mote-historie:Countess Spalletti (La Contessa Rosa Spalletti), Photo by Mario Nunes Vais, 1915.Possi
mote-historie:Countess Spalletti (La Contessa Rosa Spalletti), Photo by Mario Nunes Vais, 1915.Possibly a daughter or granddaughterof Gabriella Rasponi Spallettiwho was born in Ravenna Rasponi April 10, 1853 by Cesare Rasponi Bonanzi (1822-1886), vice consul in France, a deputy in Lanza governments and De Pretis and later senator of the Kingdom of Italy and Letizia Rasponi Marat (1832-1906), daughter of conte Giulio Rasponi, and granddaughter of Gioacchino Marat and Carolina Bonaparte (1782-1839), Napoleon’s sister.Villa Spalletti Trivelli in Rome. -- source link