tiehimticklehimteasehimtake2: He always hated using the public bath houses. He went off trail in the
tiehimticklehimteasehimtake2: He always hated using the public bath houses. He went off trail in the woods one day and found a wonderful spring. Remote and quiet it was perfect. He had been warned about dark elves in this region so he had been careful the first few times he had been here, keeping his head down and never going out too far from the shore in case he had to make a quick getaway. But after using the springs for weeks, he had figured it was finally safe. Unfortunately, he hadn’t thought that maybe he had been watched. He came out from a swim, in nothing but his birthday suit. His clothes had been close along with his towel. But to his dismay they were gone. He looked around worried an animal may have taken them, hoping that at least his pants or underwear were nearby, left on the ground. As he continued down the trail, he was relieved to see his clothes all in a pile. He was so glad to see it nearby, he didn’t even stop to think about how they had ended up here, or that this could be a trap. As he went to get them, rope from a trap went flying, set off by a trip-wire. His legs were tied at the ankles while his arms were tied and pulled over his head, letting the tip of his toes just barely touch the ground. “I told you waiting until he felt like he was safe was a good idea,” he heard a distant breathy feminine voice say.“Fine, patience is a virtue after all. Still I could barely control myself this past week watching him dry his naked body. He’s not the most muscular but he sure is cute. And he looks really sensitive.”From a distant hidden area in the brush, came two tall dark elves, wearing skimpy black and yellow tights to cover their lower half and what may as well have been a bra covering their bulging breasts which were still half visible despite the clothing. They had on several bracelets and armlets, boots, and knee high stockings. The gorgeous curvy elves had tanned dark skin and long silver hair, one wore a pony tail and the other wore her hair straight. “My my little light elf, trapped in such a vulnerable position are we? It must be so embarrassing to be seen naked by two women,” the one with the pony tail taunted.“Oh yes, and even more embarrassing will be when his other head greets us,” the other giggled with a dark smirk. The elf was flushed red and as he looked up and down the gorgeous girls he became very nervous. He was trapped, unable to move, he knew that seeing these girls would elicit that reaction from his “head” they were talking about if he didn’t put all his effort into stopping it, and to top it all off he knew about the dark elves’ reputation. There were stereotypes of them being violent but those were just tales. But they did live more separated and were more attune to staying deeper in the forests. They also were said to be more swayed by their desires and if there was one thing they desired most, it was having a helpless light-elf as their victim. It was said they would play with their victim for hours at a time and if they ever released him or her, they’d be extremely lucky. All these tails went through the light elf’s head as he saw the two clearly amorous beauties approach him. “I do love a helpless male,” said the pony tailed one as she put a hand on his chest, making him flinch a little, “Oh Sweetie, what’s wrong, not happy to see us? You don’t think we’re sexy?”They both a devious smile on their face. The straight haired one came up next to his other side and placed a finger delicately over his armpit, making him jump. His face grew more nervous and they could both see it.“Oh dear, sweet boy you’re not ticklish are you?” she teased.He didn’t respond. He just made a deep swallow, terrified that they would push further. So many thoughts had raced through his mind about what they might do with him in this vulnerable position but never tickling. Light elves were notoriously sensitive beings. And tickling was no exception. If anything, that may have been one of the most powerful sensations they could suffer through, and he was especially ticklish even for a light-elf. Luckily, save for a few devious light-elf girls, none had really seen just how ticklish he was. But now, helpless and these two clearly intended on having some evil ticklish fun with him, he became even more nervous than before, if that was possible at all. “Now that was a fun ticklish place, but let’s try here,” said the one in pony tail, wiggling her hand across his ribs, making him squirm to move away. But as he did the other attacked his armpit, making him yelp and move back the other way.“Well now, quiet the predicament you’re in,” said the other. Her hand then when after his abdomen. With three hands gently caressing him, his held in laughs broke through.“Ahahahahha stahahapaphaha,” he giggled and squirmed, trying to move to both sides to escape the hands.“Oh sweetie, you don’t mean it do you? Oh I know, you’re just having fun. Tell you what, if he doesn’t look like he’s having fun, then we’ll know you’re not just teasing us,” said the pony tailed elf with an evil grin. She then attacked his nipple, making him screech, “Nahahahathath thereahahahahaha!”But despite his protests, his cock did rise, making him half erect.“See, you do like it, maybe the other one,” said the other elf, moving her hand from his stomach to his other nipple.He squealed, trying to get away and squirming whichever way he could to avoid the tickles. But he only had minimal movement, with his arms taught and his toes barely touching the ground. “Mmm, laugh mister light elf,” said the elf with the pony tail as she moved over his stomach again, this time digging in a little deeper.“Nohohohohoho!”“Yes yes”. The other elf dug her fingers into his ribs, then nipples, then back to stomach. Her partner in ticklish crime did the same, randomly moving, never letting him adjust to the torment.They moved their hands over him, making him giggle, squirm, and scream for what must have been half an hour. In that time they also went after his neck, collarbone, and of course, ribs, making him yelp. And there was always a hand on his nipple. By the end of it he was exhausted and his cock was nearly fully erect. His face was bright red with embarrassment. The elves were also becoming quite turned on, even more than they already were and they were far from done.“Well that was fun, and clearly you like it, but there’s so many other places”“Please *huff* stop *huff* no more. I can take *huff* any more. Please, just let me go, you had your fun,” he pleaded, breathing heavy, and terrified of their next tickle spot.“What about hear,” said one as they moved a hand over his hips, digging into his hip bone.“Ahahahahaha!!”“Or here.” The dark elf then dug her fingers into the back of his knees, making him further lose his balance. With her other hand she went back to his nipple, while the other elf kept at his hip and back to ribs.”“Stahahapahapa pleeheeheesseeeheehee no mohohoroho!”“Oh so much more, hours more actually,” said the elf with straight hair, digging in deeper to his hip.His eyes went wide hearing hours. He couldn’t concentrate to long but the idea of this going on for hours, was horrifying. And they kept at it, torturing him as they pleased. He was frantic to escape the but rope held him well, and they were not letting up. Even if he did break free of the rope, they were right against him and much bigger. The odds of him escaping him was small. He was there’s whether he’d admit it to himself or not.The other elf started digging in his hip, while the other moved from there to his lower thigh, then knee. They included their previous places in the rotation, and he squealed and begged to no avail.“I think this top is a little too constricting,” said one elf. “I definitely agree. Besides, he should have something to stare at too,” said the other elf.They stopped their assault, letting him catch his breath, and stood back in his view. They unclamped their tops, letting their heaving breasts pop out. As he watched them, his erection became fully hear, although it was nearly so already, with his nipples and hips being tickled. “Time for more fun cutie”“No! Please! I’ll do anything, just no more tickling, I’m so sensitive, you can’t!” he begged.“Sure we can. But you’re welcome to try to escape, go on give it a try. No luck? Why don’t we motivate you? Although to be honest, from the looks of him, you don’t want to go anywhere,” she said, again referring to his erection.They went on either side of him and started their assault again on all their usual places. He squealed again with renewed torment, squirming desperately to get away, tugging at the ropes holding him, without them giving any slack and trying to gain traction with his feet, only to find he could barely move against the ground. One of the elves saw him moving his feet, and gently moved a few fingers across the back of the one closest to her. He gave out a renewed loud yelp and desperately moved away from that hand. As he looked at her, his eyes went wide. Not his feet, he though, please not there, it would be too much, they couldn’t. But they definitely could and were about to.“I found a new spot” she sang to him moving behind him as she grabbed at his ankle.“Please, not there no no!” he begged, trying to move his leg away, but as he did, the other elf started to visciouly assault him, until her fellow horny dark elf could grab his ankle, she pulled it up so his knee was bent and his sole was facing upward.“Oh sweetie you say that about every spot. You’re the boy who cried tickle. But no one’s coming to help you. Now be a good boy, and laugh your ticklish, helpless head off. Because it’s so very hot” said the elf holding his foot, digging into his sole with her last word.“NOOOHOOHOO!!” he squealed, but both continued.He squealed and squirmed and begged to get away as she dug into his sole. She move her fingers under his toes, then back to his toes, then individually on each toe. His toes curled in desperation to escape to torment. His big toe made him squeal especially loud and was a favorite of the dark elf. He tried to get away and seemed to be moving away a little despite the pony tail elf on his foot and other elf on his upper body and legs. She saw his other food straining and gently moved her hand across the back to I, making him squirm and beg more. They kept this up for some time too, one tickling his foot while the other when after hip, side, knee, and the other foot. He huffed. He couldn’t take it. It was so much. He thought he would lose his mind, but they just continued to torture him. His wrists pulled further at his bonds, still to no avail. When they finally stopped, and the elf let his foot go, he just slumped down, panting in exhaustion.“Well that was fun.”“Mmm, I agree,” said the straight haired elf, toughing herself between her legs and on her chest.Though his huffing, he noticed them touching, and now that he wasn’t being tickled, he could see how soaked they were in arousal. The straight haired elf took off her clothes completely, leaving only some bracelets on. The light elf’s cock twitched at the site of the gorgeous naked dark elf. Then she was behind him, grabbing at the opposite ankle.“Nooo! *huff* not again please what do you want? You can have anything. Just stop torturing me. I’m gonna go insane!!” he begged, not wanting this to keep going. But the girls didn’t even respond. They loved his begging but they didn’t have anything to say. Continuing his torture was answer enough and both were too focused on his torment and their arousal to care about responding. She grabbed his foot, and it all started over again. His foot was tickled and tormented, sole, instep, toes, and big toe especially. The other did the same. Going after his nipple, then hip, then his other foot. And the poor elf just squealed, and begged and laughed. His face was soaked with tears and his chest was moving excessively trying to catch his breath from the torture. During the process, the pony tail elf licked his nipple, eliciting a moan through laughter. The other elf was too focused on his foot to notice but she licked it intermittently. Then she moved a finger across his testicle making him squeal in surprise.“NHAHAHAHAHAHTAHTHAHA THAHAHATHATAA!! PLEEEHEEHEEHSEE!” he jumped greater than he had before.“What did you do to him?” the elf at his foot asked, finally releasing it.“I found a new spot, come play,” the other said, lightly touching it again, making him loudly squeal. At this point he was too exhausted to move away from them a little bit but he was horrified to think they were going to go after his genitals.“His balls are horribly ticklish. And when you lick his nipple he moans and laugh. I think it’s time we make him ache with frustration as much as he’s making us,” she said with a devious smile. They were each on either side of him. The poney tailed elf went back to tickling his sensitive balls, making him scream further.“NOHOH PLEASEEEHEEH PLEEHEEHESEEE STAHAHAPAHAPHAHA!”“We’re never going to cutie. You don’t get a say. You just get to keep laughing,” said the straight haired elf, joining in by ticking his straining cock, making it leak even more precum than he already was and making the squeals even louder.“Oh go yes. Just keep laughing and leaking. We’re just starting to play with you here,” the pony tailed elf said before reaching around him and tickling his sides and ribs. She went after his hip too. And then she moved her tongue to his nipple to make him moan and laugh. Her fingers on his testicles moved gently but quickly. And her other hand moved up and down. When it went back to his sensitive underarm, he screeched a little more and his head shook side to side. So naturally, she kept her hand there.“NOHOHOHOHOA AAH *moan* STAHAHPAHAHAH TOOHOOHOO MAHHAHACHAAHAA!!” “No not yet, but maybe this will be,” said the other dark elf, increasing her assault on her cock as she mirrored her devious’ friends attack on her side, making him jump and scream more. He already was in tears but now there were buckets coming from his face, dripping more even than his precum. And his chest was rapidly moving as his heart was pounding from ticklish torture, teasing arousal, and horrified embarrassment to be naked and helpless in front of these too gorgeous but sadistic tormentresses.They kept this up for several minutes. But between all his screeching, they noticed his cock twitching more, desperate for release. They gave him a break again to talk, and he again slumped down, nearly lifeless.“He’s getting close. And I’m not about to let him cum,” said the straight haired elf, taking this moment to feel herself up again. She was also desperately close but unlike the poor elf that had no control, she enjoyed riding the edge like this, watching him be forced to do the same. “He probably wants to cum about now. ““Well we can’t allow that now can we. We still have hours left of this. Probably days, before we could even consider that for him,” said the pony tailed elf. She then started to chant something in the dark elf language, whispering it. She was casting a dark magic spell.Through his exhaustion he heard days. His eyes widened. He didn’t think he could become more afraid, but again, the elves had shown him the depths of his torture may be bottomless. He was about to start groveling again, but before he could the dark elf finished her spell. As she did, the last whispers echoed in the air. Then he felt an invisible tightening around the base of his cock and balls.“There now. We’re free torture without any chance of him prematurely ending our fun,” she said with a sadistic smile before resuming her assault. Her friend joined in immediately as well. He immediately began screeching laughter as he felt their torturous hands go after him. His hips were pinched, his armpits dug into, his ribs counted. With each spot he jerked. They would strategically attack him so he would push himself into the opposite girls’ fingers. His cock and balls felt them change positions several times. “NAHAHAHAHTAHAHAHA THERAHAHAHAHA” he howled as the pony tailed elf went behind his balls to his taint.“I know, we just keep finding fun spots,” said the other elf, moving her hand to his ass cheeks, pinching and scribbling her wicked fingers over them.“AHAHAHAHA GAHAHAHADHAHAHAHA!”“Oh my god, I’m so fucking hot right now. I want him to cry more. God, baby, you have no idea how hot it makes us to watch you beg and laugh and cry and struggle. There’s nothing better!” said the straight haired elf as she stopped tickling his cock to feel herself up again.The other elf made up for this by tickling all over his sensitive genitals. After a little while longer, the teasing had finally caught up with him, and while he desperately needed to cum before, now the need was unbearable. He was wiggling, jumping, jerking, crying tormented tears, and shaking his head. He couldn’t believe this was real. And he would do anything to make it stop. But it wasn’t going to.“Ohohohohaha ghahdhahah ieefeeehee yourahahahah not gonna sthahapaha justahahah leeteeheehee meeheeheeh cumahahaha!!” he begged, his cock straining, leaking and desperate for release.“God, yes, keep begging. Make him beg more,” said the elf as she starting touching herself more vigorously, wiggling her finger, in his ass cheeks more. Then she slipped a finger between his toned cheeks.“NNNOOOOOOO AHAHAHAHAHAHA! PLLEEEHEHEHEHEHSEHEH STAHAHAHPAAHHA PLEEHEHEHEHSE PLEEEHEHESEEHSE NOHOHOHOHOHO” “YES! Just like that!” she declared, touching herself, and moving her finger until, she had a good steady tickle over his anus. The idea of being tickled here or on his genitals had never occurred to the elf. And now that they were being tormented, he thought for certain he would lose his mind. His body ached, and his need for the tickling to stop was now matched for his need for an orgasm.The pony tailed elf kept up her torture as her friend’s lightened. She nearly stopped, but kept up her assault wiggling between his cheeks enough to make him scream. Her orgasm was nearly as loud as his tortured cackling. It kept going for a while too. She kept up through two more, before stopping, his ass finally safe for a minute, while his genitals kept being tortured.“Well you look like you enjoyed that.”“AH *gasp* yeah. It was *moan, gasp* the best. I wanna do this to this cutie *gasp* all the time.”“Well, yeah, that’s the plan. It’s not like he’s in any position to stop us,” she said, wiggling over his genitals for one minute longer to really make his helplessness obvious. Finally she stopped. He slouched again, crying, gasping for air, his cock leaking a steady stream of precum, and his balls full with begging need to release. “You really are a cute little thing. And I bet, you would do anything for an orgasm, huh?His wide eyes looked at her with horror. But he couldn’t argue. He needed to cum desperately.“Well, we’ll let you….eventually. We’re gonna take you with us to the dark elf village. There’s a section with only females. We have lots of male slave. But not as sensitive or ticklish as you. You’ll be quite the fun toy for us naughty elves that like to watch cute boys squeal with laughter and cry from denial. Don’t worry though, I promise, we’ll you cum every week…or two…or four, depending on how devious us girls are feeling. And while we all play, us two will be your handlers. So the three of us will get to do this every night,” she said, making his eyes widened with horror and he teared more.He violently tried to struggle and then went to try to reason with them. But the dark elf whispered another spell, this one quite quickly. The ropes holding him suddenly wrapped around his wrists tying them securely behind him. Some rope also wrapped around his angles and legs securely. And lastly, some gag material appeared and muffled all his begging. As it finished, the pony tailed elf, replaced her clothes on herself, with her bust straining against it. As she stood over him, he could still smell and see her soaking need between her legs. She smiled as she caught him looking.“See, you are a naughty little elf. And you need much more punishing,” she said as she flung him with ease over her shoulder so his feet hanged over her front and his chest hit her back. He could see her toned ass. His aching cock hit just above her right breast. The other elf put her clothes back on and grabbed his clothes and their supplies. He tried to wiggle away but it was futile she had him. “Oh stop your fussing, I can feel that little cock of yours. It love this, even if it would like release, it still likes all the attention. You really should just admit it to yourself. And besides, I’m the only one that can break that spell of mine. If you ran away, you’d never come again. And, just keep in mind, if you try to run away, I’m gonna punish you in so many fun ways, and then I’m gonna leave that spell on for a year straight. So long story short, you belong to us. And you’re not going anywhere for a long time. Honestly though, we aren’t gonna give you the change to run away. Feel free to beg, and cry, and laugh, and struggle though. That’s the fun. Well I guess you’re not going to have a choice. I have more spells to make sure you stay fun for a long time. Oh and sweetie, unlike the cute but short lived humans, us all elves, dark and light, live for centuries. So, you’re going to be ours basically forever.” As she finished, the light elf started to sob and both dark elves gave out maniacal and horny laughs. They were going to enjoy their new toy. Whether he liked it or not. -- source link
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