bimbo-puppetsandplaythings: SouledAfter the tour of the showroom Hilary sank into the leather chair.
bimbo-puppetsandplaythings: SouledAfter the tour of the showroom Hilary sank into the leather chair.“Ok, shall we discuss the finance payments?”Hilary looked away from the car salesman who sat opposite her and stared off into nothing despite being surrounded by an impressive array of vehicles. Ever since she had stepped foot in the place she had felt deeply distracted. Everything seemed to make her feel an overwhelming sense of peace that had dropped her guard immediately. The lighting, the soft hum of the air conditioning and even the fresh ‘new car’ smell. She didn’t know what to say and her thoughts seemed to evaporate into the air as quickly and simply as the fumes of a car exhaust.Hilary knew that she had to pay attention. Car salesmen were notorious for their cunning and the last thing she wanted was to stumble into an unexpected purchase that she couldn’t back out from. She had to be doubly careful with her attire as well. Although her flirty outfit was designed to drop prices, a slow subtle cross of the legs or a delicate push of her tits together for cleavage leverage, she was also aware that it made her look like a ditz who could be taken advantage of. Listening and being present in the moment were key and Hilary was losing on both fronts in a way she couldn’t clearly explain.“So I’ll set up the monthly payments to go directly to BMBO”.BMBO? Hilary had no idea what he was talking about. Presumably it was a company that managed car finance but it was one that she had never heard of before. She surprised herself with how much trust she was putting in the salesmen. If looks were anything to go by she should have turned on her heel and bolted the minute he opened his mouth. His slick back hair and sneaky smile made him look sleazy and the way he leered at her was inappropriate regardless of how she was dressed.“So here’s the contract”, he continued. “I just need you to sign at the bottom”.She opened her hands and took the paper dreamily. When she looked down the whole thing was a blur. Did she need glasses? She had been able to read the license plates of the cars earlier. With a surge of effort she managed to gather together a string of thoughts.“I…I can’t sign this” She murmured pushing it back to him. “I mean, you haven’t even given me a pen and none of this feels right”.“Oh we don’t need a written signature”, he laughed. “Gracious no, if you can just give the box a kiss your lipstick mark will suffice”.The transaction was taking a bizarre turn which must have been evident on her face. Hilary watched anxiously as he leaned back calmly in his chair and spoke to her boobs.“Let’s be honest here dear you don’t need a car. You need a brain drain, a bubbly personality and a man to care of you. If you sign this document you can get in the car you wanted to buy and I’ll get a driver to take you to the nearest bimbo conversion centre. We’ll take all the money from your account to pay for your transformation. After all you won’t be needing it anymore. So let’s not be silly now, sign the paper like a good girl and we can get the process started”.Hilary was horrified. It was a sick joke, a sales prank, a stupid dare. Yet the way that he looked at her in such a relaxed and confident manner made her feel certain he had gone off the sales script and was speaking the truth. She stood up angrily, resisted the urge to give him a sharp slap across the face and stormed across the floor and out of the door. Yet when she looked down she was still sat in the chair. Thought and action were severed and her true intentions sat uselessly in her imagination.Hilary had no choice but to watch as he stood up and took the contract from her hands. Then in a swift motion he paced around her chair, hung the paper in front of her face and pushed the back of her head gently towards it. She felt ashamed of herself as if her lips puckered before they made impact with the contract and when he pulled away she observed the clear, bold lipstick shape studded in the signature box proudly.“Good girl”, the salesman said softly, bending down to play with her tits as he had clearly been so desperate to do since he clocked eyes on her.Once he had had his fill he yelled across the room to the offices.“Boris, it’s done. Grab the keys and let’s go”.Hilary screamed internally as she took the sweaty hand he offered and allowed him to guide her to the car that had almost been hers.Like this story? Have something to say? Please feel free to leave me a comment in the Ask Me Anything section of my Tumblr page or e-mail me at I’m also open to picture submissions in the Submit section.For further reading check out my Deviant Art page at or my story area at My author name is BPAP.Thanks for readingB-PAP -- source link
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