collaredkid05: Julian’s Quest For The Cure More then a year. I have been holding on to this pi
collaredkid05: Julian’s Quest For The Cure More then a year. I have been holding on to this picture for more then a year. This is by fa one of my favorite workings and one of my favorite stories. I hope it becomes one of your guys too. I wok so freaking hard on all of this so please, i hate to ask, if you like it, let me know. Positive feedback helps me get this shit done faster. Hope you enjoy!And with that. Enjoy the story.————————————————The tenderly terribly ticklish goth Julian struggled in his bounds as the dastardly sexy trucker woman with curves to blow the mind of any man swished her fiendish feather on the young man’s nethers. “You poor poor baby. Been getting you like this for days now and I don’t think that lovely pecker of yours is even close to empty!” With an evil gleam in her eye she swished the feather anywhere and everywhere, just as long as it would fill her ears with the torturous laughter of her toy, and fill the last jar with the sticky juice of his surrender. “Ah coochie coochie coochie! Candy knows how much you love her feathers, doesn’t she Julian? You love showing her feather just the best time ever? Treating it as sweetly as a woman ready to suck that fat sweetie of yours. What a sweet tickley gentleman you are.” Candy kept up the verbal teasing having this routine down to a science at this point. It was like Julian had become her favorite tender instrument, tweaking him in all the right places to be treated to the sexiest tunes of his laughter, and the richest of his naughty rewards. “This is the last jar till we’re square sugar pop. It’ll be so sad parting with you. I could almost shed a tear.” As if on cue a single drop of pre cum oozed from the slit of the horribly aroused goth boy. Candy expertly took the feather away from rimming his tip of the sensitive penis so he didn’t pop too early. This being the last jar, the sexy trucker wanted to make sure to savor it. Really drag it out. “Oh! Ooo Julian you ticklish fool! I’m so glad you feel the same.” “P-p-ple.. please…. I.. I can’t.” “I know sweetie. I know it’ll be hard to keep going without my tickles. But I know you can be strong right? You can be strong for little ol me??” Candy put the feather back on his tip and Julian couldn’t tel the difference between that or a taser the way it made him jump. She went right back swirling it around and around his cock tips ridges. “HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHA AHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAAH (moan) HAAHA AAH AHAHAAHAHAHAHA NO PLEASEHAHAAHAH! HAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!” “Oh yes you can love. You can be strong! You can be the strongest man I know, with the most tragically weak cock of any man on this planet. No matter how hard you try Julian it will always just take a few strokes from a sexy woman for you to spill everything your worth in seconds. You ticklish little quick shot!!!” With that Julian flew off the edge. Jetting shot after shot from his trembling member which Candy caught in her jar. “Oh Julian~ <3” The trucker gasped lovingly ——————– “So yea! I want to know if there is a way to numb my nerves.” Julian finished explaining to the doctor and his blushing giggling nurse. Doctor Kined stood there slack jawed from the story. Not knowing if he should call the police or call the men with the white coats. “I… see… um. Well son listen. I’m not quite sure if medical science has evolved just yet to… quite help you with your…..” The doctors words trailed off not knowing what to say. To which his beautiful mature nurse blurred out- “Your torturously ticklish situation!~” She said trying to hold back a giggle. Covering her pure red lips with her hand. Julian blushed a deep shade of red. Humiliated by having to tell the embarrassing story in front of such a beautiful woman. Her short gray hair said late 50’s but her body and face said early 30’s. “.. quite…thank you…. Mrs. Connor…” Julian looked down in disappointment. He knew this issue couldn’t keep going unchecked. Who knows when another situation like Candy would happen again!! At the mercy of the fiendish tickles of a sadistic woman. The risk was too great. Not to mention how would he ever have sex with his nerves so sensitive and his cock so easily set off. Julian looked up with the most beautiful pleading eyes. “Doctor. Is there anyone you could direct me to? Even if the treatment is experimental! Something is better then nothing! I’m begging you sir!” The doctor looked at his nurse who stood there eyes closed and smiling warmly and then back at the young man. He let out a deep sigh removing his glasses and rubbing his eyes. “Let me look threw my files. I’m sure there is someone. I think I have a doctor in mind. Give me 15 minutes or so. I’ll be right back” Doctor Kined then put his spectacles back on and went to the door. “Excuse me.” With that he walked out of the doctors office. Julian waited there with hope in his black little heart. This could be the beginning. This could be- *click* Julian looked up to see the beautiful woman taking her hand off the now locked door and walked towards him. She then playfully tickled his sides. “You know young man, I’m going to need to check this “condition”. As entertaining as your little ticklish tale was, you can’t expect us to believe it without evidence you poor boy.“ Julian started to blush as red nails danced along his ribs, forcing him down on the check up bed. “I wouldn’t lie! HAHAH AHAHAHAHA ah! You have my word miss!” “Well then we’ll just have to see if your naughty little issue checks out. Ah tickle tickle tickle tickle!~” Nurse Connor was on the right side of the check up bed and softly but firmly pushed the beautiful goth down. He could already feel himself getting erect under his hot little tight pants that left nothing to the imagination. With a flick of the wrist Nurse Connor unzipped the boys fly leading to the breath taking spring of the delicious young man’s cock, hitting the fresh air and making Julia quiver and the nurses mouth water. “My oh my! Aren’t you just a beautiful gift! Now let’s just see about those nasty little nerves of yours” She smiled and enthusiastic smile as she pulled up a single Q-tip. “If this penis over here is as bad as you say, then this will definitely do the trick.” With that she ran the fuzzy tool round and around his balls. Making what would look like the infinity sign along the shrieking patient’s tight nut sack. She giggled away watching Julian gasp and bite on his shirt to stifle the giggles trying to be let out. To which she would tweak his ribs to get him laughing. “My word! You truly are a sensitive little thing! Aw you poor soul. God help you.~” She enthusiastically said as she giggled running the q-tip up his shaft and around the head. It was stiffer then Candy’s feather. Able to make a firmer point on Julian’s sensitive bits. Despite the older woman’s cheerful demeanor, her tickling was ruthless, taking its tole on the black beauty all within a short amount of time. He bucked, he squirmed, everywhere his body spazzed the lovely nurses ticklish tool found his flesh. “Ahaha! AHAHAH AHAHAHAHAHAHAH (moan) O-oh oh! OH GOD! HAAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHH!!!” “I must say you have a very lovely penis young man. One I wouldn’t mind having a bit of fun with back at my place. Maybe tie you down to a bed and really tickle your fancy? Would you like that Julian? Would you like that stud? Huh? Would you? Would you? Tickle tickle! Tickle tickle my beautiful little penis!” She kept the speed up, Julian having no strength to fight the bubbly lady. She dragged her tip over his as much as she liked and all she needed to do to keep him steady was a hand on his chest. The boy being to weak to fight the tickles. But a bigger fight was happening in his body. With every rotation of her cruel utensil it brought him that much closer to surrendering right here in the doctors office. “HAHAH AHAHAHAHA IM! ahaha AHAH IM GONNA AHAH (moans) OH GAAAHAHAHAWD!” “Gonna what darling? You can tell me! I’m a nurse after a- With that the dam broke and Julian shot jet after jet of his naughty surrender. You think after his ordeal it wouldn’t be so much, getting everywhere as the nurse looked in surprise and wonder. She watched the goths body rock to the rhythm of the sweet agony she inflicted on the poor youth. Simply delicious. “Well Julian. Seems your wonderfully tortuous story checks out! You sorry ticklish fool! What a quick shot.~” Julian saw stars as he slowly lifted his head up, rubbing his left temple “T-told…. y-yo- He was then pushed back down and before he knew it he was victim to not just one q-tip, but two. Running all over his manhood in random different direction. "But we can never be to sure when it comes to a diagnosis! TICKLE TICKLE TICKLE!!!!<3” ———— 15 minutes later The doctor walked back with a folder in hand wen he noticed the door was locked. He grimaced for a second and wondered what was up and he heard only one thing inside. Some tormented grunts, and a lustful gasp. “OH Julian…~” Doctor Kined couldn’t unlock that door fast enough. Upon opening it all he saw was his patient sprawled out on his bed with his hard cock hanging out and his office COVERED with what he could only PRAY was glue. Nurse Connor smiled wide seeing the doctor. He dropped his files on the floor. “Oh doctor!! Great news! He’s not a looney! This stuff is for real!” “FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THATS HOLY! ITS EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!” “I know! It’s amazing! This young man is a wonder!” “ON MY MEDICAL DEGREE!!!!” “This poor boy’s nerves are something of a phenomenon! Just a tickle here and there and POP!” “ITS ON THE PICTURE OF MY FAMILY!!!” While the two went back and forth a dazed and dizzy Julian got up from the check up bed. The two medical officials too busy to notice him. He was able to slump out of the room. But not before grabbing the files on the ground. As he stumbled out of the office he could still hear the doctor. “ITS IN THE CABINETS! HOW IS IT IN THE CABINETS?! THEY WERE CLOSED AND LOCKED!!!” —————– Days later after he recovered from THAT ordeal Julian made the appointment. This wasn’t just a doctor but a professor. Professor Nervendin was her name. A short and stout woman with a bit of a weird edge to her. She has spent most of her time here on earth studying the “secrets of the touch”. She lived in what looked like a wonderfully haunted mansion. It was dark and stormy when Julian pulled his bike up to her place. He rang the door bell and there she was. With lips black and red with hair as tall as the Eiffel Tower. Nervendin rushed him in quickly. “Well aren’t you a looker. Now in in IN dear! I don’t have all day to wait for you to freeze yourself in the rain. There is much work to do!” Julian explained his Issues again. What had happened, and what he would like to do. The professor looked fascinated. Sitting there on the chair that was way too big for her, sipping what looked like slime out of a tea cup. The fire crackled and flicked as she listened intently. Raising her eyebrows at every new detail. Yes. Yes. This was it. Her big break threw! She threw her tea and stood on her chair. “Julian my lad! Your story is beautiful!” “….I…wouldn’t say that???..” “Quick lad! To the laboratory! AHAHAHA!!! YES YES HAHAH I FOUND ONE! I FOUND ONE AHAHAH!!!!” Julian just sat there as she laughed. “……..k…” ——————————— Her lab was something out of the old batman movies. Colorful and weird. Julian was strapped to a lab table. Wave readers on his head. His arms behind him bound along with his ankles at the end of the metal slab. Connected to the bedding was a mechanical arm that could put him at any angle the odd professor so desired. Julian struggled. “Professor. Is this really needed? If there is a shot that I have to get I’m fine with needles.” As if she was the flash she zipped over the Julian’s side, close to his face with a big excited smile. “Of course it’s necessary my ticklish little goth! We cannot treat your torment of the touch if we don’t first understand it!” The excited professor softly patted his cheek as she strolled down to the foot of the medal slab where her desk was. She pulled out some tools and placed them next to Julian’s big bare feet. “U-understand it? You… uh. Professor what do you mean?” “Oh Julian. In laymans terms we need to push you to the very edge of your frightfully ticklish nerves. See how far your problem truly goes! Only then can we understand the depths of such shameful sensitivity” “Professor. You.. you don’t mean.. you wouldn’t” Nervendin stood at Julian’s sexy feet, his toe nails painted black. She picked up a small metal poker from the bed. “You did say you weren’t afraid of needles…. Right Julian? My ticklish little subject?~” ——————————— “HAHAHAHAH HAHA! NO MORE! I CANT TAAHAHAHAHAAKE THE POKINNNNNEEEHAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHA NO MORE NO MORE MERCY!” “Nonsense lad! Beside you said that 137 pokes ago! Poke poke poke Julian! Poke poke poke! All on your humiliatingly ticklish tootsies!!!” Nervendin used the needle to poke every inch of Julian’s sole. It was a beautifully seductive site, his flesh indenting as the needle softly pressed in, igniting the nerves of the foot and forcing bashful laughter from her captive. She poked and teased every succulent toe and invaded every crevice. “HAHAHAHAAHHAHAAHAHAH OH GOD! OH GAAAHAHAAHWD!! DONT! DONT! HAHAHAHAAH OOOOOOOAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH NOT THE TOES NOT THE TOES! ANYTHING BUT THE NEELDE! NO MORE!!” Like that it stopped and he heard the metallic click as the needle was set aside. “Anything but the needle you say? Why Julian! You’re so brave! Your dedication to the study is heart warming! Alright. You asked for it my handsome goth stud!” Before Julian could even ask for clarification he felt what had to be billions of tiny bristles scratching against the pads of his feet. Driving him bonkers. “AHHAHHAHHA OH GOD OH GOD OH GAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAWD! STOP STOP STOP! AHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHAHAH AHAHAH AHAS AHAH. "Stop? But you were the one who asked for this! You know it’s not nice to play with a woman’s feelings like that Julian. Especially when she’s able to play with her hair brushes all over your ticklish vulnerable feet. We’ve come this far my boy! You’ll just have to endure like the good ticklish subject I know you can be.” She scrubbed harder. Really making sure to get Julian laughing. It was incredible. The readings on her computer were off the chart! The brushes stroked up and down tugging and teasing at the beautiful goths soles. She would continue using 2 until her hands were tired and then only used one to scrub both feet from side to side. Holding them in place by pinching his big toes together. “How is this Julian? Torturous? Unbearable? Ticklish? Yes I think that’s the perfect word for this. Ticklish. Ticklish ticklish TICKLISH. Ticklish feet on a ticklish boy in a ticklish situation. Laugh my sweet subject. Fill my lab with your beautiful laughter.” Julian lost count how long his tender tootsies were teased. It seems like hours but once she was done they were a beautiful blushing red. He could feel the heat coming off them as she rubbed them softly with her latex gloved fingers. God the rubbing. As happy as he was for the torment to end it she didn’t stop rubbing those gloves another ticklish spot was going to “come up”. She kissed his feet softly, comforting him. Leaving an obvious lipstick mark on his hot soles. After that she went to her computer to check the readings. She talked to herself as she ran threw all the data. Julian took the time to fill his poor lungs with air. Oh god this better be worth it. This might be the worst of all the horribly hot tickles he’s be forced to endure. But if this quack could solve his problem forever then it would all be worth it. He could take it. Maybe…. As he thought to himself he heard the humming of machines and the clank of metal as his examination table began to move. He was lifted up in the air and turned in such a way that he was suspended in the air with his belly facing the floor. He looked up and saw the mad scientist. He was eye level with her as she had a sadistic grin on her face. “Hello Julian.~” She pinched his cheek with one hand and wiggled her gloved fingers in a greeting fashion with the other “Hell…. hello.. Professor…” “Say "ah” for me would you lad.“ Julian was hesitant but did as the small older woman said. To which her hand quickly took hold of his black shirt and shoved it deep into his mouth. "Be a good boy and hold that up for me would you dear?” Nervendin looked deep into the goths pleading eyes as the curvy professor waited no time in tickling the young man’s ribs with her dastardly latex fingers. They wiggled and teased the smooth skin. They poked and rubbed his tender flesh. Going up and then down. Then all around. Fluttering Julian’s chest with the most horrible sensation of ticklish torment. The goth bucked. He pleaded. Tears and sweat dripped down his beautiful face. All the while the mad woman skittered her delicate gloved all over his tender upper body. His shirt shoved so deep in his mouth there was no risk of him dropping it ruining the woman’s work. “Oh Julian. Poor ticklish Julian. No wonder you need me to take this tender curse from you. How can you live with such sensitive nerves? Especially on such a beautiful body any woman would love to touch and tease. You’d be the ideal mate for any woman. But in your current situation your nothing more then a toy. A dreadfully ticklish toy. Wined you up and watch you laugh.” Julian flew his head every which direction. Her words swimming in his head and drowning him in hopeless humiliation. “MMFMFMFMFMFMOOMOMMMFMFMFMFMMOOOOOMMMFMFMFMFMFMMFFMFMFMFMFMFM!!!” The woman kept tickling around his chest until her fingers ran across some pretty defined bumps. Julian’s nipples had become completely erect. Nervendin’s eyebrows raised, and then raised higher when she saw Julian react as if he was struck by a lightning bolt. “Oh! Oh! OH! Did the mean ol Professor find Julian’s ticklish little lumps? Well I know just what to do my lad don’t you worry!” Julian’s table raised just a bit as The little professor walked right under him and pulled out a fluffy make up brush. She indulged herself. swishing the tool with reckless abandon. Julian’s helpless left nipple was flooded in a sea of wispy tickle, flirting and teasing his nub to force more and more laughter from him. “You react so well to my tickle tools Julian. There seems to be no ticklish tactic your body won’t shamelessly surrender to. It’s clear your mind fights it but your body succumbs to the seduction almost effortlessly.” The mad woman continued to tease as she licked her lips. “I’ve always wondered. What you ticklish little Giggle Glitches taste like. You don’t mind me finding out would you Julian? A gentleman like you wouldn’t want a woman’s curiosity go unsatisfied?” “MFFF MFF MFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMMFMFMMFMMFMFMFMFMFMmoooooAMOOOOOO MO MO MOOOOOMMMFFF” Julian panicked. In his 22 years he’s never felt a woman’s mouth anywhere but his lips and he wasn’t sure about having this horrible tickle fiend be the first! “Mmm~ I knew it. Your such a good boy.” It didn’t take long for her to lean in close and lick the ticklish right nipple of the bound hopeless beauty. She started off slow. With general licks lovingly running her longing tongue over every bit of him. She flicked. She swirled. She kissed. All in the name of seeing just how far this blushing chest of his could handle. All while still dusting the noticeably lonely left nipple. Julian heaved and swayed laughter pouring out of him as his body sweat and his eyes teared. If you had asked him why he was here anymore I don’t think he’d be able to tell you. All that existed was the tickle. ———————– How long had it been? Who knows but the gentle swirl of Nervendin’s tongue had turn to the lustful sucking of her lips. She would suck for an undetermined amount of time on one ticklish little dial and then move to the next . Being sure that the nipple not having the pleasure of her lips was left in the care of the tickling of her brush. The only time Julian would get to breath is when he heard the pop of her lips leaving his skin and felt the cold breeze on his wet nipple. *pop* “Mmmmm~ so good…” She switched to suck the other nipple. *pop* “Good lord I can practically taste your nerves quivering in my mouth!” At that point she ditched the brush just to hold Julian’s body close to her lustful mouth. She spoke to herself as she sucked. “Mmmmmmmmwah!~ mwha!~ Julian you sexy sensitive fool. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwah!~ I fear i’ll never find another so sweet…..mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…. ” “MMMFMFMFNFMNFMFNFNFNFNFFNNFNFNFMFFMNFMFFFFFFNNFFNFNNFNFNFNFNFFFFFFFNNFNFNFFNNFNFNFMFNFMFMFMFNFNF! MMFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF” The last pop was heard. The scientist heaved as she wiped her lips. Now just taking a good look at what she’s done to this poor gothic beauty. More importantly. What she was doing to him below the belt. She saw a shamelessly obvious bulge. The shock on her face was only equal to the lust. “Oh Julian!~ look what I’ve found!” Julian took a break from sucking in air as he looked down. He saw the she devil right next to his hips eyeing up his crotch. She then walked to his head right in front of him and cupped his face him her hands. “ I knew it Julian. I knew your weak body couldn’t help but get hopelessly aroused by my tickles. Just like in your story’s. That’s where it’s the worst isn’t it? A penis so sensitive it can’t help but give up all its humiliating treats to the lucky girl who has you naked and helpless before her. I can only imagine the feeling being shook by orgasm after orgasm from the well place tickles from a diabolical finger. Or a flirty feather. Or who knows! A sensual lick or two.” Nervendin’s words once again running threw his ears and inside his body. Making him simmer more. He felt himself throb against his pants. “I’ll tell you what my pathetic little tickle subject. I’ll make you a deal. I won’t lay a single tickle on that member of yours. Just keep it in your pants. If you get too aroused I’m afraid that big bad tickle spot is going to bust right out of those adorable black bottoms! If you truly can’t stand the tickles it should be no problem shouldn’t it darling???” Julian just stood in aw. His body twitching now and again as her verbal teasing ran threw him. He felt every word. Every evil tease tickling his imagination and playing his arousal like a fiddle. Making it bigger. And bigger. The professor saw his reaction and smiled sweetly. She slowly leaned into the goths ear. Her breath tickling his hear as she breathed one word to him. “Tickle~” “M-mmffff..” “Tickle tickle tickle~” Julian could feel his hips tremble and cock throb. “Tickle tickle tickle. Poor ticklish Julian. Poor ticklish goth.~” “Mmmmmmfffffffmfff!” Julian’s face burned red as she continued now sensually circling her fingers over his still aching erect nipples. “Tickle poor Julian. Tickles all over his taut ticklish body. All the girls love to tickle Julian’s sexy ticklish body. Ah tickle tickle here. Ah tickle tickle there. He just can’t stop the tickles. You’ll always feel the tickles~” “MMF MFF MFFFMFFFFFFMFMF!!!” “Tell me Julian. Out of all the devious women who have tickled you. Am I the worst? Am I the worst tickler by far? Better then that busty trucker or bombshell nurse? You can be honest Julian I won’t tell them. What would they do if I did. What if they were here now? Do you think they would help me? Help me tickle? Help me tickle you? Help me tickle the pathetic beautiful goth boy till he came and came again? We’d tickle you until you answer Julian. Answer me Julian. Answer or we’re all going to get you. We’re all going to tickle you!~” The both of them could hear his pants ripping his erection was becoming too strong to stop. “Show me that beautiful penis Julian’s. Let me give you some tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle TICKLES!!!” There was nothing left. His cock sprang out sending the bottom flying to the floor. Nervendin gasped as the beautiful site. My gosh. It was almost as beautiful as it she imagined. “Great scotts! Your amazing!!~” Julian blushed a dark shade as he just chewed on his own shirt. Waiting for what was still to come. “Well Julian my throbbing little lad. A deal is a deal…” She reached out with a hand he was stop by an alarm. Nervendin was getting a message from her lab down south. “Oh poo! What timing…. don’t go anywhere.” She gave the hard cock a few strokes and rushed to her computer. Snapping her fingers so Julian would be raised higher and out of the way. She read the letter talking to herself. She seemed fascinated and displeased. “Farmer boy……… sensitive. Yes yes yes sensitive but is he one of them also? Yes yes seems in order. Ratings the same………” The professor paced back and forth around the lab below Julian. She continued to read. Nothing around her mattered but that bit of paper. She noticed nothing. Especially her tall hair, her wicked tall hair, tall enough to rub against the throbbing tip of Julian’s cock as she walked back and forth. “Good! All the signs of a Giggle Glitch. More men flock to him? Interesting…..Was he able to cum? Not letting him cum? No no no no no no no do I speak English when I give orders? Cum. There must be cum. If you let the poor thing go get him back! ” She walked back and forth more quickly as she gave demands to no one. Meanwhile up above Julian gasped and moaned into his shirt. God her hair. It swished and swished again as trolled unknowingly back and forth. He could feel it. He couldn’t hold it. Not after all the teasing. Finally she stopped moving and was right under him. His cock stuck in the tip of her hair. She spoke to the computer. Her head movement constant. “Computer. Tell them they best find this boy again! And see if he’s able to ejaculate from tickling. They don’t have to let him! See if it’s possible! SEE- "Mmfff” “IF HE- "MMFFFFFFFFF!!!” “CAN CUM!!!” Like a storm Julian sprayed jet after jet down on the unsuspecting Professor. His orgasm getting stronger as she turned her head to see what’s the meaning of this. Finally she looked up. She smiled and evil smile as she tapped her foot and put her hands on her wide hips. Like a mother finding a child coloring on the walls. “Tsk tsk tsk. Oh pet. I just can’t leave you alone for a minute can I? Do you want my attention? Hmm? Is that it Julian? Oh spoiled little brat??? Do you like my hair that much tang you crumbled into to ticklish peaces inside it???” She giggled as she now knowingly teased his head from side to side. The hair tickled even worse now. Oh god it tickled. More hair then any of the brushes and three times the size. Julian laughed in his shirt so bad he actually spit it out of his mouth. As he did he felt the table coming down. He was back facing the ceiling on an incline. He saw the mad doctor at her desks finding another wave reader and a feather. She came to Julian attaching it to his cock and then admiring her handy work. “PLEASE! Professor please! I can’t! I can’t take it anymore! N-no more tickles!!!” “No more tickles? But my poor little test subject. We had an agreement. Once that baby comes up for air it’s free game. I did say I needed to push ALL of you to your limits my poor dear. So let’s get you laughing Julian. Laughing yourself silly with me!” Nervendin waisted no time tickling his thighs with a feather and stroking poor Julian’s meat stick. The pleasure of the strokes equal to the tickling of his thighs. He wasn’t able to take it just like that the beautiful goth sprung another huge leak. “URGH! URGH! CUMMHHAHAAHING! IM CUMING!!” “Yes you are my ticklish premature ejaculator! YES YOU ARE! AHAHAHAHAHAH AAHAHAHAAH AHAH!!!! NOW LETS TICKLE THIS PICKLE DRY!!!!” With a snap of a finger went a zap of the wave readers. All of them sending pleasurable but ticklish vibrations threw all ok Julian’s body making him cum more and more. Hours went as they both laughed. One from ticklish agony and the other in sadistic bliss as her helpless captive came again and again surrendering completely to the giggles. ———————– The aching boy woke up what had to be some time later. He was still in the lab. He could hear the beeping and clanging of metal. He felt calm. Nothing. No tickling. Not even the ache of his cock. With good reason….. “W-WHA?!” “Oh Julian. Glad to see your awake my ticklish little quick shot.” At the door of the lab was Professor Nervendin. She was no longer dressed in her lab coat, but a see threw nighty. Under it she wore what had to be the smallest bra and the tightest thong. Both of which looked great on her think curves. She still had on her gloved and goggles. Her hair now down. “Julian. It’s rude to stare at a woman’s body.~” Next to the small but clearly sexy woman was a floating robot. On it was a lovely pair of ticklish privates. Julian’s ticklish privates. Looking down at his would be nethers showed a machine covering it as if he had none. “Interesting thing about your nerves lad. They can also withstand some simple portal work.” “GIVE IT BACK!! OMG PUT IT BACK RIGHT NOW!!!” “Oh Julian…. my poor sweet tickle toy. Of course I will. I’ve just decided to run some more "interment” tests and I didn’t want to wake you. After wards I’ll happily put this lovely pecker back were it belongs and send you on your way!“ She said as she ran a loving finger over his shaft. Julian still felt it. He still felt the tickling finger on his nerves. "B-but what about a cure????” “Oh pet. I hate to be the one to break it to you.” She walked closer to him. Looking the goth in the eyes as she continued petting his poor defenseless penis. “There is no cure for you sweetie. You are without a doubt one of the most helplessly ticklish men alive. And that’s how you’ll stay. Just a lovely looking tickle toy hopelessly defenseless against any woman wishing to play with you. Your a slave to our every touch. Our every tease. And really why should that be cured.” Julian’s face burned red hearing all of this so bluntly. Is this is life? To be teased and milked. “B-but how will I…l "Have sex? Honey. You won’t. The only fucking you’ll ever get is this.” From her hair Nervendin pulled out a small red feather and tickled the tip. Slowly, teasingly, knowingly. It made Julian buck in his bonds. “AH! AHAHA! HAHA NOOO!!!” “You don’t get sex Julian. You don’t get normal pleasure. Not with me or any woman or man. You get tickled. And the sad fact is. That’s all you can handle before-” “URGH!” Julian came. Right in front of himself, proving the evil woman’s point as she tsked at him. “You see my pathetic little toy. It’s just fate.” “No…n-no….” “With that I’ll take my leave Julian. Not to worry. I might not be in the room but my tickles will keep you company. I thought about bringing you to bed with me. But now that I think about it. A tickle toy like you doesn’t deserve to see the naked body of a beautiful woman like me, or the naughty things I’ll do to you.~ "B-but..” “No buts Julian. The answer is no. You don’t get to look at me. This is the closes you’ll get. Enough for some late night fantasies isn’t it? Enough for you to stroke this monster to my memory once I’m long gone.~” She played with one of the straps of the bra. Teasing Julian with the thought of seeing her bare breast. “Yes you little pervert. Commit it all to memory.” She did a little turn. Making sure Julian saw all of what he’ll never have. He never gave any thought to it but now seeing her like this. He would love to see her. All of her. Oh god please. He slumped defeated in his bonds. Again being denied by a strong woman in control. “See you tomorrow morning goth boy~” With that Julian was left alone. But not for long. As he felt the sensations of what the evil doctor was doing to him rooms away. “URGH! URGH! HAHHAA URGHAHAHAHA AHAH!” Julian could feel his first orgasm building. The first of dozens. Part of him imagined not just the mad doctor in that room. But Candy, and nurse Connor. All of them clothed. All of them with no desire to show him their beautiful bodies. And all of them ready to tickle him. He could hear them teasing in his brain “We have you Julian. We have exactly what we want and now your ours. Tickle tickle tickle. Tease the poor ticklish goth. Tease him good and tickle him lots. No breasts, no ass, no sex. Just tickles. Cause that’s all he can handle.” He came. Hard. The first of many. He could hear them al sigh. “Oh Julian~ <3” -- source link
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