orangeorc:“Where are we going?” whined Julie. “C’mon! Just let me gohome?”“Now, now, Julie…” said Am
orangeorc:“Where are we going?” whined Julie. “C’mon! Just let me gohome?”“Now, now, Julie…” said Amanda, turning around and thrustingher enormous natural breasts at Julie. “Is that anyway for a little beta toaddress her alpha rack?”Julie did a double-take. “Fuck, Julie, did they did get bigger since we left? Like, are you growing?”“Of course I have, little beta…” said Amanda, taking a stepcloser. “Did you think my grandness would peak at a meager little G cup?”“Amanda, I can hear threadsin your shirts and bra starting to pop and rip!”“They have grown too puny to contain me…” said Julie,looking down at her bulging cleavage playfully. “Why don’t you undress them?”Julie wanted to obey immediately, but forced her hands tostay at her sides. They were trembling, but she held them there. “You’re not… the bust-boss…you’re not the boss of me…” said Julie, shakily. Amanda took a breath, puffing up her chest. Her breasts,however, kept puffing up even after her lungs were full. Julie heard morelittle rips as Amanda’s already huge breasts bulged out the tops and sides ofher shirt. “Actually… I am theboss of you…” said Amanda, staring down at Julie. “My boobs… are bigger. That makes me the alpha rack. That means you will do what I say…”Resist as she might, Julie’s trembling hands rose up toAmanda’s shirt, and began to unbutton it. “Even if you don’t want to.”“This isn’t… fair!” said Julie. “How are you growing likethis? How come big boobs mean you can control my body? How come-““Undress me faster, minion! I’m growing far too… quickly…for this little shirt… to contain me… much… longer…!”Julie’s eyes went’ wide. Amanda’s huge breasts were suddenlyas big as basketballs, and bulging out of her shirt like bread with too muchyeast. Amanda stood up taller and taller. Julie realized Amanda’simmense tits were going to expand right into her face, but before she couldstep back, Amanda’s top exploded. Julie was knocked back by what felt like airbags full ofjello. Amanda snorted arrogantly and her bouncing, jiggling tits grew out infront of her until they were as big as beach balls. She casually shook off hershredded pants as her curvaceous hips grew wider and her shapely legs grewlonger. “Too slow…” said Amanda. Her tits were too big for her tocross her arms, but hefted/groped her gargantuan breasts with sufficient smugness.“What. The fuck. Is happening?” said Julie, too stunned byAmanda’s growth to stand back up, or even blink. “I told you. I’m an alpha rack. All women lust busty than I must obey me,” said Amanda, like shewas speaking with an especially slow child. “Every time I make someone obey me,I get bigger. And every time I get bigger…”Amanda smiled at something coming up behind Julie. Julieturned, and saw their friends Izzy and Shade.“…every time I get bigger, more people will obey me.”“We come to obey you without question, your hugeness,” saidIzzy, like she was in a trance. “Why are you seven feet tall comic-book-hero boobs?” asked Shade.“She’s alpha rack,” said Julie, getting to her feet slowly. “Thatmeans-““Mind control super-boobs. Got it,” said Shade giving athumbs up. “I figured, I was just checking.”Amanda smiled, and gestured approvingly at Shade. “See, Julie? She got it right away!” said Amanda. As shespoke, she grew again, rising up to ten feet tall. Her boobs were bigger thanyoga balls. “Julie, I like you, but you just don’t seem to get this whole…thing. I’m making Shade and Izzy my new betas. I’m demoting you to gamma.”“What’s so great about being a beta?” said Julie, lostagain. “Uh, it means the alpharack lets you access some of her amazing growth and expansion powers,” said Shade. Julie turned around, and realized Shade and Izzy had bothburst out of their clothes, grown to seven feet tall, and her playing withtheir newly medicine-ball-sized tits.“Fuck, you guys too?”“Hey, you were thebeta,” said Izzy, stepping forward and pushing Julie’s face between her boobs.“You had your chance and you blew it!” said Shade, blocking Julie’s escape from the other side. Julie was briefly worried she would die in warm, jiggly,marshmallow prison but Izzy and Shade stepped away from each other when thengrew to ten feet tall, letting Julie fall to the ground. As Julie collected herself, she realized Shade and Izzy wereaddressing a line about twenty other women who must have come in just afterthem. “All right, gammas!” said Izzy, gesturing at the newbies. “This is Amanda! As you can tell, she’sthe biggest, so she’s the alpha rack! We live to serve her glorious, expandinghotness!”Amanda was almost thirty feet tall, and casually leaning herback against a cliff. Her tits were bigger across than a man was tall, as herimmense shadow covered everyone else in the clearing. “Me and Shade are the Betas! That means when Amanda’s rackisn’t present, you submit to the authority of our boobs!”Izzy and Shade pressed their gargantuan melons against eachother. “IF you obey us, you will be permitted to boss around allwomen who foolishly oppose Amanda, and therefore remain laughably small, likethis Iota here!”Shade gestured at Julie.“Iota? I thought I was a gamma!” whined Julie. Shade rolled her eyes. “No. Julie, these womenare gammas. Do you look big enough tobe a gamma?”Julie glanced back the row of the women. One by one, theirexpanding busts were bursting out of their tops. They were stretching out,bigger and taller and longer, and the shortest of them was still at least sixfeet tall. “Fuck, I’m behind. Okay, but if I’m not a gamma, wouldn’t Ibe an epsilon?”“Nope. Too small,” said Izzy, gesturing the throng of ahundred or so women who’d gathered behind the gammas. “Get in line behind theepsilons.”Julie grumbled, stomping to the back of the throng. In theclearing, Amanda (100 feet tall and growing bigger by the second) was allowingher twenty-foot-tall betas to suck on her giant boobs, which were as big asthey were. From the back of Amanda’s army, Julie stuck out her chest,took a deep breath, concentrated as hard as she could… and remained 5’3” withB-cup breasts. Girls shorter and flatter than Julie were showing up now, andalmost as soon as they laid eyes on Amanda they suddenly six feet tall withDDD-tits popping out of their shirts. Amanda stood up, bigger than a skyscraper, and swung herhot-air-balloon mega-jugs in the direction of the first city her army was toconquer. Her bust sloshed heavily from side to side and the earth shook as theamazon legion followed their colossal goddess to glory. By the time Amanda reached the city, she’d grown so huge shehad to bend forward to crush buildings with her boobs. Men ran for their lives,while the city’s women slowly converged around Amanda, bursting out of theirclothes as they chose their new alpha rack. Almost every woman who saw Amandawas following her, and growing larger by the second. Julie had given up and gone home to watch her weird frienddestroy civilization on the news. “This sucks,” said Julie, checking for the billionth time tosee if her boobs had grown while she was looking at the television. (They hadn’t.)On TV, kaiju-sized Shade and Izzy were smashing buildingswith their tits and asses. Behind them, Amanda was as laying on her side and asbig as a curvy mountain range. Amanda chuckled as her voluptuous minionssmashed the city on her behalf. Julie finished her bag of chips, and wondered if herneighbor Joleene was watching this. When she looked across the street atJoleene’s house, a fifteen-foot Joleene suddenly exploded through her own roof.“AMANDA! I’M COMING, MY GODDESS!” said Joleene, smashinginto traffic and growing to thirty feet tall as she ran. “I’m sorry I’m not asbig as the others yet! I’ll grow faster! I’ll grow faster!”Julie gritted her teeth as another giantess exploded out ofanother house, and then again down the block. Every woman she knew was growinginto a giantess, or at least an amazon, andJulie still needed a stool to get things off the high shelf!“I give the fuck up,” said Julie, plopping in front of thetelevision, and reaching her pants to masturbate. “If I can’t fucking join thefun, I might as well enjoy it on my own-“Almost as soon Julie started masturbating, her boobs burstout of her shirt, her legs shot across the room into the far wall, and her assgrew so big it crushed the couch.Julie blinked until her eyes adjusted to the sunlight, andrealized she’d grown clear through her roof. Her butt was covering the ruins ofher old house.“Huh.” -- source link
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