kiellessa: Some more AnE cc, but this time, for pets! Cats to be exact. Kuro, Uke, and Mike can now
kiellessa: Some more AnE cc, but this time, for pets! Cats to be exact. Kuro, Uke, and Mike can now add a bit of mischief and furry snuggle-time to your game! You can find my actual builds of them in the game’s online gallery by searching for #kiellessa (make sure you browse looking for cc/modded items). Remember to download and install the cc below, first!REQUIRES PETS!Kuro - (download all items zipped)Horns [hat] - (download here) Collar - (download here) Double Tails [tails are the same package for Uke & Mike] - (download here) Ukemochi & Miketsu (no kanji on the bibs, sorry!)- (download all items zipped) Uke’s Hat & Bib [collar] - (download here) Mike’s Bib [collar] - (download here)Double Tails [tails are the same package for Kuro] - (download here) -- source link
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