Molly suddenly focused back into reality from the touch ofthe cold window on her finger.“Oh!” She sq
Molly suddenly focused back into reality from the touch ofthe cold window on her finger.“Oh!” She squeaked, before blinking heavily. She shook herhead a few times to regain her balance.“Jeez where- What happened, did I…” Molly thought, feelingthe cobwebs finally clearing out of her brain. She slowly looked down at thegarment around her waist.“Fuck. Molly! UGH! This is getting seriously messed up. I’mliterally in a PULL-UP right now!!!” Molly yelled to herself. Her hands feltaround the padded undergarment. She was testing for any wetness.Her head immediately hung in shame.“*SIGH* This is getting out of hand. I need to controlmyself; I need to throw those VHS tapes away TODAY.” Molly said, feeling amountain of regret and anxiety fall upon her. Before she looked away from thewindow, she saw an ice cream truck slowly driving away from her apartmentcomplex. “That’s probably why I was in the window anyways…” Shemumbled to herself. Her feet hit the floor. The soft feeling of the carpettickled the bottom of them. Molly quickly grabbed for her phone to messageJessica. She flicked it open and hit the green text message icon at the bottom.She clicked on Jessica’s messages.Her heart sank.*5 Days Ago*“Hey Jess, thanks for understand my fetish! I’m gonna givethe tapes a watch tonight. I’m so excited!! ” - Molly“Enjoy! See you on the other side ”- Jessica*4 ½ Days Ago*“Feel reaaallly werd with tyehese pikturs. U shure theseok?” -Molly“Just keep watching Baby Girl, it only gets better fromhere.” -Jessica*3 Days Ago*“Hey, think I’m gonna return the tapes. I really liked them,but they’re kinda messing with my head. Wanna meet up for lunch at 1 today?I’ll return them then.”-Molly“No problem! See you at the same Café.” -Jessica.“Hey, where are you? You’re an hour late…” -Jessica*2 Days Ago*“All good, Molly?” -Jessica*1 Day Ago*“Hello?!” -Jessica*5 Hours Ago*“I bet someone’s been watching those tapes after all ”-JessicaMolly dropped the phone from her hand and onto thefloor. “Oh my god, I’ve been in Baby mood for 3 days!?” Molly said,looking over at the TV. It was dark, but she felt her brain grow lighter themore she looked at it. She could see the faintest images of swirls and diapers.She shook her head and looked at the wall.“I’m fucked up. Holy shit I’m…” Molly said, feeling herpull-up getting warm suddenly. “..I’m going pooootttyyyy” Molly said with achildish tone at the end and a wet giggle. Her brain kept feeling lighter. Thewarmth from her diaper sent yummy waves of delight and ease into her mind.Molly’s feelings about her pull-up quickly flipped.Instead of feeling all yucky about them. She felt safe andsecure. These are what they were for anyways. Sometimes she had accidents.Nothing wrong with that. And what was the harm in suddenly plopping onto herbutt, and having a little fun with a pillow between her knees and warm squishypull-up?“Me gonna- a-… aaahhh” Molly gurgled, trying her best toform coherent thoughts and words in her brain, but her pillow humping derailedany chance of that. Her 5-day training kept her eyes glued to the dark blankscreen, while lines of drool started dripping down her lips. Her brain keptlifting into a warm, lovely level of babyish pleasure.“I need ta… ta…da..” Molly tried finishing her sentence, inhopes that she would indeed look away, but the pleasure grew too much, and shegave into her growing babyish desires.“..ta..da…da….” Molly mumbled around her white pacifier. Hereyes were locked onto the flashy screen in front of her. Her mouth movedindependently of any thought process in her brain.“How’s our little dumb-dumb doing!” A voice echoed from thedoorway. The loud exclamation dislodged Molly’s eyes from the screen. A momentof weak lucidity came upon Molly.“Wah, mama? Was? Wha?” Molly said, trying her best to conveythe jumbled thoughts in her head. It was so hard to hold onto anything at thispoint. It was like trying to catch puffy rabbits in her brain.“Oh! Is our little one up? Is she trying to be a big kidagain?” Jessica said, as she made her way over to the bed. Molly saw her facecome into focus. Immense confusion blanketed her brain.Her barely conscious mind knew her as Mommy. The prettypictures told her so, and frankly, she did everything a Mommy does for thebaby. Diaper changes, fresh bottles, she even made her hair pretty and blondefor her.In the farthest reaches though, she saw her as someone else.As if she wasn’t her Mommy. Molly knew that was a ridiculous idea, but adimming light in her brain tried to warn her of something. Feeling resigned tojust not worry about it, Molly pushed it out of her head in an instant. Herdeeply regressed mind scrubbing that silly thought away forever.Still though, Jessica could notice some discomfort in Molly’seyes. A wicked smile came across her face.“Baby, can you remember anything up there in you dumb littlehead?” Jessica said, stroking Molly’s now dirty blonde hair. Molly heard thewords and could barely string them together into a question. She tried soundingout each word in her head, but she lost track of the word that was in the backof that one, but also there were more in the front? The floor fell out fromunder her train of thought and Molly resigned with herself to just stareblankly at Jessica.Jessica chuckled to herself. She could tell how hard Molly’sbrain was working. Maybe that question was too hard for her. She thought itbest to help the girl along.“Baby.” Jessica said while snapping her fingers to getMolly’s attention. Molly shook her head and focused on her Mommy.“Are you a baby?” Jessica said, letting the words echothrough Molly’s empty brain for a moment. Molly’s eyes lit up; she knew theanswer to this one!“Da!” Molly said excitedly, she nodded her head up and downfuriously for extra effect.“Good girl! Yes, you are! But, have you always worndiapers?” Jessica said, pointing down to the swollen diaper around Molly’waist. That one through Molly for a loop at first. She knew hermind would forget what Mommy just said if she didn’t act fast. So, she simplyblurted out the first thing that came to her mind.“Puww-duwp?” Molly said uncertainty. She didn’t know what itmeant, or why she said that. Hell, she didn’t even know what the word was. Itdidn’t matter though. The whole conversation quickly dissolved again though inher baby brain. She found her eyes glazing over as thoughts of pacifiers anddiapers took her.“Ha! Pull-ups. That’s as far back as she can remember, huh?”Jessica said to the now babbling girl. She was absent mindedly chewing on herpacifier while making an unassisted mess in her diaper. “That was how manymonths ago now? 8? 10? God I’ve lost count.” Jessica said with a smile. Shepatted the girls head while a few grunts escaped her.“Go have some fun in baby land, Molly. I’ll change thatstinky diaper in a bit!” Jessica said with a wink, before flipping the TV backon. The lights caused Molly’s eyes to grow wide and dull even further.Happy songs of teddy bears and full diapers filled her head.The only thing that would fill Molly’s head for the rest of her life. Like this caption? Want to see HUNDREDS more not posted on Tumblr? Check out my patreon! :) -- source link
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