kisachi-tf:brigadierbanana:eggian:carmenmcs:eggian: One Punch Man popularity vote opened!PLEASE LOOK AT THE NAMESYOU CAN VOTE FOR SAITAMA WITH LIKE 5 DIFFERENT NAMES (OPSS THERE GOES ALL MY VOTES joking I have to vote for Zombieman because I am trash)SONIC IS REFERED AS A THOUSAND THINGS EXCEPT HIS OWN NAMESTINGER’S ACTUAL HERO NAME IS スティンガーのタケノコ (Stinger of the Bamboo Shoot???) XDOK THIS IS ACTUALLY VERY GOOD REFERENCE FOR THE NAMES EVEN IF THEY ARE JOKING WITH A FEW OF THEM HA HA HA H(you can vote every 12 hours too)Oh I think Stinger’s Takenoko is name of his weapon! It seems like bamboo shoot, and Stinger calls his weapon as TakenokoSomeone vote for Garou, Metal Bat and Zenko (if available) in my stead, because I don’t speak Japanese, and the option depicted is my only one. It’s a good option, don’t get me wrong, but – y’know?sorry but: this is the most accurate answer, I have to vote for the egg !!! Gotta vote for Boros and Genos -- source link