope everyone is taking a break from all this if you need it! It is definitely tiring for us mods as well as everyone else involved. We have gotten so many asks lately, as well as people coming forward with more evidence to help. As well as this, send some love to Crying Blossom for helping to spread the word on YouTube, I want to thank them especially regarding the harassment they have been facing because of this entire fiasco. They don’t deserve any of it, so send them some extra love! Thanks again <3- mod springtrap -- source link