What would bring a slave like Carol, to openly beg to be sold?Carol gulped deeply as the large muscu
What would bring a slave like Carol, to openly beg to be sold?Carol gulped deeply as the large muscular man standing infront of her, finished tightening the rope that captured her wrists and kepther arms suspended high over head. She didn’t dare lift her eyes to meet his,that infraction of the auction house rules had already earned her five severecane strikes across her ample ass.Those five brutal cane welts across her full ass were stillthrobbing with heat. The two men who had decided she needed them, were now taking their sweet time preparing her to be on full sordid display for themonthly slave auction. She hadn’t wanted to be here, but it was not her decision tomake, that was her current owner’s. And he had decided he wanted a younger andslimmer model to lord over, to fuck when he wanted and then brutally punish ashe liked to do so often.The lecherously grinning guard in front of Carol steppedback and then grabbed her left throbbing breast. Her delicate and whip marked titflesh distended and morbidly flattened by a nasty large bar clamp. “Better make surethis is good and tight on there. Don’t want it flying off your pretty tit whenwe are whipping your ass for the cameras” He smirked sadistically at her.Carol’s eyes went to the many new cameras stationed aboutthe room. They hadn’t been there the last time she had been in this place, tobe sold to the highest bidder. To be hung by her wrists while a line up of menprodded and probed her private parts. Dozens of men had been there the last time to grope hernaked body in the hopes of eliciting a response worthy of purchasing her. Butnow with Covid, the auction house had gone fully to streaming.Her mind was suddenly distracted from those thoughts of pasthorrors as she took in a deep gasping pained breath. The guard in front of hergritting his teeth, as he gave the tightening screws each another full turn. Theflesh of her crushed boob, pinching in deep utter agony as he wrenched thescrews tighter.“There, almost displayed as requested by your current owner.Just one more bit of tightening of this clamp and then one last thing to do toyou. And it’s a nasty bit of decoration. This dude selling you, he must have madeyour life hell.” She just nodded her head, yes this last man who owned herbody, had been a cruel son of a bitch to her most of the time it seemed. So whenhe told her she was to old and too fat, and needed to be traded in for ayounger model, she actually felt a bit of relief.Relief that had vanished once she arrived at the auctionhouse and into the clutches of these two sadistic bastards. Now as her left breastthrobbed in agony, she just hoped to god he didn’t do the same torturous thingto her other tit. She let out a long deep mournful sob as he finished histightening of the crushing device and then he pinched the protruding nipple.Tugging on it with unnecessary glee.“Such nice tits for an old cunt like you. That hurt, you fatassed fucking cow?” he asked her, literally spitting into her frightened anddejected face, almost all hidden by her long brown hair, which hung over hereyes and cheeks.She moaned as his fingers dug into her face. His other handnow travelling down over her stomach and belly roll to her well haired pussy.His fingers found the beginning of her folds and he took his time stroking and rubbingher tender flesh.“Well does it hurt? You’ve been paraded and sold throughhere enough times to know how to behave. I have seen you more than a few timescome thru here, and if I remember right you gave a pretty fuckin good slobberingand sobbing blow job.”Carol just nodded at him, remembering sullenly how the lasttime she had been sold thru the auction house, her owner had dropped her off a fullweek before the auction night. She then spent the most horrid seven days of herlife as a sex slave in the basement of this place. Chained and tied up and usedextensively and in the most excruciatingly degraded ways, by the men runningthe place.It had been an actual relief to be hauled up out of thedungeon like holding cell and displayed on the sales floor and sold off like apiece of meat. But now here she was back in the same predicament with the samesadistic ruthless uncaring men. But thankfully the auction was imminent thatevening, and humiliating a thought as it was, she couldn’t wait to be sold andshipped from this place.Suddenly grasping Carol’s chin savagely, the man in front ofher barked at the other auction house attendant, who was on one knee behindher. He had just finished lashing her ankles to ring bolts in the floor and wasnow staring up at the dangling chain links hanging from something plugged deepup in her ass.“Stupid frightened cow doesn’t want to answer, maybe weshould whip and clamp her other tit to teach her a lesson…And what the fuck areyou doing back down there Mike?”Mike, the guard on one knee behind Carol, ran his hands upand down the inside of her thighs, and then gripped her ass cheeks firmly. He lustfullyspread them apart and grinned at the sight of her puckered back entrancesealing up around a shiny piece of metal.“Just checking out this whore’s fine fat fuckable ass andseeing what the hell is stuffed up in her backside. It’s in there deep.” Hegrunted as he gave the chain a yank. The large steel cone in her ass started toreappear and Carol let out a long painful groan in response to her ass beingstretched wide open again. Her owner had stuffed the huge butt plug in her ass as shescreamed and begged for mercy. Then he had used it like a leash to lead heraround and prepare her for the long drive, chained up and gagged in a shippingcontainer, to the well disguised and unmarked auction house. The location ofwhich she had no idea.“Look at the size of that sucker in there. You must be onegreat ass fuck..Come on fatty…Come on tell us how great an ass fuck you are,you pathetic whore.” He zealously laughed with a hard slap to her ass. Carol grasped the ropes above her head and perched on hertoes, trying to physically move away from the stinging pain in her dark welltrained anus. She dutifully nodded her head and told them thru her grimacingmouth, “I am a great ass fuck Sirs, the very best my last few owners have toldme…..AW FUCK…PLEASSSE STOPP…NOOO!”Her agonizing curse was loud as the man behind her yankedhard on the chain attached to the large plug in her ass. It felt like it splither in two before it cleared her stretched to the limit anus, and the filthy conefell to the floor with a loud metallic clang. Carol hung her head and gaspedfor breath as the pain subsided.But no sooner had she gulped for air and sagged in herropes, she felt the probing hand of the guard behind her, running up the backsof her thighs and then digging into her still stinging whip marked ass cheeks. “What do ya think Bill, I got time to ass fuck this big oldslave whore?” He had Carol’s ass cheeks wrenched apart with his thumbs, as shetrembled and whimpered. His hot breath on her backside as he ran his tongue upher right ass cheek and then her left. Mike was an avowed ass man, and Carols’ ample bum was heavento him. He licked her cheeks twice more before then sinking his teeth into theflab of flesh on her left buttock. She screamed loudly as she felt his teethcrunch into her butt flab and hidden muscle.“Hey come on Mike, don’t damage the merchandise before itgets sold. That will piss off management. You don’t want the Boss or Joanne allyelling in our face….And no, you don’t have time to fuck this cow’s ass. I wouldlove to myself, but our zoom covid auction starts in ten. And remember the onlything that is supposed to be in the picture is her fat lovely fuckable ass, mouthand tits.”Laughed out the man standing in front of Carol’s wincingface. Tears slid down over her cheeks as she stood there, legs forced apart andunable to stop their sick manhandling of her.“Too bad Bill…already having too much fun with this big oldcow. Well just one last thing to add.” There was a snapping noise and then an ear-splittingscream as Carol thrashed her head around. Her arms jerked at the ropes overheadand her perched feet, twisted in the ropes holding her legs spread apart.She howled loudly, begging for them to, “Gawd pleassse ,take it off…take it off …I beg you..pleassss..sse”Bill looked down at his clipboard and then down over Carol’sheaving torso. Her sobs and begging running endlessly as he asked, “You put theclit pincers on the stupid cunt’s clit, didn’t you Mike?”Mike’s smiling head appeared to the left of Carol’squivering hip, his hands dug into her waist as he tried to hold her body as it trembledviolently. Her spread legs pulling at the anchoring ropes as the pain of the largealligator teethed clip, crushing her nub of sexual nerves, ran all thru her trappedbody.“Yep just like her owner ordered. Maximum discomfort whileshe gets live streamed.” Mike boasted from behind Carol’s ass. Her large bum cheeks jiggling as he gave each one a finalfirm slap. He gave the clit clamp a swat too, with the back of his hand. Which elicitedanother round of moaning painful howls out of Carol’s blubbering mouth, before hereached up and grasped a bunch of her long brown tresses. She was sobbing mournfully and pleading for them to stop. Hersob choked off and turning into a painful groan as Mike gipped her hair andused the brown strands to help haul himself back up off being on one knee.At full height, towering behind her with a tight grip stillon her hair, he yanked her head back. Then he growled into her frightened face.“To bad your about to get sold, I would have really enjoyed another hour or twowith you. I think I could have made you see jesus, or at least scream for him.”“Well you just may get that wish boys.” A deep female voiceboomed from the doorway entering the almost empty hallway. It was Joanne, theBoss’ trusty sadistic right hand ‘woman’, in charge of running the auctionhouse.Both Mike and Bill looked over at the stern in appearance,yet now grinning woman. The corner of Bill’s mouth upturning and his eyes glancingover to meet Carol’s teary anxious ones as he asked, “We have a delay ma’am?” Joanne nodded, “Yes dammit, our IT people are having someissues with our online security. So we’ve delayed the auction till tomorrownight. Think you boys can look after this piece of meat here for the night?”Carol didn’t hear the men’s very agreeable reply, over herown screams as she began to flail away at her ropes. Hoping to god the womanwas kidding….She wasn’t….Twenty four hours later…Carol’s head hung down, her arms and shoulders aching in absolutediscomfort. She swallowed and sputtered, “Please , please tell me it’s time…please.”Behind her she could hear the metallic zip of one of the manyvisiting guards doing back up his fly. His cum trickled down between her spreadinner thighs. The hot slimy liquid leaking back out of her ass, doing nothing tostem the stinging her rectum was suffering.She suddenly shook from her toes to fingers and she grittedher teeth before screaming. Drool hung from her bottom lip and she pantedagain, as Mike the guard, moved the cattle prod away from her throbbing lefttit. “What is it cunt? I thought you liked to get ass fucked…Ithought that was your specialty?” he asked mockingly.“I mean how many men have put their cocks up into your asssince last night? Its been a steady stream hasn’t it…And with ten minutesbefore we start the online auction, Bill got to stick his long stiff dick up inyou one more time. Lucky guy…Aren’t you happy for him?”He then moved the prod down over the rolls of Carol’sshivering stomach, stopping at the cleft of her sex before taking the torturousprod and tapping the electrodes against the heavy old wrench swaying from hertormented clit. Carol moaned and just shook her head. She had lost countafter about a dozen or so times. And at some point in the morning, as she wasbeing anally assaulted, some sick fuck had hung a wrench from her clit clamp,causing her to almost black out as another guard came up inside her rectum.She was now utterly destroyed, ass fucked into uttersubmission and wishing for it all to end. Pleading out loud for the auction tobegin, to an onlooking and surprised set of perverted guards. Never in herwildest dreams would she ever thought she would be begging to be sold.There was another threatening jab of the electrodes into themass of curls over her pubic mound and she heard the guard’s voice grumble, asthe others laughed behind her. “Tell me again you useless blubbering whore,tell me again what you want?”Carol took a deep gasping breath and raised her tired anddefeated head. Her face covered in dried tears and her distressed eyes, said itall as she gasped out, “I want to be sold…please, please sell me. pleasssse….Gawdplease start the auction.”Then she collapsed in her ropes, praying to god they would stoptormenting her and leave her ass alone. That they would finally begin selling heronline to the highest bidder. It was just then that the deep voice of that woman rang outfrom the back of the hall, and Carol went completely limp and whimpering. “Heyboys, god damn it!…more fucking IT issues…So guess what!”.So who is this Joanne woman? Her first appearance is linked belowThe New Hires story…. -- source link
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