sexfighters: erotica-ghost-writer: Welcome to the Family. I spat my cigarette out of the window with
sexfighters: erotica-ghost-writer: Welcome to the Family. I spat my cigarette out of the window with a curse as I drove through the early morning streets. It was a perfect, sunny day. The kind that only comes after one hell-screw of a lightning storm that had cracked open trees and blew electrical transformers across the whole town. Branches were down everywhere and debris of all types littered the streets, forcing me to drive the old pick-up slow and careful. Not that the driving was what I was pissed about. I was a contractor by trade. Shit like this was cream on the cake for a season like this. Just the jolt in the arm my bank account needed to survive the winter. No, what was pissing me off was something much more personal. Namely that Janice was once again having a party and once again I was not on the guest list. I had known Janice all my life, practically from the cradle. We lived in the same neighborhood, went to the same grade school, the same high school and now the same college. This was final year, graduation, and in all that time the bitch had never said a word to me that didn’t have to do with cleaning her pool or mowing her lawn. Janice was rich, a bitch, a serious gold-digging slut, and the hottest piece of ass a young man with nothing but a pick-up truck and a sore back could ever dream of. Did she make my dick hard just looking at her? Hell, yes. How could I not get hard as a fucking rock just looking at her D-cup tits, perfect round booty ass, those legs that went on for miles, and that long red curly hair that flowed down her back like leaves in autumn? Of course, she was also a major brat with an ego that could fill the fucking Grand Canyon. Obviously the most popular bitch in school. Queen of the ‘In-crowd’. A crowd I was in no way near a part of. Did I hate the bitch? Damn straight! Did I love the bitch with all my eighteen year old heart? Damned straight! Someone had let slip this morning that she was having the ‘In-crowd’ over to her house for a last party before graduation. Which was why I was currently weaving around lost garbage cans and power lines on my way to her house. The garden and yard were a mess and guess who got called in to clean that mess up. Right. “Hey, Richard, mind cleaning up the mess right quick so all the pretty people can have their kegger? Make sure to leave before he guests show up. Wouldn't want me to be seen with someone uncool like you after all.” Okay. She had not said that. But that’s what was rolling around in my brain as I pulled up the driveway. To be honest it was her mom that called me over. Unlike Janet, Mrs.Perez was cool. She wasn’t born spoiled rotten and ready to party. She and her husband actually worked for what they had. Even though she was in her forties, I had to admit she still looked damned attractive. Just an older version of her daughter with heavier curves and even deeper cleavage. Add to that her smile, warm and welcoming, the kind that got you somehow relaxed and horny at the same time. I let out a heavy sigh. Hopefully, Janice and her friends were off screwing around somewhere, and it would be her mom that answered the door. I came straight up the walk, rake in hand, and rang the doorbell. I thanked my lucky stars when it was Mrs. Perez that answered and not her daughter. Still, I could not stop my jaw from falling as she opened the door. Normally when I saw her she was at a PTA meeting or out shopping or whatever, dressed up and conservative for the crowd. Here, now, she stood in all her hot Milf glory! Her flaming red hair was drawn back in a ponytail which ran straight down to her ass and the tiny gym shorts she wore revealed miles of long, smooth legs which soared up into the hottest round ass and flattest belly a guy could dream of. But what really drew my eyes were her tits. Barely contained by a simple ‘Stones’ t-shirt her breasts were massive and firm, showing just enough cleavage to start my 18-year old cock twitching madly in my pants. And the way her nipples were pointing straight at me, I knew the woman wasn’t even wearing a bra to get those puppies to stand up like that. She could not help but notice my staring, and luckily she smiled even wider at my interest rather than simply slamming the door in my face and calling me a pervert. “Hello, Richard, I’m so glad you could come so early. Did you have a hard time getting over here? The streets are a mess today.” She escorted me into the house, right into the sunken living room and offered me a lemonade as she told me to take a seat on the couch. As she moved back and forth, I fought to keep my eyes off of her swinging hips and jiggling ass. But that was impossible. I could feel my cock growing by yards and I just wanted to escape and get to work before the worst happened. “Honestly, Mrs. Perez, I better just get straight to work. I’m not exactly wearing my Sunday best here and I’m already afraid I’m going to stain something just by standing here. Besides, I want to get finished before…”, before what? Before Janice got home and saw me, the peon, cleaning her pool? Before one of her shit friends pointed at me and made some stupid joke? Before I could hear Janice laughing at me? Again. Mrs. Perez came back from the kitchen, her big tits arriving about five minutes ahead, and placed two tall glasses of lemonade onto the coffee table. Using coasters, of course. Hell, I don’t think my family even had coasters! “No, please Richard. Don’t worry about that. Just sit down and relax a bit.” She sat down on the couch, hands in her lap, smiling up at me, eye-level with the most painful hard-on I’d ever had. She patted the cushion next to me and continued. “To be truthful, fixing up the yard was only half the reason I asked you to come over.” I quickly sat down, fore-arms over my crotch to hide the obvious. Trying my level best to keep my eyes focused above her neck, I sat mute letting her continue. Hell, even her voice was so husky and feminine, dripping with pure sensuality. “Now you and my daughter are going to be graduating college soon. To be frank neither my husband nor myself likes the direction she is heading. We’ve both encouraged her to build a life of her own, take up some career, some cause, but it seems that she is far too content being the town’s premier party-girl and bimbo. Add to that, prom is coming up soon and I have this terrible feeling that her first time is going to be with that meathead of a boyfriend she has and that’s going to lead to total disaster.” To tell the truth that had been on my mind as well. Most of the girls were already whispering about how they were going to lose their cherry to their prom dates. Janice’s current stud was a true meathead like she said. Tall, muscles between his ears, getting barely the passing D’s and C’s and yet the darling of the campus grid-iron his only plans for the future were getting picked for the Titans and fucking Janice on the sidelines. He had been bragging about that in the locker room for the last two months. Add to that he was a prime-ass jerk who referred to most girls as ‘bitches’, including Janice. ‘umm.. yeah, Mrs.Preez, But I don’t see how I…. “ “Please, Richard. Call me Karen. And, well to come straight to the point of it. Mr. Perez and I have spoken about it at length and we would like you to be our daughter’s new boyfriend.” To say I was shocked, stunned, and hit with a hammer would be a severe understatement. I sat there staring at the woman for a while as my brain tried to process her words. Finally I managed to stutter out a super-intelligent, ”Huh?” “Richard, we’ve noticed you. And, yes, we’ve noticed you noticing our Janice. You obviously have feelings for her that go beyond just fucking her. You are hard working, you volunteer at charities, you are kind, sweet, and as my dear husband says, ‘the kid don’t take shit from anyone.’ A quality he values highly. So yes, we want you to make a play for our daughter. If anyone is going to take our only daughter to the Prom and pop her cherry we want it to be you.” By now my head was spinning. I could not believe what I was hearing. Janice’s mom – and her dad! – wanted me to go after Janice? Not only that but to fuck her? On Prom? With my cock? It was just way too much to process for an eighteen-year-old with a hard-on. “B-but, Mrs. Perez, I mean… she’s going out with Mike right now and he’s… well, he’s…” She put her fingers across my stuttering lips and continued very patiently “First, its Karen. Second, Mike is a second-string idiot who is facing a second-string life as a junior gas-station attendant. Plus, his idea of making love to my daughter is probably going to be along the lines of banging her in the locker room with his helmet on and condom off. I refuse to let my daughter end up as a sloppy housewife with an unwanted baby living above a garage somewhere. You, on the other hand, are responsible, smart, and on track for a medical career. No contest.” “Ummm, Oookay. But, ummmm, how exactly do I get her away from Mike? I mean she barely even looks at me and he’s like twice my size.” “Well first, ‘ummm’ is not a word. Lose it. As for Janice, come to the party tonight. Dress well, not like these other idiots she has in their ridiculous ripped-up clothing. Pull her into our bedroom and tell her she belongs to you. Tell her how you feel. Just unload. If she gives you any trouble, just treat her as if she is already yours. Don’t take her shit and don’t take ‘no’ as an answer. Then take her out somewhere away from the party for a quiet talk. Just be you, Richard. A confident and sure you. Just remember you have myself, my husband and her two older brothers on your side.” “But…” “As for Mike, plant your fist in his nose. The boy is all bluster, trust me I’ve known the type. I used to date a boy like that way back when in high school. One shot to the nose and some confidence. Worked for my husband back then and will work for you now.” As I listened to Mrs. Perez, I mean Karen, I was actually thinking about it. Hell, it might work. I had nothing to lose anyhow. After Prom, if I did not take this insane chance, we would be going our separate ways anyhow. Me to medical school, her to… whatever. Hell, why not? What is the worst that could happen? Rejection and a beating? Fuck it. “Thank you… Karen. I…I’m going to try. I just hope I you won’t regret having me as a…well…” “Son-in-law?”, she smiled, “See, Richard? That’s just why we like you. The young man thinks ahead. Now, one last little thing. Please stand up, Richard.” Obediently, my heart racing and my brain flying, I stood. My hands still fell across my crotch, though, as the hard-on between my thighs was now dreaming not only of Karen’s massive tits but now of Janice’s tight pussy. “Are you a virgin, Richard?” The question shocked me back into reality. I mean, sure I was a college-man now and not in bad shape. A lifetime of hard work got you in better shape than a lifetime at the gym, my dad always said. Normally I would love to say I had a dozen women hanging from my cock. Truth be told the closest I had ever been is… well… that doesn’t count either. Karen must have been reading my mind. Smiling kindly she slid her hands up to undo my belt and slide my pants down my hips. All the time with her eyes locked on my own. “Say what you want about Mike, he has probably fucked a few brainless cheerleaders. You are probably a better lover than he is coming out of the gate, but if you are going to be my daughter’s first, and manage to win her over heart and soul, we may at least make sure you know what you’re doing.” She slid my pants down past my ankles and without any further trouble my raging-hard cock popped straight out of my boxers. I was blushing so hard I could feel the blood – what was left of it – rushing to my face. Karen was smiling wide now. Laughing happily as she took the shaft in her hands. “Damn, kid. Now I’m kind of jealous of my daughter. Why didn’t you tell me you were hiding this much cock? Takes both of my hands just to grip the shaft! I don’t know what that Mike is packing but unless he is half horse you’ve got him beat by a mile. Now let’s make sure you can use it.” In a blur, she began devouring me as she tried to take my whole cock into straight down her throat. Damn, but that woman could suck a cock. Granted, I was not the most experienced guy in the world, but her mouth felt amazing. She licked my whole shaft, then wrapped her lips around the head and began sucking in pulses. Her head began to bob up and down along my cock as saliva was swirling in a whirlpool effect. But try as she might, she just couldn’t get the whole thing down her throat. She pulled off, shaking her head, still smiling as heavy lines of saliva drooled between her lips and my cock. Karen opened her mouth, ready for a second attempt to swallow me whole. I tossed my head back, eyes closed. moaning loud with pleasure as the woman descended upon my sword once more. She wrapped her lips around my swollen cock head and sucked me in inch by inch. Her tongue lathered my shaft as she swallowed the first several inches. Her wet mouth felt so fucking good! Karen held my shaft at the base and bobbed her head up and down. Each time she pulled up, she created a suction that drove another moan from my lungs. Soon she was taking me all the way down to the balls, my entire cock disappearing between her pillow lips. I finally lost it when the muscles in her throat began contracting. Her breasts were bouncing all over while she sucked up and down. She was accustomed to my size by now, judging from how she was slamming me straight down her throat. At the last second, I reached out grabbing her hair and pulled her hard against me. Without even thinking I began driving into her with everything I had, pistoning my cock in and out of her greedy throat. Barely a minute later and my legs had turned to jelly as a geyser of cum was sucked from my cock. I did not expect Karen to be so aggressive, but she seemed determined to suck a year’s worth of cum from my balls. She sucked with abandon and griped my shaft so damned hard I thought she would pull it off. However, it did the trick. Although my legs were wobbly, my cock remained hard as steel in her tight grip. Karen laughed, coughing on a gallon of my cum. “Very good, young man. Held out quite a while considering I gave that monster one hell of a blow-job. Just don’t expect that from Janice. Not yet anyhow.”, she joked with a gleam in her eyes. “now lets see what else this thing can do.” I watched, dumbfounded, as Karen slid off her top, releasing the biggest hottest, firmest set of breasts any man could ever dream about. If I was not already full mast, my cock would have instantly sprung to attention right there. As it was I was just happy that I had already shot a load since I was sure that if I had any cum left in my balls it would be spraying all over her chest by now. Then she slid off her gym shorts and bent over the couch. Her ass was a thing of divine beauty. Caramel brown, round and strong, firm and jiggly in the perfect sexy combination. Spread just enough for me to see the thick, darkly swollen lips of her cunt. A slice of glistening pink running straight down, begging to be fucked and fucked hard. I had just shot a major load not two minutes ago and I could already feel my balls twitching with need. “Mmmm, Richard, so far you should be very proud of that cock. Janice is going to love it. I hope you like my ass, Richard. Given time my daughter’s going to inherit it. And it will be all yours. I want to fuck this gorgeous piece of ass, Richard. My husband has been out of town at a convention for a week, so, you are a serious godsend. Now come on, let’s see how well you can fuck. Unless you are too shy, that is?” Before I could even think of what I was doing, I felt my cock buried deep in her wet, hot fuck-tunnel. And then it hit me, I was balls deep inside her pussy. The feeling was incredible. I didn’t see this coming at all. I figured a married woman would only go as far as a blow-job and fuck if I wasn’t happy I was wrong. I bit back a groan as she started sliding up and down along my shaft. Then I pressed my hips tight into her ass to afford her maximum penetration. After several minutes of sliding in and out of her hot flesh, she stopped moving. I wondered what was happening. Was she resting? Was she worn out? I was fully impaled in her cunt and she wasn’t even moving. Well if she wasn’t going to provide the motion, then I would. I slid my cock out, ever so slowly, until just the tip of my cock rested between her pussy lips. Just as slowly, I pressed back in, my cock sliding back into the warmth of her cunt. My head was filled with the insanity of the moment. I braced myself and began to pound her pussy right. I rocked my hips back and forth gripping her waist hard in my hands. My groin slapped against her pussy repeatedly as I filled her with as much cock as I could. Karen’s tight pussy-walls contracted snug around my pounding shaft and I could hear her moaning and yelping as she gripped the couch hard for support. Another round of cum began to boil up from my balls and I was fast approaching another powerful gushing orgasm. A broad smile covered Karen’s face as she felt it too. By now my cock was hammering into her of its own volition. Neither one of us was in control of the pace of our fuck and that was okay. She reached back with one hand, playing with her clit between her legs, shaking violently, screaming something about cumming on my cock. How her cunt was being pummeled by my hard, thick cock as her clit was exploding between her fingertips. The dual sensations drove her insane. She flipped her head back and forth. Her huge, Double-D’s swung side to side. She could feel my thick cock throb each time it bottomed out, slamming past her cervix to threaten her womb. My virgin dick was drilling deep and she was loving every moment, screaming for more. Her thighs quivered and her juices flowed down my shaft, bathing my balls with liquid heat. I could not take it a moment longer. I was going to cum hard, I screamed out. The very thought of being filled with hot, young, sticky seed sent her over the edge. She screamed out her orgasm as her cunt-juices gushed, dripping down both our thighs. She pressed her ass back hard against my stomach, impaling herself on exploding cock. Our breathing was ragged. I watched, bleary-eyed as Karen massaged her sweat-glistening breasts and pinched her pink nipples, trying to prolong her climax. She mixed a bit of pain with the pleasure as she tugged fiercely on her nipples, stretching her boobs to either side even as my cock was throbbing wildly deep in her hot cunt. Minutes later we both began to laugh, an involuntary response to the most intense climax I myself have ever experienced. I shook my head, trying to clear my vision and return my breathing to normal. Her ass remained pressed against my stomach and is still filled with cock as her pussy continued milking me of the very last drop of my cum. “Dear Lord, Richard.”, she panted through ragged breaths, “I can’t believe your cock is still stiff after two enormous orgasms like that. Mmmm. Lucky fucking daughter of mine. That was quite the load you shot inside me.” Karen slipped off of me, freeing herself from my thick shaft. Several dollops of cum dripped from her pussy and fell heavily to the carpet as I watched, mesmerized by the sight. She turned to see my cum covered cock still throbbing, still standing fully erect. She flopped on the couch, laying back to inspect this miracle of nature. Luckily for me she decided that my cock needed a thorough cleansing and started to lick the cream covered shaft up and down. “Mmmm. I’ve always loved the tastes of cum mixed my juices” she moaned as I watched her lick the entire length of my cock from bottom to top and all around the sides, paying special attention to my low-slung balls. When she was finished, she leaned back along the couch, took a deep breath and smiled up at me. I was still standing there, a deer in her headlights, shivering from the intense fuck and the even more intense feeling of her mouth sucking and licking every taste of cum remaining on my twitching shaft. “I guess I pass the audition, huh?” I feebly mutter in an attempt the break the silence. “Richard, if you fuck my daughter half as well as you just did me, don’t worry about Mike or dozen Mike’s. Just grab her, tell her how you feel and tell her how things are going to be. If she has any brains in her head, she will come around. Until then, welcome to the family, sweetheart. Now…”, she dragged herself up from the couch, still smiling as she made her way unsteadily to her feet. “I have to go take a shower and do some recovering from that lovely cock of yours… and I do believe you have a yard to clean up.” This deserves a repost. -- source link
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