breezybree:What I Pack For aConvention DayMost comic-cons andconventions typically have their rules
breezybree:What I Pack For aConvention DayMost comic-cons andconventions typically have their rules posted on their website. Make sure tocheck ahead of time to avoid the hassle of an issue regarding types of bagsallowed and what items are allowed.First off, pick a bag you will be comfortable carrying allday. Do what you think will work best foryou, maybe a crossover/messenger bag, or a tote and a fanny pack might work. I don’tlike to carry a separate purse, so for me, the bag needs to have multiplecompartments and room for smaller items I might purchase.Water. Superimportant. I live in Phoenix so I have been well trained to always carrywater with me. For a day at a convention, I would suggest freezing a bottle andthen only freezing half of a second bottle, then topping it off before youleave for the convention. This is where reading the rules in advance come intoplay. Maybe you need to have bottles factory sealed etc. I have a friend thatbrings her refillable bottle and uses the water fountains. For me, I don’t wantto worry about misplacing it, so I bring two plastic bottles. Do what works foryou, but if you are allowed, you should pack water. (Who wants to pay for bottledwater there? Not me!)I pack my two waters wrapped in paper towels and place theminto a plastic bag. This helps deal with the icy bottles “sweating” and youdon’t want them to get anything nice in your bag wet. I like using see-throughbags. Just in case you need to have security check your bag, this helps putthem at ease and makes things easier.Snacks.Conventions can be long days and you don’t want to spend time in line justgetting something to carry you through. Having a small variety of granolasnacks and treats help a ton and they allow you to save money for more specialpurchases.Phone and charger(s).I always pack portable chargers along with a wall charger. You might not haveplanned to be live tweeting or texting with a friend from Tumblr you plan tomeet up with, but it happens and you need to have that phone charged. Make sureto pack all cords needed.Your wallet. Youwill want to buy stuff. Have your wallet in a safe, designated location in yourconvention bag. Mints. I tend tolive off of mints at conventions. So I pack more than maybe most would. Toiletries. I utilize a small makeup bag for theseitems. It’s great to havesomething like this for a long day. These items would include, but not limitedto: feminine products, aspirin etc., bandaids, eye drops, toothbrush,toothpaste, earbuds, coin change, pen, hair tie, cough drops, nail file, makeup,etc.Other items I pack near wallet for quicker access: Chapstick, Kleenex, hand sanitizer and wetwipes Any items you like tohave autographed. Keep these items in their own plastic bag. You want toprotect these items the best you can, but also have quick access to them. Working Markers/Pens.Depending on the situation, you might need to provide a pen or marker. Beready. If it’s a paint style pen, prep it.Schedule. I liketo pack a highlighter or even post-it notes to help mark what events I want toattend. If the convention has a phone application, that can be awesome too. A book or magazine toread/something to do. There might be downtime and your feet might be toosore to walk the exhibitor hall. I don’t like to waste power on my phone, so Itypically will pack a book. You never know if you will get stuck in a longerthan expected line or you just want to relax for a few minutes. Just don’t packsomething too heavy, you have to carry this bag.Your tickets! If they are physical tickets, printed or on your phone. Make sure you have them! If you are buying at the door, make sure you know if they take your form of payment and that they still have tickets available.Other things toconsider:Items for cosplay.Are you going to be in costume? Be prepared so you don’t end up with a massivewardrobe malfunction. I pack: Mini sewing kit, glue, extra pantyhose, back upparts/pieces and any needed makeup or hair items. For Phoenix Comicon, I knew I would be taking public transit. I packeda pair of thin flats to change into so I didn’t need to wear high heel boots onthe light rail in 100+ degree weather.Prescribed Medications.This will be a long day, be ready with anything you might need. Camera. Itypically just use my phone, but if the convention allows photos and you wantto get some nice shots, pack it. Remember though, you will be carrying it withyou all day and you might have to remain in your seat during panels. Feel free to add any tips/suggestions you may have when you reblog this post! -- source link
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