synnyi: I took the Entertainment Design Summer Intensive at ACCD during July and basically got my as

synnyi: I took the Entertainment Design Summer Intensive at ACCD during July and basically got my as
synnyi: I took the Entertainment Design Summer Intensive at ACCD during July and basically got my as
synnyi: I took the Entertainment Design Summer Intensive at ACCD during July and basically got my as
synnyi: I took the Entertainment Design Summer Intensive at ACCD during July and basically got my as
synnyi: I took the Entertainment Design Summer Intensive at ACCD during July and basically got my as
synnyi: I took the Entertainment Design Summer Intensive at ACCD during July and basically got my as
synnyi: I took the Entertainment Design Summer Intensive at ACCD during July and basically got my as
synnyi: I took the Entertainment Design Summer Intensive at ACCD during July and basically got my as