profoundbondoflove:Dear followers, dear fellow Destiel lovers,I know I haven’t posted a rec list in
profoundbondoflove:Dear followers, dear fellow Destiel lovers,I know I haven’t posted a rec list in forever and I’m deeply sorry. HOWEVER, I am now posting a super duppper epic fic rec list, including ALL the fics I’ve bookmarked during this semester. (They are listed in chonological order)I only bookmark things that make me squeel with joy or squirm because I’m just SO turned on. Sooooooo.. get yourself ready, make some tea, or hot chocolate, pour some wine..and enjoy these beautiful fics ;)You Were Something I Never Expected Title: Do What Feels GoodRating: ExplicitWord Count: 13kSummary: Castiel learns to love alone time in the shower. And then he learns to share.Title: Enemy MineRating: ExplicitWord Count: 3kSummary: Demon!Dean wants to team up with an angel of the Lord.Title: He Saw it in a Film OnceRating: ExplicitWord Count: 5kSummary:Dean, who may or may not have left a knife on his person, is nervous about being caught with contraband by the smoking hot TSA agent, so he demands a private pat down. Thing is, the TSA agent doesn’t know the proper procedure to give a private pat down. Except for what he saw in that film once…orWhere Dean needs a pat down and Cas doesn’t know what to do so he bases it off a porno. Title: What was Lost Still Leaves its MarkRating: ExplicitWord Count: 5kSummary:Demon Dean captures Castiel and forces him to play out a few of his fantasies. Cas soon finds himself willing because Dean still retains many of the good qualities of his human life. It starts out with dubious consent but consent is given early on. There is a confrontation where Dean makes Cas strip. If you love Dean’s panty kink this figures prominently. This is from Cas’ POV and gets romantic and hopeful toward the end. Castiel is powered down but not sick and has human drives like sex and sleep. Dean dominates him but is not cruel and does not hurt him. This was written a while before the season 10 premiere and is canon compliant up to the season 9 finale. Title: Watch Over YouRating: ExplicitWord Count: 1kSummary:“I didn’t know this what you meant when you said you’d watch over me,” Dean jokes lightly.(“I guess I could get used to it,” he whispers.) Title: CloserRating: ExplicitWord Count: 3kSummary:Dean was the best secretary Castiel ever had. Now if only he could get the man to stop turning into a stuttering, stumbling mess every time Castiel talked to him. Title: The Beast You’ve made of meRating: ExplicitWord Count: 11kSummary: Cas finds Dean bound to the headboard of a motel room, where the corpse of an incubus that suspiciously resembles the angel lies on the floor. They take off, but Dean refuses to talk about what happened. Incubi toxin pumps through his veins while Cas spends the drive reconsidering their relationship. The toxin takes its’ hold as Dean begins to panic and Cas beseeches him to pull over.Title: Like only a best friend couldRating: MatureWord Count: 22kSummary: The awesome thing about high school is that you can be a little bit gay without being all the way gay.Title: HushRating: ExplicitWord Count: 105kSummary:He’d heard all he needed to know about Dr. Novak, really. Straight-laced academic, prioritizes punctuality, favours the smartest students; it doesn’t bode well for Dean. Title: HoneydewRating: ExplicitWord Count: 4kSummary:Dean Winchester is a girl who is used to disappointment, so her crush on Castiel should be no exception.Fem!Dean x fem!Cas.AKA: Girl on girl smut. Title: 18 and LifeRating: ExplicitWord Count: 3kSummary: Dean Winchester has just been tossed into jail for doing something dumb. Which is pretty much his M.O. but this time, his actions have real consequences.Castiel Krushnic is his new cellmate with his own agenda that Dean isn’t really privy to until it’s too late. Title: I know what you likeRating: ExplicitWord Count: 4kCastiel agrees to help Gabriel out by being a production assistant at his porn company. However, when porn star Dean Winchester comes onto him on set, who is Cas to say no, especially when Dean seems to know all the things that turn Cas on most?Summary: Title: TreasuredRating: ExplicitWord Count: 1kSummary: Castiel is a towering dragon capable of tearing asunder entire kingdoms, but for his treasured human, he shifts form and becomes all the things Dean could ever want. Anything Castiel can’t become, he acquires, showering Dean in riches and finery unlike any other. He tends to every one of Dean’s needs, including the less innocent and more primal urges that arise between them.Title: Dean and Cas make a PornoRating: ExplicitWord Count: 2kSummary:Porn stars Dean and Castiel get their first chance to work with each other. “I’ve seen your work, Angel. Very nice.” “Call me Cas.” “Dean.” Smut Title: One Does Not Simply Ship DestielRating: ExplicitWord Count: 30kSummary: Sam is finally starting to figure out why Dean and Cas are so intense around each other. It makes sense, really. Granted, nothing is going to come of the longing glances and secret pining unless somebody does something. Sam takes it upon himself to do that something. Buy as it turns out, getting Dean and Cas together is more difficult than he imagines.Title: There’s Nowhere I’d Rather Be Than Here With YouRating: ExplicitWord Count: 5kSummary: Dean’s had a long day at work, so what better way for him and Cas to celebrate their two year anniversary of their marriage proposal than some lazy sex at home on their couch in their living room. Though, that wasn’t the only thing going on in the den… Title: A Case for EvolutionRating: MatureWord Count: 9kSummary: Somehow an easy-going plumber and an awkward anthropologist can find a way to meet right in the middle.Title: The RegistyRating: Teen and Up AudiencesWord Count: 1kSummary: In an alternate universe where soulmates have matching marks, Dean is having zero luck finding his. Luckily, The Registry exists to help people just like him. This is the story of the day he met his match.Title: ChangeRating: Not RatedWord Count: 3kSummary: When Dean was younger, he had a friend called Cas.Title: RootsRating: ExplicitWord Count: 37kSummary: “After the apocalypse, Dean, Sam and Castiel settle into a gentler life, and Dean starts to make peace with the things that plagued him before 2009. Tentatively, carefully, he starts getting better.But something lives in the woods, in the house; something calls to him in his dreams that crosses the lines between waking and sleep. Whilst trying to reconcile himself with himself, Dean finds himself wondering if the things he’s managed to build are really slipping away, or if the whole thing is just in his head.”Title: Special RelativityRating: ExplicitWord Count: 66kSummary: Dean Winchester is one of the best Time Jumpers the Agency has. When the mysterious, never seen Director sends him to 2008 with only a name and a death date, Dean has one month to find his target and complete this solo mission. Finding the target was easy enough, Castiel Angelus ran right into him. Now if he could just keep Castiel alive until the death date without damaging the time line, Dean will complete this mission.Title: Five Times Sam almost Caught Them (and one time he did)Rating: Teen and Up AudiencesWord Count: 5kSummary: Sam and Cas are roommates. Dean is a selfish jerk who can’t clean up after himself or listen to anyone. Especially when Sam said “don’t try to screw my roommate, Dean.” Cas is so frigid Sam didn’t even think it would be an issue. Clearly he underestimated them both.Title: Own a Bee Hive with YouRating: Teen and Up AudiencesWord Count: 1kSummary:Dean takes Cas out on a not-date and things get merry.Title: The Demon’s ProgressRating: MatureWord Count: 5kSummary: Dean is embracing the more fun aspects of this whole demon thing. Now he and Cas are at each others’ throats and Sam is sick of it.Title: Day 7 – Morning!Sex : “Freckles”Rating: ExplicitWord Count: 2kSummary: A lazy sunday morning in the life of Dean and Cas.Title: 32 SecondsRating: ExplicitWord Count: 11kSummary: Castiel wakes up, but he knows he’s still in the wrong place.Title: Making BreakfastRating: MatureWord Count: 11kSummary: The lazy morning after Sam and Jessica’s drunken engagement celebration. Everyone’s crashed at Dean and Cas’s house so it’s up to the hosts to make breakfast for everyone. (Really just an excuse for shameless kitchen fluff with a bit of smut thrown in for fun.)Title: The Tighter the Ropes, the Closer We AreRating: ExplicitWord Count: 6kSummary: Five. He wanted five rounds. Dean had started to tremble again from the anticipation as Castiel explained it to him. There would be four denials before he would be allowed to come. Four times he would have to go through the settings of their favorite vibrator without release. There were ten small buttons on the small remote control, each with a number beside it, each designed to take Dean apart gradually, at the pace determined by whoever held it.Title: Ink StainsRating: ExplicitWord Count: 15kSummary: Dean stops at the dilapidated exotic pet store and ends up taking home more than he bargained for.Title: Chasing NormalRating: MatureWord Count: 17kSummary: Dean reevaluates his definition of an ‘apple pie life’ and what that means for him, personally.Title: Some People Would Call This RomanticRating: General AudiencesWord Count: 5kSummary: Castiel enjoys sunsets, long walks on the beach, and Dean.Title: A Broken Man & The DawnRating: ExplicitWord Count: 45kSummary: After his brother dies in a car accident, Jensen is left to take care of his newborn nephew - and he’s in over his head. Also, he has the feeling that the guy who just moved into the apartment next door hates him because of the crying baby that keeps him up all night. As it turns out, Misha not only has that set of mesmerizing blue eyes, but also a lot of intuition when it comes to fussing, cranky babies.Title: In my LifeRating: General AudiencesWord Count: 1kSummary: Dean Winchester wriggles his chubby, bare toes in the cool grass, little hands fisting his green blanket cape as he stands next to his mother. At four years-old, he’s no stranger to grown up things. He knows all about love and paper money and sharing.That’s why he’s asked Cas to marry him.Title: The Doctor Will See You NowRating: ExplicitWord Count: 7kSummary: Dean has a medical kink. Castiel is more than happy to oblige. Starring Castiel as the slightly unorthodox Dr. Novak who enjoys prescribing enforced chastity and daily tease and denial sessions, and Dean as his needy, submissive patient who will do anything for a chance to come.Title: “The Novikov Self-Consistency Principle”Rating: ExplicitWord Count: 8kSummary: Dr Jacob Glaser, astrophysicist and truth-seeker, has two unexpected visitors – one from several years in the past and the other from several years in the future. Copernicus never had to deal with this sort of crap.Title: What You Paid ForRating: ExplicitWord Count: 29kSummary: Castiel is an omega whose body has begun to reject suppressants after twelve years of continuous use. Faced with a hysterectomy or using an alpha service, he chooses the latter as much as he loathes the thought.Title: Backup GeneratorRating: ExplicitWord Count: 3kSummary: After a last minute change of plans, Cas comes home from a business conference in the middle of the night. Extremely tired, Dean encourages him to sleep in the car on the way home. But apparently after a short nap, Cas has much more energy than Dean presumed.Title: When The Need StrikesRating: ExplicitWord Count: 1kSummary: Sometimes it doesn’t matter where you are, you just have to go for it.Title: The Summer of Cas’ Discontent (Or: How Cas Got a Hot Lawn Boy & Lost His Mind)Rating: ExplicitWord Count: 29kSummary: Cas is a well-off book editor who just wants someone to do his lawn work and landscaping. He gets more than he bargained for in the hunky 19 year old Dean Winchester and suddenly Cas is having trouble concentrating on much of anything else during a record heat wave.It’s going to be a long, hot summer.Title: Hoarding InstinctsRating: ExplicitWord Count: 6kSummary: In which Dean finds a homeless dragon at Starbucks and takes him home with him.Title: When The Tension BreaksRating: MatureWord Count: 2kSummary: Cas and Dean need to do less intense staring and more stupid giggling.Title: Giving You What You NeedRating: ExplicitWord Count: 6kSummary: It had taken a long time to track Dean down, but now that Castiel was facing him, he wasn’t sure what to say.Sam was locking Crowley up in the trunk of the car, and Castiel was, momentarily, alone with Dean.He said the first thing that came to mind, “We can fix this.” His voice more strained than he’d prefer.“Who said it needs fixing?” Dean turned up the corner of his lip, smirking as he walked closer.Title: First RisenRating: ExplicitWord Count: 2kSummary: Kieren awakens to a thumping sound, the sensation of touch, and his first erection in almost six years. Naturally, he panics.Title: Your Eyes Look Like Coming HomeRating: ExplicitWord Count: 16kSummary: Dean and Cas are two single men with pasts of heart ache and disappointment, neither believing that he is ready to enter a new relationship. But then Fate comes knocking, determined to prove them wrong, and creates a year of moments through which Dean and Cas meet and fall in love. In which there is a one-night stand that really isn’t a one-night stand, a field trip, baking, and a couple of guys who are just trying to figure it all out.Title: Smells Like RosesRating: ExplicitWord Count: 54kSummary: Dean’s life is beautiful. He wants for nothing, has the pleasure of his family and friends, and is desperately, irrevocably in love with his husband. Everything is perfect, just as it should be.Then he wakes up.Title: The Best Years of Our Lives, My AssRating: ExplicitWord Count: 111kSummary: AU after Season 8, episode 6, “Southern Comfort.” Dean goes to sleep in a motel room in Texarkana, and he wakes up 17 years old, in his childhood bedroom in Lawrence, Kansas, 1996. He has no idea how he got there, why his parents are still alive, why his brother is an adorable freshman with no memory of his adult life, and why the only ally he has in this place is the angel he left behind in Purgatory – somehow also 17 years old. They have to get out, that’s the important thing. Only, falling in love with his angel wasn’t a part of the plan….Title: Uninvited But Deeply CravedRating: ExplicitWord Count: 74kSummary: At 35 Castiel Novak is a successful professor, firmly established both in the academic world and a sought after voice in many recent gender debates. After a failed marriage he spent almost 15 years striving to get somewhere in life and there simply had never been time or an interest for romance. Not having a partner wasn’t something that ever bothered Castiel, but he can no longer shake the feeling of something lacking in his life. He decides that maybe it is time to have a child of his own. What he doesn’t want though is the hassle of a relationship. Egged on by his mischievous cousin he publishes a personal ad in a newspaper, looking for a young man to help him out.Title: You Were Something I Never ExpectedRating: ExplicitWord Count: 52kSummary: Winchester familiars were extremely powerful and sought after, but Dean had always swore up and down that he would never be bound to a witch. Everything changes when he meets Castiel. Injured in his familiar form, Dean gets taken in by an out of touch witch. A whirlwind surrounds them as the shit storm that is Dean’s life begins to catch up with him, but there is no doubt in his mind that they will make it out in the end.Title: There’s Only One Sure Thing That I KnowRating: ExplicitWord Count: 20kSummary: Dean doesn’t even get halfway through explaining before Bobby starts laughing. When he lets himself think about it for more than five seconds, Dean can almost see Bobby’s point: he’s faced down demons, witches, vampires, werewolves, ghosts, angels, andSatan himself and now he’s been defeated by the God damn Midwest.Title: Second TakeRating: MatureWord Count: 6kSummary: "Jensen had been dreading this since the moment he read through the script.Destiel or DeanCas or whatever the fans called it nowadays was actually happening.He was going to have to kiss Misha fucking Collins.“***Wherein Destiel becomes canon, and Jensen and Misha face the consequences of their first kiss.Title: Never Have I EverRating: ExplicitWord Count: 79kSummary: When Jo drags Dean along to a game of “never have I ever” with her friends, he finds himself getting caught up in a lot more than just a game.“Never have I ever hung out with such an asshole,” Dean countered, positively shocked at his own sass. Cas smirked again.“Oh, are we hanging out now?”Title: A Practice In ImprovisationRating: Teen and Up AudiencesWord Count: 16kSummary: "Castiel decides the best way to go about this is simply to be direct. So he looks straight at Dean and asks him “Dean, how can I be sure that I have sufficient prowess in varying forms of sexual activity?” Castiel might be an angel again but he hasn’t forgotten certain human curiosities. Which can be inconvenient. Until Dean offers to help him “practice.” Destiel. Season 9.Title: Intimite SpacesRating: MatureWord Count: 8kSummary: Dean and Castiel are finally on their third date, and Castiel knows what is expected of them to do. Namely, each other. But the problem is: as much as Castiel loves his boyfriend, he has no interest in becoming sexually intimate with him.Title: ConvergenceRating: ExplicitWord Count: 270kSummary: Dean’s pretty content with his life. He has his family and a really awesome group of friends. He has a son he would die for in a heartbeat. What more could he possibly want? Well, that’s going to change when a certain blue eyed angel comes into their lives.Title: HeatRating: ExplicitWord Count: 10kSummary: When Dean - beautiful, strong, and next in line for Chief of the Earth Clan Dean - presents as an extremely rare male omega, he’s devastated. He’d trained all his life to inherit his father’s leadership role, but now due to old traditions he must choose between the right to bear and raise his own children or lead the clan. Beyond that, heats for unmated omegas are dangerous and often deadly, so he must choose a mate before his next heat. Castiel, in love with Dean since they were both little dragonlings, fights for the chance to fill that dire need.Title: The Path of FirefliesRating: MatureWord Count: 60kSummary: After his humanity is restored, Dean wakes up in bed with Castiel, a wedding ring, and no memory of the past twelve years.Title: What to expect when you didn’t expect anythingRating: MatureWord Count: 46kSummary:Dean’s life had not been easy, but now he had started transition, was back in school and even had gotten himself a boyfriend he thought the hard part was over. Then a doctor told him he was pregnant.Title: The Way You DoRating: MatureWord Count: 3kSummary: Without preamble, Cas blows a breath right over Dean’s lips and then raises his eyebrows, as if to say ‘see, nothing special, just air over skin, and the dice are stupid.’"I said if you do it right,” Dean says flatly. “And that was not right.”Title: Heat WaveRating: ExplicitWord Count: 40kSummary: There’s an old cabin in the woods, a worn and weathered thing, tucked away from prying eyes and unwanted responsibility. Officially, it’s the Novak family’s summer vacation home, but for a few days during the summer after graduation, Cas and Dean make it their own, spending their days dozing and swimming and hunting for snipes. The heat is relentless, the mosquitoes even more so, and it’s the perfect place for Dean to settle into a niche he never thought he could fit.Title: I’ll take that as a yesRating: ExplicitWord Count: 14kSummary: Dean’s a nude art model at KU and has loans to pay off before graduation. Castiel’s a photographer looking to finish his photography exhibition with a kinky hobby and a lifetime supply of hemp rope.Title: Can’t Fight This Feeling AnymoreRating: ExplicitWord Count: 52kSummary: Attempting to help Castiel embrace his newfound humanity, Dean embarks on a mission to finally get his friend laid. Plot derails quickly and some shenanigans and awkward sexual tension ensue.Title: Shared SkiesRating: Teen and Up AudiencesWord Count: 10kSummary: As the Southern Kingdom takes action to conquer the Four Kingdoms, it is up the Dean of Winchester, Alpha Prince of the West, to return order to the kingdoms. Is marriage to the Omega Prince of the North enough to stop on coming war, or will unknown forces bring about the end of peace between the four nations forever?Title: Weddings Are BoringRating: ExplicitWord Count: 9kSummary: Dean meets Castiel at a friend’s wedding reception, and his boring-as-hell night turns out to be better than expected.Title: Future Plans and Other Dumb IdeasRating: ExplicitWord Count: 23kSummary: Dean and Cas, college juniors, are quietly and deeply in love. With no worries bigger than passing their exams, their future together looks bright. Dean’s status as ChildBearer-Positive isn’t something either of them worries about; he’s on birth-control and they’re both conscientiously safe and sensible. One night of drunken celebration, however, proves that accidents can happen to anyone. After’s Cas’s casual revelation that he doesn’t want kids, a panic-stricken Dean hides the truth from himself as much as Castiel. An action that threatens his health and their relationship.Title: Bottom NightRating: ExplicitWord Count: 2kSummary: Castiel is forced to use a female vessel until his usual one heals; Dean is a bit of a whiny guy because he misses having a cock up his ass… How does Cas handle this situation? Strap-Ons.Title: Behind the MaskRating: ExplicitWord Count: 5kSummary: Castiel isn’t exactly sure how Anna convinced him to come to this party. He hasn’t really been one for frat parties since he was a freshman. He adjusts his plastic devil horns and sips his drink until a bare arm slings heavy around his shoulder, prosthetic feathers jammed up against his side. “Guess we’re sticking together tonight,” the angel says with a beaming grin, and Castiel is falling.Title: Kiss With a FistRating: ExplicitWord Count: 3kSummary: Cas decorates the bunker. It doesn’t go well. Until it does.Title: UnintendedRating: ExplicitWord Count: 83kSummary: Castiel is a successful defense attorney beginning to doubt the integrity of the work he does. After winning a date with a firefighter named Dean at a charity auction, Cas decides that he needs to make a change in his life. He just has one more case to take care of, but his involvement has devastating consequences.Title: Somethin’ About Wild HorsesRating: ExplicitWord Count: 11kSummary: “Guys, please,” Gabriel says. “This video has been requested literally thousands of times, by both of your fans. All of our viewers know how much you two hate each other, and everyone wants to know how that will affect a scene. Personally, I think you could both learn a thing or two from one another. You’re gonna have to put the bad vibes on hold for, like, three days, okay? Just until we finish shooting the scene. And then, if you still wanna rip each other’s throats out, I’ll film that, too.”Title: Unknown QuantitiesRating: ExplicitWord Count: 9kSummary: No one ever tells Dean anything.(or: Dean Winchester and the not-relationship crisis of 2014)Title: Sleepless in Lawrence, KansasRating: ExplicitWord Count: 50kSummary: “Um, yes, hi. My name is Sam and I’m calling from Lawrence, Kansas.”A new voice… Castiel loved new voices. They always had new stories to tell.“Kansas… well, it’s not really midnight down there, is it? What keeps you up?” he asked.“I’m worried about my brother, Dean.”Title: Operation Queer Things UpRating: ExplicitWord Count: 14kSummary: When Castiel is forced to return to her homophobic family’s home for her brother Michael’s wedding, her best friend and roommate Deanna offers to go with her as her pretend girlfriend to shield Cass from her mother’s attempts to set her up with a man. Which is totally selfless on Deanna’s part, of course. Because she is totally and completely straight and not at all in love with her best friend. Right?Title: The Red DragonRating: MatureWord Count: 8kSummary: Castiel lived on top of a Chinese restaurant. One day a deep rumbling voice drifted from the vents from downstairs, prompting Castiel to consume a copious amount of Chinese food just to find out who that voice belonged to.Title: Butterbeer And BroomsticksRating: ExplicitWord Count: 7kSummary: Dean, Flying Instructor extraordinaire at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, has fallen head over heels for Castiel Novak, the criminally gorgeous Herbology professor. It’s definitely the most hideous man crush to ever grace the hallowed castle, and for Merlin’s sake Dean hopes that he’ll be able to bloody do something about it one of these days.Title: All Worked UpRating: ExplicitWord Count: 1kSummary: Castiel’s tongue; Dean’s ass. No, seriously, that’s the whole story.Title: That SummerRating: ExplicitWord Count: 17kSummary: Ten years ago Dean spent the summer working on Castiel Novak’s farm to earn some extra money. That was the most memorable three months of his life, and now that he has an opportunity to go back to that small town, he’s hopeful that he’ll meet Castiel again and maybe see if the old flame can be rekindled.Title: Who Said You Could Waltz Off with my Heart?Rating: ExplicitWord Count: 24kSummary: Dean isn’t excited when Lisa informs him they’re taking dance lessons for their upcoming wedding. Little does he know that everything in his life is about to change.Title: The Cool KidsRating: ExplicitWord Count: 24kSummary: "He thought being dragged round the country most of his life was the worst. But growing up the way Cas did sounded like the real hell.“Dean and Sam lived a nomadic life thanks to their father who put his quest for vengeance in front of his children. Finally able to settle in with their Uncle Bobby, the boys can attempt to achieve some normalcy. What the boys didn’t expect was to be dumped into a town in the middle of nowhere where everyone knows everyone and being more "worldly” keeps you from being one of the cool kids.Title: Dean Is Not a BronyRating: MatureWord Count: 30kSummary: There’s only one table left at the cafe, and Dean really really wants it, despite the guy that’s already heading for it.Wherein Dean makes an ass of himself to get the table, Cas is gracious, there’s a dog with an unfortunate name, and these two dorks figure out a relationship.Title: Beautiful LoserRating: ExplicitWord Count: 30kSummary: Dean is an alpha, married to a beta. They have a good comfortable life that Dean loves, until a man pulls into Dean’s work and turns his world inside out.Title: Castiel Gets a Lap DanceRating: MatureWord Count: 3kSummary: Castiel has been planning his sister’s bachelorette party for months. He’s ready to enjoy the evening from a comfortable distance. That is, until a freckled Adonis is suddenly straddling his lap.Title: What Was MissingRating: ExplicitWord Count: 6kSummary: Castiel asks Dean a question that leads first to a long-overdue conversation about sex vs. love, then to some realizations on both their parts about the nature of their own relationship.(In which Dean and Cas talk about feelings, then stop talking to each other for a while, and finally, uh, talk with their bodies. Because fanfiction.)Title: Funny PeculiarRating: ExplicitWord Count: 5kSummary: Castiel holds the mic to his mouth and says, in a rough, sly voice that hits all of Dean’s buttons and then some, ‘I look like a fucking nerd, don’t I.’ It’s such a bald statement of fact, it gets a laugh. Castiel’s lips curve upwards, and without quite meaning to, Dean leans forward to listen.'I mean that literally, by way: I look like a fucking nerd, like a nerd who fucks. What! Don’t laugh at that, you judgemental prick,’ he says, grinning so there’s no sting in it as he points the mic at a chuckling guy in the front row, 'you think a guy in sweater vest can’t get some cock if he wants it? I’ll have you know, I had one whole boyfriend in high school. Yeah. I was hot property. You wanna talk about band geeks getting it on in high school, forget that American Pie flute insertion bullshit; ask a fucking gay hornist where he gets his embouchure.’Title: Dancing in the DarkRating: ExplicitWord Count: 70kSummary: Technically, Pamela had introduced them. It was a bit of a twisting of the facts to look at it that way, but it was how Cas always told the story. Explaining what had actually happened usually led to a list of questions he preferred not to answer, that list growing longer depending on who was doing the asking, and it was just easier to say that Pam had been the catalyst. Generally, he left it at that. Dean, on the other hand, thought the real story was much more interesting.Title: CocoaRating: ExplicitWord Count: 2kSummary: ” So yeah. Castiel is perfect. With him, Dean can see how stupidly mundane things like, putting frosting on cookies, wrapping gifts, Hell even buying those gifts. It feels awesome, because being with Cas’ always makes him feel lighter, happier. Right now he’s sprinkling glitter all over a christmas card he’ll give aunt Ellen for christmas, and even if it pains him to say so, he feels completely okay with the idea of spending the week-end playing with stickers and ribbons.“Title: Long Time ComingRating: Teen and Up AudiencesWord Count: 5kSummary: He still has his towel wrapped around his hips, and just happens to look over to the mirror, frowning in confusion as he notes the way his belly kind of squishes up a little bit, forming a slight roll that he can’t remember having before. He straightens back up, and the roll immediately stretches back out until it’s all just normal looking skin. Without thinking, he turns sideways and pokes at the little pooch that seems to have taken up residence.Title: In the Deep MidwinterRating: ExplicitWord Count: 13kSummary: Dean wrenched open the door to the cabin and stopped dead in his tracks. Sam had explained the situation to him on the phone, so Dean had known it was going to be bad, but this … this was pretty bad. The angel was naked to the waist. He wasn’t struggling and he was sort of breathing, and that was where the good news ended.Hunter AU. If there’s one thing a good hunter knows, it’s to stay away from angels.Title: Traffic JamRating: ExplicitWord Count: 5kSummary: When Cas got stuck in the snow-induced traffic jam from hell, he never could have guessed he’d be in the warm heaven that was Dean’s bed by the end of the day. Yet, here he was.Title: Rebecca - French Toast (written by my beautiful friend <3)Rating: Teen and Up AudiencesWord Count: 7kSummary:People are going missing. The bodies that show back up are labeled as animal attacks by the local papers. But there’s something off about it.Rebecca is on the case, and ends up needing a temporary partner.Title: Finger FoodsRating: Teen and Up AudiencesWord Count: 7kSummary: deanhugchester: I want fics about Dean and Cas eating each other’s food.Title: Santa BabyRating: ExplicitWord Count: 2kSummary: Sequel to “Perks of Working in a Costume Store”. Cas asks Dean to come over, and it’s not what he was expecting. He’s not complaining, though.Title: A Study of AnatomyRating: MatureWord Count: 6kSummary: Cas only wanted to study for his midterms.Title: Cherry Lips (Go Baby Go)Rating: ExplicitWord Count: 5kSummary: A gratuitous smut fest featuring Cas in lingerie and other traditionally feminine clothing, and Dean fucking loves it.Title: The 10th Day of Christmas: “I Don’t Want a Lot for Solstice”Rating: ExplicitWord Count: 23kSummary: The tree catching on fire, Dean would maintain to the end of his days, had clearly been started by the squirrels. Or outlet overload, or outdated breaker boxes; possibly a frayed extension cord, or maybe a malfunctioning string of fairy lights. Not to mention Kevin Tran.It most definitely had not been caused by him and Cas.•In which Dean drives out to Palo Alto to stay with Sam over winter break, and meets Sam’s new co-op housemates, including comparative literature PhD candidate, fundamentalist cult survivor, and practicing witch Castiel Milton—which would all be confusing enough, if Cas weren’t also unfairly gorgeous, especially in cowboy boots.Title: Big Hands, I Know You’re the OneRating: ExplicitWord Count: 2kSummary: Me: You have the wrong number.(785) 555-4217: SAM don’t b like this. In done with your ducking games manMe: I assure you, I am not Sam.***Wherein Dean Winchester accidentally sends some drunken New Years texts to a dude named Castiel.Title: The Blood of the CovenantRating: ExplicitWord Count: 10kSummary: In the candlelight, Dean remembers how he came to be a vampire’s consort.Title: Every Color in the WorldRating: ExplicitWord Count: 135kSummary: Dean Winchester wasn’t a hipster. He just really really liked thrift shops.(Or)Once again the new kid in school, Dean is immediately noticed by the hipster crowd, who like his quirky clothes and bizarre personality. He’s not interested….until he catches sight of the blue-eyed stranger he’d met at a tag sale the day before.Title: Puzzle PieceRating: Teen and Up AudiencesWord Count: 571Summary: In a world where your soulmate’s first words are imprinted on your forearm at birth, sometimes life can be confusing.Luckily for Dean, it’s not very hard to distinguish who his soulmate is.Title: Snow Place Like Home (But My Home Is With You)Rating: ExplicitWord Count: 48kSummary: It’s Christmas Eve, and Dean, Sam and Castiel are snowed into a small town with a big festive spirit. They splurge on a fancy room in a B&B – hey, they deserve a treat. There’s a tiny plastic tree and a working TV, so they could perhaps overlook the lack of hot water and Dean having to bunk with Sam. Sleeping arrangements soon reach a happier equilibrium: Dean’s just cuddling Cas to keep him warm, he swears – the tingly feeling means nothing! Christmas Day arrives, and Cas still doesn’t have a gift for Dean. Dean doesn’t know what to give Cas, either. Sam has a few ideas, but will the other two truly understand what he means?Title: Against, Into, UnderRating: ExplicitWord Count: 3kSummary: "Oh, uh,“ he said. "Yeah. I’m Castiel. Cas, if you like.”“Cas,” Dean drawled. “I do like.” He stuck out his hand. Cas raised an eyebrow, but he reached out to shake. “I’m Dean Winchester.”“I’m aware,” Cas said dryly. “You’ve something of a reputation.”“I’m aware,” Dean agreed with a bright grin. “So which parts have you heard, good or bad?"Cas shrugged. "Some of both, I suppose.”Title: Pine FreshRating: ExplicitWord Count: 2kSummary: Castiel is stuck in the rain, depleted of his powers, and needs a bit of comforting. A hot shower is just the thing.Title: Pink PantiesRating: ExplicitWord Count: 3kSummary: After Cas shows an interest in the Rhonda Hurley Incident, Dean allows Cas to experience the kink with him.Title: Nowhere ElseRating: ExplicitWord Count: 10kSummary: Between Cas’ lost grace, and Dean’s accidental confession to Sam, it’s been the same overbearing concern - that Dean really,really does not need - for weeks. He can focus on Cas and do his job at the same time. This is not the first case the two of them will work together, it’s not even the first case Cas has worked as a human. It may be the first case the two of them have worked alone since the whole 'I’m in love with Cas’ fiasco, but Dean’s a professional, he knows what he’s doing. They’ll be fine. Cas will be fine.Title: A Little PatienceRating: ExplicitWord Count: 290kSummary: It sometimes feels a little wrong thinking debauched things about a guy who could very well be one of Sammy’s teachers. But then those wrong feelings go up in smoke when the downright sinful fantasies kick in just from thinking the word ‘teacher’. Those are always pretty darn amazing and Dean has a very vivid imagination.Title: Guest BedRating: ExplicitWord Count: 6kSummary: Dean needs a place to stay to avoid listening to his brother have sex all night, so he crashes with Gabriel. Things get awkward when he ends up having to share a bed with Cas, and then suddenly, it’s a whole lot less awkward.Title: Paper HeartsRating: General AudiencesWord Count: 1kSummary: It’s the Thursday before Valentine’s Day, and Dean is putting paper hearts up around the school for his school’s Gay-Straight Alliance club. He and Cas are the only two left in the hallway. Fluff ensues.Title: #ThankYouSammyRating: Teen and Up AudiencesWord Count: 10kSummary: @honeybeeinatrenchcoat:First official date with Dean! Sam made spaghetti bolognese! I don’t eat, but Dean does :-P #ValentinesDay2015 #ThankYouSamTitle: The WordRating: ExplicitWord Count: 3kSummary: The horrible thing was, Cas had figured it out as soon as the word had come out of his mouth, startling Dean and stuttering the conversation to a halt.Title: Race YouRating: ExplicitWord Count: 4kSummary: There was another car sitting under the red light. Dean had seen probably less than ten other cars on the road since leaving the city limits behind. It was a wide blocky gold car, a Lincoln Continental, and as Dean pulled up next to it he could feel his teeth rattle from the way too loud rap music blaring out of the open windows. Glancing over, there was a guy with messy dark hair in a white button down shirt sitting in the car looking forward. He had on a tie, his sleeves rolled up to the elbow, one tan forearm hanging out the window.The music changed to a new song, someone screaming “Turn down for what”. The hell was that phrase even supposed to mean. It made literally no sense. Dean scowled and cranked up his own music, Metallica’s “King Nothing” screeching out into the night to clash with this dude’s rap music.Title: Buy Me a Drink FirstRating: ExplicitWord Count: 57kSummary: Dean wasn’t sure how he got roped into being Jo’s “bodyguard” for her bachelorette party. Maybe it had something to do with being promised a wild night of drinking? And he could do wild nights of drinking. But he hadn’t taken into account that bars in Chicago didn’t close until 4 or 5am, and Chicago was their destination. He also didn’t take into account shots of ‘Kinky’ at 7pm, monitoring nearly a dozen bridesmaids, and accidentally starting cat fights at a gay bar. Oh, and then there was a tall, dark and mouthy Russian named Castiel, or something, at the end of the night. Awesome.Title: Oh, the Fun to be Had at a High School ReunionRating: ExplicitWord Count: 4kSummary: Castiel Novak attends his 10-year class reunion only to run into Dean Winchester, who apparently still remembers him even though they never spoke in the few classes they had together.Title: Harbor in the TempestRating: ExplicitWord Count: 20kSummary: Ever since Dean bought Turner’s Tavern, he’s kept his doors open every night - rain, snow, whatever. After all, you never know when someone’s gonna stumble in needing shelter, right? Well, tonight, it’s a soaking wet, trench-coated stranger. Who also happens to be incredibly hot.Title: It Only Leads to TroubleRating: ExplicitWord Count: 3kSummary: The door slammed, signaling Cas’ arrival. Dean smirked from his place on the living room couch, feeling more than a little pleased with himself. Looked like his plan to rile Cas up had worked perfectly.He jumped as Cas suddenly appeared in front of him. Cas looked pissed, glowering down at Dean, and for one moment Dean was sure that he was about to either punch him or pin him down to the couch and fuck his brains out.Title: The Morning AfterRating: ExplicitWord Count: 4kSummary: Dean blurts out some choice words during his and Cas’ first time.Sam and Cas have to deal with the fall out.Title: First Comes MarriageRating: ExplicitWord Count: 9kSummary: In which Dean is crown prince of Winchester, and a political marriage is arranged.Title: OH! Darling!Rating: ExplicitWord Count: 6kSummary: Now that Castiel has fallen, Dean wants to let him know how much he cares about him. And if it takes two or three (or eight) tries to get it right, then so be it. Or, the seven times Dean tried to tell Cas he loves him and the one time he actually got it right.Title: Hunting a DragonRating: ExplicitWord Count: 56kSummary: Dean is hunting a creature no one has seen since the Old World. Even in those stories they were fables. Now he believes he’s found one in Castiel Novak. When he takes Castiel’s hospitality, his wine and food, the world loses as much meaning and his fragile grip on reality begins to slip.Title: New KittenRating: ExplicitWord Count: 5kSummary: A package Castiel ordered as a surprise for Dean arrives, and they have fun trying it out for the first time.Title: LayoverRating: ExplicitWord Count: 4kSummary: Human/No Monsters AU. Dean and Cas, New Year’s Eve, and the dreaded holiday flight.sooooo here it is guys! I hope you have fun with this. I will be posting another fic rec soon and there will be a new system. PS: Feel free to request specific rec lists :)destieldrabblesdaily :) -- source link
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