canadianshits:This is a list of helpful sites pulled from multiple masterposts, compiled into one. (
canadianshits:This is a list of helpful sites pulled from multiple masterposts, compiled into one. (Photos are linked with their respective post.)listsandmasterposts:P R O D U C T I V I T Y 30/30* - personal favorite, I always use this to study and manage time. Essential productivity apps for any student* Top 5 productivity apps for iOS (video)* Top 5 productivity apps for Android (video)* StayFocusd*- limits the time you can spend on time-wasting websites Time Warp* - keeps you from procrastinating Self Control* - blocks websites The science of productivity (video) The science of procrastination and how to manage it (video) 7 brain hacks to improve your productivity (video) The simple science of getting more done (in less time) Productivity tips About power naps How to pull an all-nighter effectively O R G A N I Z A T I O N My Study Life* - It’s a planner to help you remember when your homework is due and stuff like that Free printable planner To do list How to make a study schedule Class folder organization S C H O O L // S T U D Y I N G Inkflow Visual Notebook* - I haven’t used this one, but it’s for note taking (if you’re a visual learner it’s probably quite useful Free Flashcards Study Helper* - Create flashcards and carry them around to study anywhere Apps for students* Tips and trick to help you get good grades Learning how to study Cornell note taking method BBC Bitesize Studyblue - flashcards, quizzes, review sheets, study guides, etc. Essay writing Textbook masterpost (and other stuff too) Wolfram Alpha for research Memorizing dates Making a good study guide Note taking like a pro Online calculator Finals survival guide How to survive finals School survival guide Free online courses Scholarpedia Mathway Khan academy Quizlet Homework help Exam survival tips Studying for an important exam Answering multiple choice questions Guide on punctuation Science simplified How to answer exam questions How to study Useful websites CrashCourse How to write an essay Duolingo P R O J E C T S Public speaking Annoying Power Point presentation mistakes Power Point presentations Prezi Emaze - similar to prezi Rawshorts - video presentations If it has * it’s an app ~~~~~ read-theodora-read: Languages Duolingo- Learn certain languages for free. Achieving Proficiency- Really useful for Greeks (like me) or for anyone who wants to improve their english skills. Math/Science Cheat Sheets Periodic Table Biology! Music Skills Free guitar lessons Piano Lessons Philosophy Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Interesting philosophy quizzes Stress Relief The quiet place project- You will love this. Feelings Masterpost- Very helpful. Studying Free textbooks Bibme- Fully automatic bibliography maker that auto-fills and it’s free. StudyBlue- Make online flashcards. open2study- Free online study for everyone. Khan Academy- Learn anything. Coursera- Online courses for free. Quizlet- Make flashcards and test yourself. Wikiversity Presentation Zen- A blog that helps you with your presentations. Time management Momentum- Be motivated and organised. Test your vocabulary Grammar Check Website Blocker- Remove temptation. Coffitivity- Coffitivity recreates the ambient sounds of a cafe to boost your creativity and help you work better. ~~~~~ satansgallifreyanboxers: Essay writing Research and reading How to write a kickass essay with ½ of the stress How to write an essay Guide to writing a basic essay Essay writing: the basics What makes a good essay? How to google? (1) (2) Writing tips Harvard Writing Resources Other writing stuff Synonyms Masterpost can’t find the right word? Hemingway an online editor (Trust me, it’s awesome. Wish I’d known about it sooner) ~~~~~ ehlectrify: WRITING Remember the Word Alternatives to Said A little side note: ‘said’ is NOT dead. Use these alternatives carefully. If you use them too much they distract the reader from what the character is actually saying. Be wise alright, don’t clutter your story. Great Inspiration Getting Inspired Free Microsoft Word alternative Dealing with writer’s block Lay vs. lie When to change paragraphs Music for writing READING Free books & textbooks: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 STUDYING/SCHOOL/HOMEWORK Get homework help Maths problem solver: 1, 2 Calculator (graphing, etc.) Geography Learning how to study Flashcards Written? Kitten! How to pull and all-nighter and do well When should I go to sleep/wake up? Finals survival guide Alternative to Wikipedia Book Suggestions VERY useful websites (khan academy, tedtalks, etc) CrashCourse Study app (helps you manage time) Study tips video Learning a new language? (you can use this for any language) FITNESS Workouts at home: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Drink water! Fitness tips Clean up your diet ADVICE How to be ok with yourself 25 Resolutions Self confidence Self defense tips PLEASE READ THIS NICE LITTLE THINGS (THAT WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY) Calming cat Cute engagement Cute kitten Santino Fontana auditioning for Frozen role Hans Best figure skating I’ve seen in my life. ~~~~~ almightygrl: (note: links do not open in new tabs.) Study tips study guides and strategies block sites (chrome app stayfocusd) test if you’re a visual, auditory or kinesthetic learner study break - how to take notes - mindofamedstudent-tutorial-how-to-make playlists: (soundtracks: battlefield) (piano: modern-fairytale-iv) (indie: the-coffee-s-never-strong-enough) College tips make a to do+doing+done board print sources nicely (1) (2) recipes based on ingredients - recipepuppy popular new headlines - discussions/lectures - speed read - white noise - plan sleep time - google like a boss - png / jpg ebooks - / improve presentations - / don’ts: mistakes write essay (tumblr post) (protip: if u can’t imagine urself dropping the mic after the final sentence of ur essay, ur conclusion needs to be stronger) Learn stuff any subject (video lectures) Relax stress analyst - relaxonline distract yourself self-care tips self-care for overstimulated nerves softest legs feel better ~~~~~ listsandmasterposts: ~~~~~ listsandmasterposts: ~~~~~ mindatknight: (To distract/help you feel better. Includes calming playlists) -- source link
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