straighthell-stories:Regis wasworking his hole again, pounding away at it, punishing it, making it t
straighthell-stories:Regis wasworking his hole again, pounding away at it, punishing it, making it the Man’spersonal boycunt, his private cum-dump. Except, of course, it wasn’t soprivate. Regis shared his bitch’s pussy with all his friends and Mitchcouldn’t even guess how many different dudes had bred and seeded him over thepast three months. But none of them, none of them, fucked Mitch quite theway Regis did. A single session with his Master left Mitch’s hole soreand aching. The end of an entire night of getting his pussy enlarged by theMan’s huge dick would leave Mitch squealing and whimpering in pain. Mitch was pretty much used to thepain now, just like he was used to the feel of Regis’ massive cock pummelingaway inside his fuck-hole. But it hadn’t always been that way. Mitch hadn’t always been a cum-dump, a cock-whore, a pathetic fuck-bitchwho spread his legs wide on demand. Hell, just three months ago, Mitchthought he was straight. He actually thought he was going to be married tohis high school sweetheart. But all that was history now, just fadingmemories in an old scrapbook. And all that was Regis’ doing.Mitch had been working at theauto repair shop for a couple years, an apprentice mechanic learning his trade. Nothing much of importance had ever happened at work and Mitch didn’trealize his life was about to take a drastic turn when the shop managerassigned him to work on Regis’ car. It was a real mess. Itobviously hadn’t seen the inside of a repair shop in years. It took a lotof work but Mitch had finally got it purring like a cat. Mitch had been pretty proud ofthe job he’d done on it so he was surprised when he was called into the shopmanager’s office just before closing time to confront a very angry Regis whoaccused him of padding the bill. Mitch had been taken aback at the man’svehemence and responded somewhat defensively. Eventually, he ended upaccompanying the man outside, raising the engine hood and proceeding to goover, step by step, everything he’d done, explaining as he did so why it had tobe done. But even though he was doing his best to convince Regis thateverything was on the up and up, it was obvious to Mitch that he hadn’tsucceeded in mollifying the man. Mitch was still trying toconvince his customer that he hadn’t cheated him, when the shop manager cameoutside, told Mitch that he was leaving and that Mitch should lock up afterhe’d finished with his customer. Then, the manager had gotten into hiscar and driven off. Mitch stood there trying his best to persuade Registhat all the work he’d done on the man’s car was justified but it was clearfrom the man’s angry demeanor that he wasn’t convinced. “Look,sir, “ Mitch had finally said. “I’m sorry but everything I did wassomething that needed to be done. If you want your car tonight you’regonna have to pay the bill the way I’ve written it up. If not, sir, youcan take it up with the owner but he won’t be back until next week.”Regis had exploded when he heardthat. “Are you telling me that unless I pay this exorbitant bill youdummied up I’m not gonna get my car until next week? Well, fuck thatshit. Give me the keys, boy. Give me the goddamn keys.”“I’m sorry, sir,” Mitch repliedtaking a step away from the man, “but I can’t do that. Not unlessyou pay your bill.”“Oh, yeah, boy,” Regis snarled. “We’ll just see about that.”The next thing Mitch knew, Regiswas pounding away at him. He tried to defend himself but even thoughMitch was in pretty good shape and had always thought of himself as somethingof a stud, the fight was surprisingly one-sided. Mitch ended up onthe ground, with bruises and contusions all over his body, while Regis loomedover him, his fury undiminished. “Boy,” he spat out, “you reallypissed me off. You need to be taught a lesson on how you treat yourbetters and I’m just the man to do it.” And then the man reached down,grabbed Mitch by the nape of his neck, pulled him back up into a standingposition and gave the mechanic three awesome punches to his gut followed by twomore hard smashes to his face. Mitch was pretty much out of it as he felthimself being tossed into the back seat of the car and then he lostconsciousness.Mitch was still in a fog unclearas to exactly what had happened when he finally came to. It took himawhile to get his bearings but even when he did he realized he didn’t have anyidea of where he was, though he knew he was in a world of trouble. And itwasn’t simply because his entire body ached like he’d been on the losing sideof a fight, which, of course, he had been. Mitch knew he was in troublebecause he was lying on a bed in a room he’d never been in before and when hetried to sit up he realized he couldn’t because his arms were tied off to thecorner posts at the head of the bed. But that wasn’t the worst. Theworst was that when he looked down his body and he realized he was stark naked- he didn’t have a stitch of clothing on his entire body. “What the fuck’sgoing on?“ he cried out, pulling at the ropes holding his arms stretched outbehind his body. He was still struggling unsuccessfully with therestraints on his arms when the door opened and in strolled Regis, and that’swhen the memories of their fight in the parking lot of the repair shop finallycame flooding back.“Let me go. Let me go,goddammit,” Mitch screamed, pulling hard against the ropes. The man standing over him justsneered. “Shut the fuck up, bitch,” he barked out before leaning forwardand back-handing Mitch across his face. “Bitches don’t speak unless they’vebeen asked a question and I don’t remember asking you squat, bitch.”Mitch began to sputter a protestbut he hadn’t even managed to utter more than a few syllables when Regis’ handhad lashed out again, whipping his face back and forth on the bed. The shockof being slapped so hard together with the recognition of how defenseless hewas left Mitch staring in helpless impotence at the Man standing over him. “That’s right, bitch,” Regismocked him. “You just keep your mouth shut until I tell you otherwise.” Then, to Mitch’s horror as the reality of his situation finally sank in,the man began taking off his clothes. “Please, please,” Mitch beganbegging until another hard slap shut him up. Mitch could feel himselfliterally shaking as the man stepped out of his boxers to reveal the largestcock Mitch had ever seen in his life jutting straight out from Regis’ groin. It looked to be at least ten inches long, unbelievably thick and as hardas iron. “Oh, God, no. God, no,”Mitch moaned, as his eyes widened in unalloyed terror. “You can’t. You can’t do this to me. You can’t.”“Watch me, bitch,” Regis laughedas he crawled up onto the bed and grabbed hold of Mitch’s wildly flailing legs. “Just watch me, bitch.” And then Regis scooted himself forwarduntil the massive crown of his monster dick was wedged right against Mitch’svirginal ass-lips. A moment later a piercing scream filled the room asRegis pile-drove his unlubricated fuck-stick six inches into Mitch’s no-longercherry asshole. Mitch squealed and screamed,begged and pleaded with the Man to stop, to take it out, to not fuck him butRegis was implacable as he brutally ravaged Mitch’s heretofore pristine hole. Over and over again, he drove his massive donkey dong balls-deep into Mitch’stortured fuck-chute, battering it into submission, destroying all its defenses,owning the boy’s hole so completely that soon all Mitch was conscious of wasthe Man’s cock as it pounded in and out, in and out of his totally savaged analpassageway. The rape went on and on until Mitch was scarcely aware ofwhere he was, of who he was, or even what he was other than a hole - a hole tofuck, a hole to plunder, a hole to ravage - until in a final flurry of brutalthrusts that seemed designed to rip the boy in two, the Man fucking him finallycame, his hot seed searing the abraded tissues of Mitch’s boycunt, Andthen, for the second time that day, Mitch lost consciousness.This time when Mitch regainedconsciousness he was immediately aware of a throbbing agony in his back-holeand it took him just seconds to realize that Regis was fucking him again. The boy had no clue whether this was the second, third, or fourth timehe’d been fucked, or even whether Regis had taken a break and pulled out ofMitch’s hole while he was unconscious. All he knew was that he was beingfucked again - and it still hurt like hell. But as the fucking went on,Mitch realized that this time it wasn’t as violent, it wasn’t as frenetic asthe first time, when the Man had smashed his cherry into smithereens. Itwas more languid, though it still hurt - it still hurt a lot. But givenhow big the Man was, how well-hung, Mitch realized that it would probablyalways hurt when the Man fucked him. And suddenly, as if someone hadwalked over his grave, Mitch felt a shiver up and down his spine, apremonition. And Mitch knew, though he had no idea how he knew, that the Manwould be fucking him many more times in the future.And it was after this fuck,regardless of whether it was the second or third or fourth time Regis hadplowed out Mitch’s pussy, that Regis informed the boy that his premonition hadbeen correct, he had decided to take the boy as his bitch, to train him up ashis fuck-slave.“I have to admit, bitch,” Registold the boy, as matter-of-factly as if he was describing a routine day at theoffice, “when I first brought you home I was just planning on raping yourfaggot pussy and then kicking your ass out on the street as a lesson to you toshow proper respect to your superiors when you’re dealing with them. Butwhen I saw your naked body, especially your ass, I realized that you reallywere a prime piece of boyflesh. And once I got inside your pussy, well,fuck, bitch, that just sealed it. You have one of the tightest, hottestpussies I’ve ever fucked and I realized it would be a crime not to train it upright, not to make it available for other Real Men who enjoy plowing anexceptional boycunt. Because that’s what you’ve got between your legs,bitch - an exceptional boycunt. So I’m gonna keep your boycunt, bitch -I’m gonna keep you. And I’m gonna train you and your boycunt until you’rea first-class fuck-bitch for Real Men. You better get used to the idea,bitch, because that’s exactly what’s gonna happen.”And that was exactly what didhappen. Regis knew what he was doing. The first thing he did was tomake Mitch sever all ties with his past life. He made Mitch call the shopmanager the next morning and tell the man that he was quitting. And thenhe made Mitch call his girlfriend, his high school sweetheart, and break upwith her. Mitch was literally crying as he called her. It wasn’tjust the pain he felt from Regis’ cock which was wedged fully up his hole theentire time he was on the phone. It was what Regis made him tell her, howRegis made Mitch tell her he wasn’t interested in her cunt anymore becauseMitch now realized he had his own cunt between his legs that needed taking careof and how he’d found just the Man who could do it, who was actually doing itwhile he talked to her on the phone, who was reaming out his bitch pussy evenas the two of them were speaking - and how it felt so good, so good having hisown cunt filled with hot Man-cock rather than having to waste time diddlinghers. Mitch was sobbing uncontrollably when he finished thatconversation, having effectively sundered a tie that had been the center of hislife for almost as long as he could remember.Mitch found a lot of occasionsfor sobbing uncontrollably over the next month as Regis relentlessly trainedthe boy for his new role as the Man’s fuck-bitch. Mitch cried the firsttime he had to clean Regis’ dirty asshole with his tongue, the first time hehad to swallow the Man’s foul-tasting piss, even the first time he was forcedto call the Man ‘Master.’ And of course he cried when he was spanked, andwhipped, and beaten for no other reason than his Master’s pleasure. Little by little, though, as thetraining continued, Mitch could feel himself changing, even though he didn’twant to. After a month, it no longer seemed wrong that he was naked allthe time - that seemed natural now, the way things should be. As didsleeping on the floor when his Master was done with his pussy for the night, oropening his mouth wide and taking care of his Master’s morning wood and thenhis morning piss. By the end of the second month, the prospect ofservicing a roomful of Master’s friends with his mouth and his pussy didn’teven seem out of the ordinary, much less repugnant like it had felt when he wasfirst called upon to do it. Now, in his third month, evenMitch realized there was no going back. He was a fuck-bitch, he was hisMaster’s fuck-bitch. And he figured to remain that as long as his Masterwanted him. And if and when his Master tired of him, there would be somenew Man, some new Master for Mitch to serve, some new Master for Mitch tospread his legs wide for and welcome into his cunt. That was just the wayof the world, the life of a fuck-bitch. It was Mitch’s life now and heknew there was no going back to the life he used to have. Mitch was afuck-bitch now and that’s what he always would be. A fuck-bitch.For pleasing SIRS!!! -- source link
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