I keep being told by Bernie supporters that he’ll win the midwest largely because “He’s the only can
I keep being told by Bernie supporters that he’ll win the midwest largely because “He’s the only candidate that supports true Medicare for All (also not true).” Yet polling not only shows Bernie losing or cutting close to Trump in many of these states, now polling is showing that M4A is not super popular in these swing states. Maybe that’s why Bernie underperforms there against Trump? Or are swing state voters just neoliberal establishment shills who clearly haven’t had Bernie’s finger waved in their face enough to see the light? Or maybe they’re tired of having the word “billionahs” yelled at them on TV every night? -- source link
#bernie#berniesanders#bernie sanders#notmeus#feelthebern#medicareforall#m4a#sanders 2020#sanders2020#bernie2020#bernie 2020#sandersforpresident#neverbernie#fuckbernie