margaerytyrellsource:“There is gravitas to this costume. I wanted this dress to have real weight. It
margaerytyrellsource:“There is gravitas to this costume. I wanted this dress to have real weight. It’s establishing that Margaery has arrived. Everything Margaery wears is considered– her game here is different than with her wedding to Joffrey, which was a much more aggressive, kind of triumphant dress. It was full of messages, trying to irk Cersei.”“In this wedding, Margaery assumes a more regal role. She doesn’t want to scare Tommen- who is gentle- or appear too eager so soon after Joffrey’s death. Being too sexy would open her up to criticism. I chose the fabric but wanted to enhance it further, so I asked the armor department to create a form of metal armor to sit over it and echo the pattern. This is actually the same crown that Margaery wore at Joffrey’s wedding. It seemed fitting that it should be the same.” (x) -- source link