lecho: The Return (Madix Silver)Silver stood alone, his gaze cast ahead, staring out at thedark hori
lecho: The Return (Madix Silver)Silver stood alone, his gaze cast ahead, staring out at thedark horizon, tuning out the sounds behind him - the men working fiercely to propelthe boat’s voyage. His breath was measured as one hand tightly gripped therailing at the bow of the ship, while the other held the crutch underneath hisarm. His calmness, skillfully concealed the ache that was the absence of hiswife and his growing impatience with this journey that was taking far too longto conclude. For a moment, he was drawn from his thoughts, his eyes turningfrom the black sea to address the question that had been posed by one of the men,when he redirected his attention forward and his breath hitched at the changingscenery. There was a brief crest in the horizon, causing the water to crashmore fierceness into the keel of the ship, then as they descended the waves hesaw far in the distance the lights, the life of Nassau come into view. The calmthat had previously been a façade, seeped into his pores, quieting his anxiousmind, while gradually awakening him with a joy that had been lacking within himfor months. It had been 12 weeks to the day since he departed the shoresof Nassau, embarking upon what he never thought he would again, sailing underthe black flag in the name of piracy. Presently it was a very dangerous worldto be a pirate, with many of those who’d carried notorious reputations forbeing lethal and vicious now “retired” or dead – hung at the hands of England. Yethe had returned, for reasons that superseded his vow to leave that life in hispast, that had been an endless cycle of destruction and death. Silver continuedto stare towards the bright lights. The subtly of his felicity growingstronger, feeding his eagerness to reach the shore, compelling him to order thecrew to work harder, to get them to land within three hours…Two hours had passed since he’d first spotted the lights ofNassau and now he was ashore, so close to what he’d dreamed for months. Silver slowlyrode through the foliage and trees, guided by the flame in his lantern and thefull moon. The air carried a mild breeze that caused the trees to dance and stirthe scent of Jasmine around him, reminding him of home, of Madi, just as thepath reached its end, revealing his destination. Silver eyed the quaint cottage that looked dim insidewhich meant Madi was likely already asleep at this semi-late hour. He made his way to a tree on the side of the house, then carefullydismounted the steed. Bracing himself against its side, he pulled his crutchfrom the pouch that hung across its back, tied the animal to the tree, thenused his lantern to illuminate his walk to the house. Upon reaching the door,he stopped…then closed his eyes and drew a nervous breath, attempting tocontrol his excitement that was urging him to rush inside and announce hisarrival. Silver removed the key that hung from around his neck, slipped it intothe keyhole and released the lock. He pushed opened the door and slowly hoppedinside and was instantly deluged with the smell of fresh bread and flowers, warminghis heart, making him smile. He quietly shut the door and used the wall tosilently exit the small foyer and enter the kitchen. There he saw eggs on thecounter, bread on the table and green plants about, with pots hanging near thehearth, along with a few mementos they’d brought from the Island. She’d made ittheir home. He proudly, emotionally thought, remembering how bare it had beenthe last time he’d seen it, with the only life it had being the vibrancy thatwas Madi. He then proceeded further, when he heard her, his wife, singing in anelevated and the sweetest tone, ceasing his hop. He listened with intent, hisbreath rushing in pace with the quickened beats in his chest as he decipheredthe song, a lullaby in her native tongue. Happiness heightened within him, drivinghim forward, to utilize the table, the walls to ease his steps and thus quiethis hop. For he did not wish for her to hear him and cease singing, to call forhim or meet him before he reached her. He wanted to revel in what he’d missed,the beauty that was her singing that brought an incredible joy to his soul. Silverarrived at the bedroom door, his breath heavy due to the challenge that hadbeen his quiet trek through their home, when he saw her across the room. Herwas hair twisted up in a bun as she sat nude, in a large basin of water before aflaming hearth that gave her dark skin a lovely glow. His breath ceased to flowas his eyes roamed over her, amorously regarding her full breast, and indefinablymoved by her swollen belly, signifying the growth of their child within her, sincehe’d last seen her. Silver watched her in silent amor as she gazed at her bellywhile gently wiping it with a cloth, still singing in oblivious bliss, not yetnoticing him. She was so, incredibly beautiful. He mused with heated awe, adoringand wanting her so much. When she seemed to sense that she wasn’t alone, thenquieted her voice and slowly turned her eyes in his direction. Shock instantlygraced her face, then happiness and love. “John” She gasped, the utterance of hisname on her lips, what he had not heard in months, filled him, flooded him, stirredhim beyond words. Delaying no further, he hopped across the room, making hisway to the basin, then dropped down to his knees at its side.Their lips instantly met with an urgency, hungrily crashing together withSilver bringing a hand to her cheek, inflaming her to a moan at his gentletouch and the fervid fondle of his tongue tasting her with intense passion…Thekiss gradually cooled and their lips parted, as their eyes emotionally held, wordlesslyexpressing how much they’d loved and missed one another. Silver grazed her lipsonce more, chastely teasing them with hotness. He then turned his eyes to herprotruding belly, tenderly laying his hand upon it, caressing its perfectroundness, amazed that they’d created a child that was now growing within her.He leaned down and brushed his lips over her belly, kissing it with love, alreadyadoring their child more than he ever thought he could. Madi sighed and gentlythreaded her fingers through his long curls, rousing him to contently groan atwhat he’d dreamed for so long, finally coming to fruition, being home. HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY! -- source link
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