damalur: refinery29: Exclusive: Meet America Chavez, Marvel’s new queer Latina superhero who j
damalur: refinery29: Exclusive: Meet America Chavez, Marvel’s new queer Latina superhero who just got her own comic book series Hold onto your butts, this one’s good. Series writer Gabby explains that, “One [of the things that has most excited fans] is the identities: Queer Latina. She’s also a positive presence and has these catch phrases, like ‘chico.’ And she has feelings for Kate [Bishop, a.k.a. Hawkeye]. So what will the first major queer Latina superhero do with all her super crush-worthy powers? “America will be one of 23 female-led titles currently in production” “writer Gabby Rivera, who first garnered fame as the author of Juliet Takes a Breath, a YA novel about a Puerto Rican lesbian” “And she has feelings for Kate [Bishop, a.k.a. Hawkeye]” “feelings” “for” “Kate” “series artist Joe Quinones and cover artist Marguerite Sauvage” “America doesn’t know how powerful she is, but she’s gonna find out” but also “maybe there wasn’t space for me in comics” “It’s a little bit terrifying and intimidating to be a queer woman entering the Marvel universe” If you want to tweet Gabby Rivera, she’s @QuirkyRican on Twitter – her approach to America sounds PERFECT, and if you’re excited for the book (now or once it’s finally in your hands), let her know; we need our voices of support to be louder than the trolls. Make sure to let @Marvel know you approve of their decision to diversify both their leading heroes and their creator line-up, too. -- source link