maggiecaps: “God what am I doing? I’m wearing a pull-up into school! Like, literally a p
maggiecaps: “God what am I doing? I’m wearing a pull-up into school! Like, literally a pull-up designed for kids who are potty training!” Stacy thought as she looked in the stall’s mirror. Her additional wardrobe wasn’t very ‘adult’ either. She was wearing a tiger onesie, complete with the detachable butt flaps. It wasn’t what you’d expect the most popular girl in the senior class to wear in the middle of the school year. ‘Baby Powder’ they were calling it on the streets. It was better than marijuana, yet not quite as addictive as coke. It was becoming increasingly popular in high schools around the country. If you didn’t take very much, you got a pretty kick ass high from the substance. But, if you rode past the very fine line of too much, the drug had lingering neurological effects. Not only did it make you highly addicted to the substance, but the abuser started experiencing ‘infantile’ mental urges. Hence the street name: ‘Baby Powder.’Stacy had to use all the will power she had to stop herself from showing up to school in a diaper and t-shirt. She had to compromise with her urges, and instead settled on the tiger PJ and pull-up combo. Still, as Stacy stared at herself in the mirror, she knew she was in deep. She pulled her phone out and took a picture of herself in the mirror to send to a friend. She looked at it on the screen, and for some reason it didn’t feel right.“Need to get my underwear in there…” She thought lazily, turning around and exposing her padded butt. She snapped another picture, feeling finally satisfied with the results. She loaded the picture into a message to her best friend Mandy, the socially accepted second most popular girl in the school.“The shit from last week’s party is really messing with my head Mandy. I’m wearing a goddamn pull-up and PJs to school. I couldn’t stop myself this morning when I was getting ready. Am I fucked?” Stacy texted, seeing her friend open the message instantly. A few seconds later the responding bubble popped up in her messages. Mandy’s message came through shortly after.“Yeah, we told you that you were taking too much. What is wrong with you? Everyone is talking about it today. I’ve heard from 5 different people that they saw you wearing a pull-up, I didn’t think it was actually true until you just sent me this. Go to the doctor or something before it gets worse baby lol.” Mandy texted back. A fiery rage suddenly erupted in Stacy as she read the words. She had no emotional control over it. She started stomping her left and right feet loudly onto the bathroom tiles.“I’m not a BABY!” Stacy yelled, anger take over her mouth. She HATED being compared to a baby. All the big kids said that to her whenever she wore pull-ups. “They’re just for in case! I’m a big kid! I don’t go pee pee in my pants like a baby any more…” Stacy said, looking down at her PJs. She certainly didn’t look the part as someone who keeps their pants dry. All this talk about her underwear sent a mental reminder to Stacy as to why she walked into the bathroom stall in the first place. The growing pressure in the bladder.Stacy spun around to look at the toilet in front of her. At first, her normal bathroom thought execution ran through her mind. Walk to the toilet, pull her pull-up down, then… Right there. That part about taking off her pull-up. It seemed suddenly so adult and grown-up to do. A childish smile started spreading across Stacey’s face.“What if I… Just… hehe..” Stacy thought, feeling the pressure in her bladder start releasing. “Went pee pee in… my…” Stacy thought, as a warm trickle began flowing into her pull-up. The drug’s long term effects were working their magic on Stacy’s prefrontal cortex. It felt suddenly fun to perform such a babyish act. Her pull-up expanded with warm pee as she pushed harder into her pants. “…das what my pull-up is for … duh?” Stacy thought, swimming in the warm wet feeling splashing into her underwear. She maintained eye contact with the toilet as she peed. It was one thing to use her pull-up, but she wanted to go further. Whether it was the drug’s side effects or Stacy’s genuine desires, she didn’t want to know what that white porcelain seat was for anymore. The feeling of wetting herself was delicious candy fun bubbles in her mind. She wanted to chase that feeling. She wanted more, she wanted to be dumber. Stacy giggled to herself as she walked straight out of the stall. Butt flap still open, her wet pull-up on clear display for anyone to see.“I know how to make me dumber…” Stacy thought, as she walked down the hall. “I can get home and take more of dat fun time powder!” Stacy thought, her mind starting to spin up all the babyish acts she was about to commit at home, starting first of course with doing a bunch of that powder she had saved in her closet. In between awkward stares and whispers, Stacy walked out of the school and to her car, she hopped in and sped home. Stacy pressed the final tape onto her pink diaper. Her eyes feasted on the three lines of powder in front of her.“Just a little more here, then I’m done with it. I’ll go back to being a big kid after this last time.” Stacy thought, as she brought her face closer to the first line. She thought about her potty training as she started to inhale. The act of recognizing her bladder pressure, walking to the potty, and finally making it on time before wetting herself.“Oof…” Stacy said, as she inhaled the first line. The memories of her making on time started to glitch and fail in her brain. That’s not what normally happened, was it? Stacy tried running through the process again. “I go to da potty and look down… at the um… when do I go pee pee again? Isn’t dat one suppose to go right in my di… no wait?” Stacy thought, her potty training failing miserably in her brain. None of it made sense. Using the potty was really difficult, and it was so easy to use her diaper. When didn’t she just let go? “Ah poopie, maybe I figure it out afta dis one.” Stacy thought, moving toward the second line and inhaling. “Duh… I tink my diaipie getting’ warma’..” Stacy uttered to herself, feeling a mushy warmth spread around the crotch of her diaper. She tried thinking about her potty training again, but it was way too fuzzy at this point. So instead, she tried thinking about the memories of her potty training, but even that seemed strange to her now. Instead of remembering the times she made it and slowly built upon her training, those memories seemed to change. Instead of making it, she remembered just pissing herself instead. When her parents scolded her for being too old to still be in diapers, instead of feeling bad, she remembered feeling happy. She kept peeing on them on purpose. She never built upon those muscles, right? They always felt loose and mushy like this.“Waheeee!!!” Stacy thought, as the final line entered her body. But that wasn’t enough. She opened the jar of powder on the table and spilled all out on the table. She started taking fistfuls of the drug and began scooping it toward her face. She inhaled handful and handful.“I drub da… de us…” Stacy babbled, after stuffing her face full of the powder. Her mind felt spiny, she wasn’t able to recall anything. Her body didn’t know how to recall memory. This was the first moments of her existence, wasn’t it? Her legs felt wobbly, she’d never stood on her own before without Mommy helping her. Stacy felt drool begin spilling out the sides of her numb face.“Boof!” Stacy babbled, feeling her butt fall down on the soft floor. It felt squishy back there. Like someone spilled a bunch of oatmeal into the back of it. She didn’t know how or why those feelings got there, but they sure were fun to play in! Stacy felt her body start humping and grinding the wet and messy padding of her diaper. It sent shockwaves of dumb bliss through her brain.Stacy was mentally reset to zero. She couldn’t comprehend ideas. Letters and numbers were lightyears away from her understanding. Words were beyond the observable universe. Her brain therefore could only think in fleeting, quick bursts of feelings. She couldn’t communicate with herself anymore. She simply reacted to the babyish motions of her body and world around her.Her mouth spat out a ridiculous mess of random sounds. There wasn’t any meaning behind them. Her drool covered mouth and face acted independently of her mind. Just like her bladder and bowl muscles. Her brain didn’t have the ability to recognize feelings within her body if she tried. There was barely enough neurons to keep her body awake as it was. Even then, that started to fail as more of the drug started running into her brain. The blurry colorful word started growing dark spots. Stacy’s vision became darker as a dumb confused look flashed across her messy contorted face. Quickly, the room became black, and Stacy passed out.“Duh?” Stacy said, suddenly sitting up from the floor. Her head felt lighter than a helium filled balloon. She could feel herself mentally rebooting, but nearly every adult system wasn’t coming back online. Instead, her newly reprogramed baby brain was waking up. “Was me doin’ in da… why diapie… so… full?” Stacy thought, trying to reconcile what was going on. She was sitting in a cool puddle of her own pee.Stacy was completely lost and didn’t have the mental skills anymore to reconcile why she felt that way. It was super hard to process her emotions and thoughts. But, in the back of her mind, an old trick seemed to surface to the forefront of her brain. Recall! Stacy tried focusing all the mental capacity she had left on her memories. As weak as they were. She searched for any shred so she could understand how she got here.“SkooL!” Stacy suddenly yelled, recalling the dimmest memory of her at pre-school not that long ago. Her mind couldn’t hold onto the idea for very long, she felt her mental hands fumble the memory as it slipped away. Still, it was plenty of direction for Stacy to work off of! She looked around the room so she could get ready for the first day of pre-school.“Dis wooks wike mommy big kid.” Stacy said, throwing out every word she had in her vocabulary for “adult” in that sentence. She picked up a dirty pair of panties off the floor next to her. She struggled for ten minutes to get them on, the holes were always so tricky! But after that nearly impossible task, she was finally ready for her first day of school! She felt profoundly adult at the pair of panties she just put on. She’d finally be seen as a big kid to all the kids at school!“Me needa gets weady!” Stacy thought, getting up onto her knees. Her brain instinctively found the powder again on the table. Without hesitation she dug her face into the pile of powder and started to inhale. Her body crumpled onto her back a second later. She was going back to pre-school…. In her mind! That is, if she ever figured out how to control it again. But oh well, that was for big kids to worry about now, not a dumb mind-blank baby like Stacy. Check out my Patreon for more! -- source link
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