‘We were visited by, & very frequently metanother Man of Emenence in thisCountry Col: Hamilton;
‘We were visited by, & very frequently metanother Man of Emenence in thisCountry Col: Hamilton; – once Secretary of the Treasury, & the framer of the Funding System adopted in this Country, author also # or ratherEditor of the publication called the Federalist, – Col: Hamilton is byBirth a West-Indian; by Profession a Lawyer; &has retired from publick business to the practiceof his Profession. He is lively & animatedin conversation, gallant in his manners, & sometimes Brilliant inhis Sallies, His political conduct has occasioned created him many Enemies & brought upon him unjustly, much obloquy, He is, however, a greatsupport to theFederal-Constitution.’- The journals of Henrietta Liston, 6 May 1796 -- source link
#alexander hamilton#henrietta liston