CHARACTERName: Cashile Ichtaca (Cheshire Cat)Age: 17 years oldFace claim: Leda MuirBreed: MutantThre
CHARACTERName: Cashile Ichtaca (Cheshire Cat)Age: 17 years oldFace claim: Leda MuirBreed: MutantThreat Level: DOCILE 5/10Configuration(s):Dimensional Transportation: ability to create wormholes, portation “discs” or other spatial portals for transport between two non-adjacent locations.► Omnipresence: ability to be present anywhere and everywhere.Clairvoyance: ability to perceive events that are taking place elsewhere or sense places that are not in view.Ecological Empathy: ability to sense the overall well-being and conditions of one’s immediate environment and natural setting stemming from a psychic sensitivity to nature.Omni-lingual: ability to understand any form of language. This can be accomplished in various ways.Shapeshifting: ability to change appearance or body structure. Types of Shapeshifting include:Metamorph (limited to human forms, unable to change mass); Animorph (take on animal forms; may be able to take on the abilities of the altered form); and Polymorph (assume any form, size, mass and appearance at will). Can also be Omnifarous (shapeshifting without limit). Related to Duplication, Pheromone Generation, Gender Transformation, Voice Manipulation (Omnitone).RESIDENCERosemontBACKSTORYCashile Ichtaca was the epitome of her name. The translation roughly meaning ‘child of concealed birth’ and ‘strange’, both of these things rang true. When she was born, it was a surprise to even her mother, Jazelina Calderon. Her mother had had no prior knowledge of a pregnancy, and when Cashile was born, it was into a bath tub with a smoldering joint dangling between her mothers fingertips. Surprisingly, Jazelina kept the child, against the warnings of many. Traveling across the country and back again, Cashile was raised on fast food, drugs, and hitch hiking. While her mother would explain that it was building her character, all Cashile wanted to do was go to school and live in a house with a pretty little garden, and grow poppies in those boxes that hang off of the windows. Jazelina stole books for her daughter from miscellaneous book stores when she could, but chose to teach her more of the way of those that live on peace, weed, harmony, and music. However, when her mother did hand her something of actual sustenance, she would mentally devour it. She was a studious girl, and was always looking to amass knowledge that was of the real world.Always on the road, Cashile never went to school while under her mothers wing. Instead of math and long division, she learned how to price and weigh drugs. Instead of english and persuasion essays, she learned to swindle, manipulate, and write anti- government and anti- war pamphlets. Names and effects of drugs replaced her history, and classical music was pushed aside by reggae and what one would deem as ‘stoner’ and ‘hippie’ music. Her science and chemistry was the actual making of drugs, and she knew how to create LSD, meth, cocaine, and heroin by the ripe old age of 9. Needless to say, Cashile’s life revolved around drugs, alcohol, deceiving those with wallets, and crime. The lifestyle was a combination of growing up around gangs and the hardcore hippie lifestyle. Showers didn’t come often, and new clothes even less. Food was always scarce, and when she began to complain, her mother simply slipped her some drugs. Besides the unhealthy lifestyle, the people her mother associated with were not the cookie cutter people that lived in those houses with windows and indoor plumbing. They were the people responsible parents generally keep their children away from. From the age of five and on, Cashile was routinely physically, mentally, verbally, and sexually abused by her mothers associates, and Jazelina was always too high to stop it, only using it to blackmail them for more drugs and a tank of gas. Cashile knew that the only reason her mother was keeping her was to use her for what she could get Jazelina, and that was drugs and money. The moment that Jazelina had no use for Cashile would be the day that her life as she knew it would be over.Finally, that day came. And when that day came, her mother kicked her out of the car onto the side of the highway, threw a pair of broken shoes and three quarters, two dimes, and five pennies at her and left in a cloud of car exhaust and a plume of weed scented smoke. Scraped up knees, water and food deprived and a wisp of a girl weighing in at 72 pounds, the girl of 13 stood up and stared at the black and cracked pavement. The heat was radiating off the the surface, and there wasn’t a car nor residence in sight. She was unsure of where she even was or which direction to walk in. With sunken eyes and tear tracks permanently engrained upon her dirty cheeks, she picked up all the change carefully, slipped her blistered feet into the tattered shoes and began to walk slowly along the highway. After walking for two days, she finally collapsed in a broken heap, praying for death to come and steal away her last breath. But instead of death, a car slowed to a stop after a few hours, pointed its headlights on the tortured girl, and a wealthy couple rushed out to assist the terrified child. Every square inch of her skin was sunburned to the bone, her hair falling out in clumps, her skin only hanging off of her skeleton. Her wide eyes and untamed hair flung around in a craze as the unfamiliar hands pulled her up and pushed her in the car, and that was when she blacked out.Waking up in a hospital days later, the same couple was sleeping in the plush chairs across from her bed. She later found out that they, the Weinstiens, were the ones who found her. The couple was unable to have children because Julia Weinstien had had ovarian cancer, and as a result her ovaries had to be removed. They had saved Cashile, and had not left her side since their rescue. Cashile had never known such kindness, and in her timidity and humility, the couple fell in love with the sweet girl, and soon adopted her. They put her into school, which she immediately excelled at. Even after the removal of her mother from her life, Cashile always struggled with drugs. Though they weren’t as prevalent when she was under the care of the Weinstiens, they still had a place in her life. The usage of drugs during her mothers pregnancy wired her brain so as to always have a connection with them. But the dugs brought along many complications. But the Weinstiens also brought Cashile to her new home in Rosemont.Cashile is severely schizophrenic, has major ADHD, depression, PTSD, anxiety, borderline personality and just plain insanity. She is an absolute cocktail labels and disorders. To everyone else, she seems to be an air head who spouts useless information and strange facts, ditzy, and always with her head in the clouds. She remains very cryptic and has trust, attachment , and abandonment issues, seldom allowing people in to know her story. Few people can even see the struggle she hides in her eyes, and when she does say something of value, people tend to brush it off as regular Cashile babble. Her insanity shines through greatly, and many veer away from her. Because of this, she began to watch people, learning their behaviors, so that now she can look at a person and read them like a book. This scares the other kids away as well, and hardly anyone truly knows Cashile, though some may have a twisted fascination with her. When she discovered she was a mutant, she was ecstatic. It was finally something that she understood, instead of always remaining lost. She she just needs to find her story.Cashile Ichtaca is OPEN✖ HOME | ✖ ASK | ✖ RULES | ✖ BIOS | ✖ PLOT | ✖ AUDITION -- source link
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