notmydate:In which John surprises Sherlock with his badassery.Oh! I just realized how parallel this

notmydate:In which John surprises Sherlock with his badassery.Oh! I just realized how parallel this
notmydate:In which John surprises Sherlock with his badassery.Oh! I just realized how parallel this
notmydate:In which John surprises Sherlock with his badassery.Oh! I just realized how parallel this
notmydate:In which John surprises Sherlock with his badassery.Oh! I just realized how parallel this
notmydate:In which John surprises Sherlock with his badassery.Oh! I just realized how parallel this
notmydate:In which John surprises Sherlock with his badassery.Oh! I just realized how parallel this
notmydate:In which John surprises Sherlock with his badassery.Oh! I just realized how parallel this