The Hopeless ReachThe man who offered Sasha a rather obscene amount of moneyover Craigslist to model
The Hopeless ReachThe man who offered Sasha a rather obscene amount of moneyover Craigslist to model in a seriously short dress and thigh high stockings,grabbed her from behind and slid his hand up under the tiny dress to massageher quivering bum cheeks. Her thin lacy panties doing nothing to stop theexploration of his long rough fingers.“Fuck your ass feels good and toned. You must have been oneof those cute little ballet cunt’s when you were younger. I cannot wait to see yourtight gorgeous ass cheeks with my cum splattered all over them.” She shuddered as he spoke and touched her body everywhere,as if he owned it. Then he pushed up against her, his muscled body dwarfinghers. His large hands slid over hersmall braless breasts hiding under the dress. He stood a good foot taller than her and his hard erectiondug into the small of her back, right thru the short little summer dress thatshe had brought along to wear, as per the ad. She began to pull her hands away from the wall, but stopped with amournful squeak, as she felt him yank on her ponytail and heard him growl downon her, “Keep your hands against the wall you dirty little slut, orI will chain them above your head and then whip your cute gullible ass till itbleeds…Got it?” She nodded and moaned thru the gag that she would becomplaint, utterly fearful of his threats. This situation was not going as sheplanned, and she blinked back a growing new flood of terror induced tears.The ad for the modeling job had also mentioned ‘lightbondage and submission required for photo shoot, $500 per hour, four hoursguaranteed’. So Sasha had jumped at the chance to make that kind of money. But she was now severely regretting that decision. Theversion of light bondage and submission she had previously in her mind, dismissedby the twisted deviant reality she was now being forced to endure. ….When she had first arrived at this unmarked warehouse, shechanged into the attire required by the ad in a dingy small bathroom. Swearingthat she could hear him breathing heavily on the other side of the door. Then he had led her back into a well secured room, to shootin his ‘dungeon like studio’. Telling her, ‘it was all for the bondage andkidnap fantasy site he ran.’ It had all kinds of whips and chains hanging from its blankgrey walls, and cameras were positioned in every corner. Little did she knowthat the cameras were only for his personal use, recording and streaming for himself and afew like minded deviant friends of his.As she stood barely dressed and nervous in the middle of the‘too life like dungeon’, her bum and the cleft of her panty covered moundshowing, she began to rub her bare arms and hope this was just for makebelieve.He then threw some thick metal wrist cuffs, padlocks andother bondage gear at her feet and sat down in a large plush lounge chair. “Putthem on now, you cute little thing. Wrist cuffs first, then spreader bar andlastly the neck ring. I want to see youlock yourself into your bondage….And then waddle that cute pussy over here andhand me the keys.”She could see the camera lights blinking and when she glancedat him, he was smiling in a domineering way that sent shivers thru her wholebody and demanded she comply. With shaking hands, she cuffed her own slim wristsand then went about stepping into and even locking the spreader bar around herown ankles. As Sasha placed the cold steel band around her neck andlocked it too, she began to have her suspicions that this was not going to bewhat she had signed up for. She gulped as the steel neck cuff’s locking mechanismclicked behind her head. She tried to open it back up, but it was solidly stuck,moving only one way, and that was much tighter. Then she gasped as she looked over at him. He unzipped hisfly and pulled out his long stiff erection. She stared at his very long cock ashe stroked it a few times. Then his hand came up and he motioned her forward,“Come on. Give me the keys you adorable sweet whore. Or do I need to whip yourpussy to get your obedient attention.”Her mouth dropped open at his obscene and threatening wordsand then she saw him swing his left arm from out beside the chair. In his handshe now held a long thin pole across his lap. He glanced down at it and thentold her. “This will cause you excruciating pain if I whip your tender youngpussy and perhaps your pert small tits with it. So, I recommend doing as Isay…Now say to me…Yes Sir I will do as you say.”Sasha nodded her shocked and disbelieving head. Then she stutteredout as commanded, “Yes Sir..I..I .. as you say….Please don’t hurtme.”Her added bit of soft plea, making his shoulders shake withmirth and his eyes roll. There was something about his demeanour and this situationnow, that was getting Sasha very worried and scared. His curling index fingertelling her it was time to struggle over to him.Each of her thigh high stocking legs swung stiffly forward,one at a time, as she awkwardly stepped her way over to his chair. She thoughtshe must look silly, but a deep male growl of appreciation, and another glanceat his darkening and lustful face, told her he thought otherwise.He held out his hand and she dropped the keys into them. Nowquite troublingly aware, that he held the keys to her freedom of movement andpossibly her freedom in general. She so wanted to run out of the room, toescape, but her restraints and the fear enveloping her, kept her rooted infront of him. Her fear was palpable as she stood there wide legged, hercuffed hands dangling in front of her barely covered crotch. A futile attemptto hide her modesty. She watched him slide the keys into his pocket and then hestated with a lascivious chuckle,“I know it wasn’t part of the deal Sasha, but if you wantthose ankle cuffs and collar to come off any time in the future, I think youshould drop to your knees and show my cock some respect. So put your mouth wherethe money is…..Show my big dick how much you appreciate me hiring you for thisphoto shoot.” He growled with a tone that left her little choice but to comply.She had never given a blowjob for payment before, but as sheclumsily dropped to her knees and then grasped his long shaft in her soft tremblinghands, she knew she wasn’t doing this for the money anymore. It was more aboutsurvival and getting the hell out of this place. A feeling she could not havebeen more right about.…..back to the present…..Sasha could still taste his length in her mouth as his handscontinued probing between her shaking thighs. His ejaculations of hot tangy cumhad been more than her gasping mouth could hold. And now her new dress was spatteredwith semen stains, which meant she couldn’t return it to the store to get hermoney back after this. If there was an after this, she worried. She was scared as hell now, her begging pleas to be let goafter she sucked him off, stifled by the large ball gag now strapped into hermouth. It too latched securely with a small padlock. Her neck now ached fromthe metal band around it. The neck restraint dug into her skin as she wrenchedher head away from the wall.He had chained her neck up to the wall and her spreader barto the floor. The short lengths of chain trapping her to the wall and floor,keeping her in an awkward arms out predicament, as she braced herself and keptthem out of the way, as he demanded.When she had tried to get her hands behind her and push awayat his hips, he had grunted, “Keep them on the wall slut, or I will cuff thembehind your back, up to your collar and then throw away the key. Do you want to beleft like that? Do you want to give me my next blow jobs severely trussed up in that painfulposition?”That had caused her to squeal and shake her head in horror.Her complete loss of control over the situation now fully hitting her. Shewhimpered into her gag and moved her hands higher up against the cold wall,trying to brace herself as he continued molesting her. Her forcibly spread legslet him explore deeper in between her trembling thighs, the cuffs of thespreader bar digging hard into her ankles. When he slid aside her panty’s crotch and inserted a fingerup into her tight slit, two knuckles deep, she began to sob. And then helaughed.“We are going to have so much fun in the coming days andweeks my little gullible captive. So pretty and so naïve you were. Now I willget to beat all that naivety out of you…Break you down until you’re ablubbering sobbing capitulating mess.”On the word mess, he inserted two more fingers up inside hertight channel, causing her to squeal into her gag. His thumb teasing at herclenched small anus as she squeezed her eyes shut and shook.“Oh my darling little captive, we are so going to exploreputting things in both of these pretty tight holes. Big things, long things,massive and nasty things, that will make you wish you had never been born.”His thumb driving up into her snug virgin ass, past theknuckle, just as he said those last few words. She screamed into the gag andalmost collapsed from the stinging pain. Her finger nails scratching into thewall, as he whispered down into her ear,“Then we stick my cock into those well trained holes,including your adorable mouth. And we do it over and over and over again…..Eachand every day, until I drain my balls and you can’t stay conscious.”He stepped back from her trembling form and then swung thekeys to her many locks above her head. He attached them to hook hanging highoverhead and then looked down on her with a taunting smile that blared histhoughts of, ‘try and get them you stupid but pretty cunt, this should lookgreat on camera.’His final spoken words to Sasha, before disappearing out ofthe basement were, “I will be back soon princess. I need to go buy somesupplies for your training and punishing. Don’t get comfortable, we’ll becommencing with some of those rather nasty predicaments as soon as I get back.And then we’ll record your screams and flailing on video so I can enjoy it foryears after you’re gone.”The dungeon door then clicked shut and Sasha slapped the wallwith her hands, then she screamed for minutes into her gag to no one at all.….much later….She tried to reach higher, her outstretched arm not enoughto reach the dangling keys. She was groaning around that horrid ball in hermouth. She had tried to claw the gag strap off, but it had amounted to onlyscratching up her own face. It was just padlocked on too tight.She was seriously beginning to panic, breathing in rapidlythru her sniffling nose and grasping for any faint hope of escape. Her tearsflowed unchecked and she gulped down another throat full of saliva as shestretched up on her tired toes.In the interminable hours since he had left her alone,clawing and stretching for the keys, his sick threats had sunk in fully,like her despairing panic, real and terrifying. The keys to her freedom socruelly close and taunting her.Her legs and arm muscles strained as she tried to reach forthe keys. Her terrified and panicked grunts and breathing drowning out thesound of the dungeon’s door opening behind her. She didn’t know he was there, andshe kept up the hopeless struggling to reach the keys, much to his delight.Her hapless reaching and pitiful groans only made himhornier and hornier as he watched her cute ass show from under the miniscule dressand her sweet legs stretched upwards. She was snivelling and whimpering andunaware of his presence as he soundlessly laid out his newly acquired tools ofdeviance on the floor.That was until his forced cough caused her to flinch andturn. His sadistic grin and unsheathed protruding cock now on full display forher shocked face.Her screams becoming utterly eardrum breaking as she saw hiscollection of toys and tools, and he said in his deepest dark voice, “I amback. Glad to see you didn’t escape…Now let’s begin the real fun.” -- source link
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