Fukuoka Seina | Google+ 31 March 2019こんばんふくふく(^_^)Good evening-fukufuku (^_^)なんて投稿するのも一年ぶりくらいになりますね。
Fukuoka Seina | Google+ 31 March 2019こんばんふくふく(^_^)Good evening-fukufuku (^_^)なんて投稿するのも一年ぶりくらいになりますね。Somehow it’s been around a year since I’ve posted huh.とてもとてもお久しぶりです。It’s really really been a while.そして、もしかしたらはじめまして。And so, perhaps you could say this is my first time.ですが今回が最後の投稿です。And yet this time will be my very last post.中学2年生からお世話になったぐぐたすことEver since I was a 2nd year middle school student, I’ve been indebted to GoogleplusGoogle+さん。Google+ sanまだ公式モバイルのブログしかなかった15期にThe 15th gen who didn’t have official mobile blogs初めて自由に大勢のファンの方が見てくれるSNSとしてThe SNS that could let us freely communicate to many fans at onceやらせて頂くことになったのがこのぐぐたすでした。It was decided it would be this Googleplus.今日1日あったこと、What my day was like,自分の思っていること、What I was thinking about,自由に発信してI could freely send it out to you自撮りを積極的にするようになったのもI’ve reached the point where I can proactively take photos of myself,というかしなくちゃいけなくなったのもAs well as saying the things I have to saySNSがあるからこそだなと思います。It’s only because this SNS was there, I think.自撮りは本当に苦戦したなぁ。。笑Taking photos of myself was really a struggle ahh… haha全然上手く撮れなくてI completely couldn’t be photographed wellでも、人に写真を撮ってもらうのも恥ずかしくてBut, asking others to take photos of me was embarrassing 少しずつ人のマネをして撮っていって、、、と。Little by little, I could take photos by copying others,,,そんなことよりも、But compared to this,なによりもファンの方のコメントがすぐ見れてBest of all, I could see all the fans’ comments immediately 会話ができることが嬉しかったなぁ✨I was glad I could talk with all of youuu✨漢字クイズやThings like the kanji quizキャッチフレーズの掛け合いDiscussion over my catchphraseメンバー同士の会話Conversations with my fellow members一つ一つが本当に楽しくて、夢中になって。Each and every bit was really fun, like I was in a dream.そして、And so,謝らねばならないことが、、、I have to apologise,,,,おはよーラジオ(仮)という自主的に始めたI started GoodMorning-Radio (temp) of my own initiative音声だけのラジオ風の投稿。An upload of a voice-only radio show.何か変わらなくちゃいけないと思ったあの時At a time where I thought that it was no good if I didn’t change something中学3年生の秋かな??に始めたこのラジオ。In the autumn of my middle school 3rd year I think?? I started this radio.目標の50回を超えて次は100回だー!!My goal was to do it 50 times, then a 100 times —!!と意気込んでいたのにも関わらずBut despite this enthusiasm89回←←←89 times ←←←おい!!!全然やん!!Oi!!! That’s not it at all!!最初の方はまだー??なんて聞いてくださるThose who were here from the beginning are still—?? Somehow those who listenedファンの方もいて、those fans,今では知ってるファンの方がいるのかどうか、、笑And whether there are fans who are only finding out about it now,, hahaその節は本当にこめんなさい!!!I’m really sorry about that time!!!でも、このラジオを通してBut, throughout that radio show新しい会話が生まれたり、new conversations were born,気になって握手会きたよ✨って言ってくださったりI felt like going to the handshake event yo ✨ were words I received頑張ってるね!!なんて声をかけてくださるのがDo your best okay!! Hearing those words called out to me嬉しくて。とても励みになりました。made me happy. I really tried hard.嬉しい時も悲しい時もThe happy times as well as the sorrowful timesこのどこまでも書けるスタイルがThat style that I could write no matter what was happening 私はとても好きでした。I really liked it.最近では長文を書くのも少なくなってきてRecently, I’ve been writing fewer long sentencesそれでも「せいちゃんの文が好きだよ」But still “I like Seichan’s sentences”と言ってくださる方がいて。There are still people who say this to me.これからもう少し長文にも挑戦してみようかなFrom here on, I think I’ll try to take on the challenge Of writing sentences that are a bit longer 4月2日でこのサービスは終わってしまいます。This service will end on 2 April.本当はどこかでずっとこの今まで投稿してきたもの達が保存できたらいいんだけど、Really, even though it would have been great if the posts I’ve made until today could be saved somewhere, そうはいかないのでBecause that’s not going to happenぜひこれを機会に過去の投稿を読み返してDefinitely please take this opportunity to look back on the posts I’ve made beforeこの時のせいちゃんはこうだったのかとかSeichan was like this at that time この時こんなことがあったなぁとThings were like this at that time ahhh and振り返ったり、Thinking back on those times,知ってもらえたら嬉しいなぁと思いますRemembering them makes me happyyy, I think長々と書いてきましたがI’ve been writing for very long soそんなこと知らないや!!!って方も“Hey I don’t know any of that!!!” もちろんいると思います。There will definitely also be people like that, I think.今私のやってるSNSはThe SNS I use now,そのまま見れる物はTwitter、Instagram、755、For my daily life, Twitter, Instagram, 755動画はSHOWROOMSHOWROOM, for video,コンテンツはAKBMail、公式モバイルブログand (indepth) content would be found on AKBMail, the official mobile blogとたくさんあります。There are many I use.ひとつひとつ自分の今思っているEach and every one, the things I think about right now一言一言を大切にしてEach and every word is cherished皆さんにこれからもお届けしていきたいと思います✨From now on I want to be able to keep delivering my words to you ✨たくさんのことを楽しんだぐぐたす。Googleplus, where I had a lot of fun.みてくださった皆様、Everyone who kindly watched me,そしてこのサービスを生んでくださった方々As well as the people who kindly created this service本当に本当にありがとうございました!!!Really really thank you all so much!!!だいすきでした!!!I love you!!!22時頃に良かったら最後にキャッチフレーズTonight at around 10PM, if you like, the last catchphrase call参加していってください\(^o^)/Please join in \ (^o^) /Hahaha, it’s been a long time for me too huh! I’ve completely shifted over to twitter but since I started this blog for translating Seichan’s Google+ posts,, I thought I should do this one too just to close the loop. Anyway, once again, I’m… still… just using a dictionary to translate these so that’s about the standard of the accuracy, I’m sorry. If you’ve finished reading this whole thing, thank you very much!! Please continue following Seichan on her Twitter @seina_fuku48 and mine, if you want, for bad twitter translations, @pppalioxis. -- source link
#fukuoka seina#googleplus