treadsoftly-rpg:27 | Macini Mobster | I want a normal life.(+) Determined, kind, honest(-) Timid, pa
treadsoftly-rpg:27 | Macini Mobster | "I want a normal life."(+) Determined, kind, honest(-) Timid, paranoid, softspokenVincent may be quiet and somewhat paranoid, but he hides a heart of gold. He tries to be kind to anyone he meets and does not lie unless absolutely necessary, but he also makes sure to watch his back for those who might wish to stab it. He is a determined man and will do what he sets out to… he just might be a little mousey about declaring his intentions.A newer member of the Macini mob, Vincent resents his job. He just wants to live a peaceful life, but now that he is a member of the mob, he knows backing out would be suicide. Instead he just tries to stay far away from gunfire so he doesn’t have to shoot anyone. In Chicago, however, that is easier said than done.Just because Vincent grew up with the mob does not mean he likes it. His father was one of Macini’s men, and a good one too, one of Macini’s personal favorites. As such Vincent grew used to the flash of metal and the glint of a knife, often running for cover when a fight broke out in his father’s vicinity. He resented his father for dragging him into such a dangerous life but said nothing, only cowered and plugged his ears. As such he became quiet and reserved and, forever surrounded by lies and deceit, he became the exact opposite, fighting against his father’s influence with all of his might.Things proceeded like this throughout the bulk of his life, although when he got older he was taught to use a gun and introduced to the inner workings of the mob. He knew he was being prepared to join Macini’s mob and gunsling with the best of them, but he couldn’t help but fight it with all of his might. It just wasn’t in his nature to fight and kill the way they did. He told his father as much, but it was to no avail. He was trapped.Soon enough, his father was killed in a shootout when he was fifteen. That was where he met Stella, his current closest friend, a young girl who was investigating the death of her father in the very same shootout (he’d been there, after all, and eyewitness accounts were always very valuable). The pressure began to mount on Vincent to join up with the Macini, to continue the Pantiel-Macini tradition, but he held fast. For three years he managed to fend off the words of many a poisonous tongue, going about his own business, but at eighteen he finally cracked. Vincent, one of the most determined and resilient souls in Chicago, gave in. He joined the Macini mob and, though he hated it, did the work of a mobster, staying tight-lipped after he was pat on the back time after time for honoring his father’s memory.Of course, once you’re in a mob you can’t get out. He knew that and he knew it well, the ramifications of it only amplified by his family’s history with the Macini. He fell into a cycle of hating himself for giving in—because really, just once was enough—and getting more and more involved in the mob almost inadvertently. He couldn’t help being in the right place at the right time, and that added in with the shine his family’s name gave him to others made him a favorite of Giovanni’s, and later, Felicity’s.Though he had always pledged to be an honest man, the life he lives has become a lie. He resents himself for it and resents his fellow mobsters for pushing him into it, but says nothing. No matter how much he lies to himself, though, he strives to be honest with others, which is part of the reason he warned Roy Abraham about an attempt on his life. Stella Russell remains one of the people he’s closest to in life, and she’s always been a breath of fresh air from his mob life, since she knew him before that. He’s also getting to know Aidan Ross better, a mechanic who repaired his car after it was shot full of holes a few weeks ago, and hopes that that will go somewhere.This character has a secret which will be revealed to the roleplayer upon acceptance!Must-Read BiosStella RussellRoy AbrahamAidan RossVincent Pantiel is open. -- source link
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