absolutecripplingdepression:blurrymango:watermelonoperator:sneggleblech:indianaconservative:sillylandblaze:indianaconservative:sillylandblaze:indianaconservative:sillylandblaze:indianaconservative:sillylandblaze:yooterus:generallemarc:yooterus:generallemarc:yooterus:generallemarc:yooterus:generallemarc:yooterus:siryouarebeingmocked:yooterus:cheshireinthemiddle:yooterus:rainbowloliofjustice:feminismisahatemovement:seed-of-impurity:siryouarebeingmocked:lesdeuxanes:siryouarebeingmocked:zanthador64:siryouarebeingmocked:I guarantee you that any man who hates radical feminism — who hates & derides the ideas radical feminists put forth — hates women. - Radfem Meghan MurphyThat awkward moment a rad-fem interchanges radical feminist and woman even though less than 10% of women identify as feminists, let alone radical ones. Drink a shot.To be fair, regular feminists do this exact same thing all the time.Have you guys ever heard of a thing called projection?Yes.One radical feminist put forward the idea that men, upon reaching 15 years of age, should be removed from society and forced to live alone. They were not to be allowed to congregate in numbers greater than 3 and not to interact with women unless the woman explicitly allowed them to look at, speak to, and touch them. They were not to be allowed to live in urban areas and were to be relegated to distant, subsistence-only farms. They were not under any circumstances to have any contact with children, theirs included.Apparently, to have issue with this idea is to have issue with all women everywhere. Who knew?“If life is to survive on this planet, there must be a decontamination of the Earth. I think this will be accompanied by an evolutionary process that will result in a drastic reduction of the population of males“ - Mary Daly“The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race” - Sally Miller Gearhart “Rape is nothing more or less than a conscious process of intimidation by which all men keep all women in a state of fear” - Susan Brownmiller“I want to see a man beaten to a bloody pulp with a high-heel shoved in his mouth, like an apple in the mouth of a pig” - Andrea Dworkin “Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage” - Sheila Cronin“The institution of sexual intercourse is anti-feminist” - Ti-Grace Atkinson“When a woman reaches orgasm with a man she is only collaborating with the patriarchal system, eroticizing her own oppression” - Sheila Jeffrys Anyone who takes issue with any of the above radical feminist teachings just hates women.Many prolific radfems literally advocate for treating males like they’re subhuman. And they’re too damn self-unaware to actually realize “Wow! When we advocate for treating someone like animals, they hate us!”I mean, a world without men would be lit though lol “I mean, a world without [black people] would be lit though lol ”#feminismFuckin racist lolWhy am I not surprised you missed the point of the analogy?I didn’t miss it, dude. I understood it just fine. I see this comparison all the fucking time, it would be ridiculous if I didn’t understand it at this point. It’s cute that you think you have the high ground.And that’s just preciousActually no, feminism is about female liberation. I see you fell for the re-branding of it just like everyone else lol. Ah yes, because it’s misogynist to call out bigots for being bigots. Truly, I must hate all women everywhere for the crime of criticizing you. People like you are the reason feminists don’t get taken seriously-what’s even the point of having a movement if you deliberately doom yourselves to failure? Ah yes, I must be a misandrist for wanting women to have the option to disconnect from men all together. Yes, I must be misandrist for centering women in my life and prioritizing them. Yes, I must be a misandrist for stating the fact that men commit the vast majority of atrocities, have historically and still, dominate women and actively harm us on the basis of our sex. Yes, I must be a misandrist for saying that a movement, ONE movement, for once, doesn’t fucking cater to men. Boo hoo. Cry me a river. I also want to remind you that we, as a society, have come to a point where you, as a man, (assuming) can, at any given time, throw on a dress and a wig and makeup and claim to be a woman and have instant access to women’s spaces. And you will have people crawling from the fucking woodworks to support you and will actively wish death and even go as far as doxxing women who don’t agree. You, as men, have yet again earned another privilege in society. If pointing these things out and actively making sure that women are safe first and foremost, makes me a misandrist, then…so be it. You anti-feminist egalitarians aren’t my main concern right now anyways, so I don’t even know why I’m wasting my time anymore. You’re a misandrist because you call yourself one. Was that not obvious? And I highly doubt you actually care about wasting time, since you clearly don’t mind throwing so much bile into defending a tiny minority of hateful people through talking points you should know I won’t bother reading. It was funny the first time, but now it’s just old.Okay well go be an anti-feminist egalitarian somewhere else, then. Also, if you’re a woman, tell me now. “Wahhhhhh the evil radfems advocate for treating males as though they’re subhuman…. It’s not like men have stated women are subhuman and inferior to men for millenia :((( only the men are allowed to choose who is subhuman and who isn’t!! Fucking feminazis!” Ah yes, the Eric Cartman method: “The only way to combat hate, is with more hate!” Nice strawman by the way.Ah yes, the Morally Righteous™ perspective. Whenever the oppressed start treating their oppressors with the same form of disdain, suddenly it’s all about “you can’t fight fire with fire! You’re just as bad as they are :(” It’s not a strawman argument, lol. It’s role reversal. Radfems view men the same way men as a class have viewed women since humanity’s inception. Die mad about it You’ve never been oppressed a day in your life, and you’re just being a hateful shit. It is a strawman, especially since for every man who did view women with disdain, their are twenty more willing to die for a woman in their life. But way to show that you think men are just a collective hive-mind totally incapable of their own thoughts.Well, if Tumblr user indianaconservative says so, it must be the truth. No, it’s anyone who isn’t a complete moron. Amazing how radfems on here always reverts to form by posting a gif the second their views are challenged.Have you ever stopped to consider that maybe radfems don’t want to waste our time arguing with people like you? This is Tumblr, dude, no one owes you a critical essay for whatever dumb talking point you regurgitate. lmaoI’m gonna go ahead and assume you’re male, because you’re entitled, arrogant, out of touch, and insufferable. Adios! That’s because nutjobs like you don’t like venturing out of your little echo chamber. Boy, you sure do have that projection down pat don’t you?At least @sillylandblaze can admit they’re assuming you’re male, simply because you disagree How pathetic can radfems get?If you don’t already know the answer you don’t want toGuys I hate women. <3Trans Inclusionary Radical Misogyny lads, let’s go, 2021 rebootMake woman hating great again -- source link
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