BrothersSecond prompt for @badthingshappenbingoFandom: 9-1-1.Characters: Evan Buckley, Eddie Diaz, C
BrothersSecond prompt for @badthingshappenbingoFandom: 9-1-1.Characters: Evan Buckley, Eddie Diaz, Christopher Diaz.Prompt: Big Brother Instinct.Summary: Continuation to “Buck Begins.” Revelations about his past and the actions of friends from the present teach Buck the real meaning of family and brotherly love. Or, after Buck has a bad day, Eddie and Christopher save the day.Links: - AO3Maddie and Chimney had insisted hestayed at their house for the night, but Buck had politely declined. He wantedto be alone, whether to wallow in his own misery or to try to gain some newperspective about the revelations about his life, he didn’t know. He wasn’teven sure the two were mutually exclusive. But he just couldn’t see himselfspending the night with anyone but himself. Coming face to face with Maddie wasone thing, but spending the night at her house as if nothing had changed wasabove his current level of forgiveness.So he had hugged his sister, askedif he could take the bag of mementos home, and walked out of the apartment assoon as she nodded. Not even waiting to wish Chimney a good night.Now sitting alone in his car, in theparking lot of his apartment complex, his fingers trembled as he fumbled withthe zipper of the bag. Drawing in a long breath, then blowing it out slowly,Buck decided this could wait until tomorrow. He told himself the parking lotaround him was dark, the only light coming from a nearby street lamp, so hewouldn’t be able to see anything anyway. But in reality, he just wanted tospend the night alone with a cold beer to stop his thoughts from wandering. So,with a grunt he got out of his car and gingerly walked to his building.His simple plan however, camecrashing down as soon as he reached the front steps. Sighing, Buck closed hiseyes and wished he hadn’t gotten out of the car.“Uncle Buck!” Christopherpractically bounced off the steps as soon as he saw him, his little bodycrashing with Buck’s legs a second later. “I missed you.”Barely able to suppress a whimper,Buck stumbled before he was able to gain his footing and kneel down in front ofthe boy. “Hi Chris,” he said, half-forcing a smile on his face, while healso did his best to ignore the adult now standing next to his son. Thisunexpected visit wasn’t Christopher’s fault. "I missed you too, buddy.Sorry work’s been keeping me busy.” He didn’t like to lie to Chris, but hecouldn’t as well say what had really been keeping him busy.“It’s okay, Buck. Daddy told meyour parents came to visit. And my dad is always busy too when my abuela comesfrom Texas,” Chris said simply.Drawing back away from Christopher,Buck turned to look at Eddie. A shadow crossed Buck’s eyes and Eddie justslightly shook his head as a response. He hadn’t shared anything else withChris.“What brings you guyshere?” Buck wondered after the silence around them had become oppressive.“Isn’t it a little late for a visit on a school night?” He hoped hewasn’t sounding rude, for Chris’ sake that is, with Eddie he would need to havea few choice words next time they were alone.“There’s an errand I need torun before work tomorrow, so I was hoping Chris could spend the night herebefore you drop him at school in the morning?” Eddie asked quickly, hiseyes looking at anything but Buck.Silence seemed to stretch around thethree men. Christopher waited expectantly, his hand still on Buck’s leg, evenas the man rose to his feet and stared at Eddie with raised eyebrows.For his part, Eddie did his best tolook as innocent as possible, offering no additional words until the silencestretched for too long and he saw his son’s smile turn into an uncertain frown.“If you’re still busy with your guests, I can just call Hen or Chimney.Chris always says you’re his favorite and must fun uncle, but I’m sure heunderstands. Right, Chris?” Eddie added eventually, the ex-Army Medic notmissing a beat.“Sure, Chris. You can stay withme,” Buck said at the same time as Christopher nodded his agreement withhis father. The boy’s frown had turned into a sad smile, and just as quicklyinto a full on grin.“Thanks, uncle Buck.”Chris practically shouted, his bright, grey eyes shining even more than usual.“Daddy, can I have the keys to get my backpack?”Buck hadn’t missed how Eddie wastrying to avoid his gaze and he had to stop himself from asking what type oferrand was so sudden. Eddie usually gave him a few days warning when he neededhim to babysit Chris, unless it was some sort of emergency. Buck wouldn’t arguethat most often than not he was a dumbass, but not as much as to not be able toread his best friend’s intentions. But Chris had already lost his mother andBuck didn’t want him to think he wasn’t wanted here, so he didn’t say anythingelse and just bid his time. Turned out luck was on his side and he would beable to rip Eddie a new one right here and now.But Edmundo Diaz was always a stepahead, so he put an innocent smile on his face and turned towards his car.“I can do it for you, Chris. You can stay here with uncle Buck. I will beright back.”Buck glared at his teammate, butEddie still wasn’t looking directly at him. So instead he grabbed Chris’ handand led him to the front steps. Sitting down as he asked Chris how school wasgoing.Eddie came back in the middle ofChristopher’s very excited and detailed explanation of the upcoming sciencefair. And how he was working on a presentation about climate change and naturaldisasters. Not like most kids who wanted something easy and chose a volcano,instead talking all about how his daddy had fought tsunamis, and mudslides, andeven traveled back home to Texas to fight a real wildfire. If Buck hadn’t beenthere, he would have thought Eddie had grown wings and the magical ability tobend the elements, cause Chris’ voice was full of awe and admiration, as if hewas talking about Iron Man himself. But Buck guessed Christopher was right andthey were all superheroes in their own way.“Here you go, Chris. I willleave you to Buck so you can continue telling him all about your project.”Eddie kneeled down, hugging his son after helping him with the straps of hisbackpack. “I will see you after shift tomorrow.”“Bendicion, daddy,” Chrissaid in practiced ease.“Dios te bendiga.” Eddiekissed his son’s disheveled locks and turned back towards his car.Buck had been around the Diaz menenough to understand they were sharing both a blessing and a farewell. Awishful smile escaped his lips as he silently wondered what it would have beento share that type of relationship with his parents. And if maybe Daniel had,before everything had gone to hell.Fingers wrapping around his own drewBuck back to the present and he looked down to find an expectant Chris staringback at him. His eyes settled on the boy for a minute, and not for the firsttime he marveled at Christopher’s strength and cheerfulness, considering all hehad been through in his short life. And again, not for the first time, hewished he could be more like him.Looking back to the parking lotaround him, Buck sighed as he saw that Eddie’s car was gone. So he turned backto Chris and smiled. “Ready, buddy? Maybe we can play some rounds beforewe go to bed. How does that sound?”Christopher nodded repeatedly, hishand tugging at Buck’s as he pulled them both towards the door.-x-x-x-“Buck, can I have acookie?” Christopher’s voice came from beside him and Buck jumped slightlyas if suddenly being woken up from a dream. Another grunt escaping his lips asthe movement jarred his tender side. The doctors had given him a clean bill ofhealth, but the fire had still caused a minor burn and his side was bruisedfrom his hard landing during the explosion.Turning his eyes to the tv, Buckgrimaced seeing the score. He wished he could blame it on being distracted butChris was just that good. Turning to the boy in question, Christopher’s hopefullook reminded Buck of his question. Shaking his head to clear more unwantedthoughts, Buck set his controller down and raised from the couch. “Ofcourse, Chris. But only one,” Buck said easily, a faint smile gracing hislips as he remembered the one time he had ignored Eddie’s warnings, givingChris half a box of cookies, then regretting his decision with a passion as theboy had been on a sugar rush until three in the morning.Walking into the kitchen, Buck wentto the cupboard he had prepared for Chris once it had become a commonoccurrence for the boy to spend the night at his house. Peanut butter, grapejelly, Cheez-It crackers, and other snacks occupying every available inch ofthe small space. And at the back, the box of cookies he had come searching for.Last Christmas, Chris had spent aSaturday at his house while Eddie secretly went shopping for presents. Afterdinner, Buck had offered Chris a white fudge covered Oreo and the boy had lovedit. The previous morning, Buck had rushed to three grocery stores trying tofind more boxes of the Holiday Edition cookies. Now he made a point to only eatthem with Chris and it had become their special treat.Tonight as he opened the box to grabtwo cookies and then walked back to his living room, Buck absentmindedlywondered if Daniel had been an Oreo guy, or if maybe he had preferred ChipsAhoy!, or something else entirely.“Here you go,” Buck said,moving closer to Chris and setting the cookie and a glass of milk in front ofhim. He then sat back down on his side of the couch and sadly stared at his ownOreo.“Thank you, uncle Buck,”Chris said cheerfully, instantly reaching for the fudge covered delicacy.“One more round?” He asked innocently.“Yeah…” Buck knew heshould have said no, but selfishly, he welcomed the distraction and dreaded themoment he would again be alone with his thoughts. He hated to admit Eddie’sinstincts had been spot-on and Christopher had been the right kind ofdistraction he needed that night. A 6 pack would have been less of a compromisebut also a lot more destructive.One round then turned into three,Chris’ eyes beginning to close by the end of it, before a barely suppressedsniff woke him up. Pausing the game, he turned to his right with inquisitiveeyes. “Are you okay, Evan? Why are you crying?” He asked, his voicebarely above a whisper. His small hand moving to rest on Buck’s knee.Buck had been playing video gamesfor years so the motion had become automatic even as his mind was a millionmiles away. Upon hearing Chris’ question, he shook his head, and for the firsttime noticed the blur of tears on his eyes. His fingers had continued to pressthe bottoms on the controller, following the game, but his mind had driftedback to Daniel as Buck wondered what it could have been like growing up with anolder brother. One that introduced him to new games and fought the hard bossbattles for him. Maddie had been great, but circumstances had turned her intomore of a mother figure than a sister, and at that moment, Buck considered thathe hadn’t just missed out on growing up with a big brother, but a real sisteras well.“Evan?” Christopher askedagain, his eyes looking worried as the boy wondered if he should call hisfather.Closing his eyes, and taking in adeep breath, Buck released it slowly as his eyes opened again. “Sorry,Chris. I’m alright. Didn’t mean to worry you.” Using the sleeve of hisLAFD hoodie, Buck wiped the tears from his face and willed them to stop coming.“I just got some bad news recently.”Christopher nodded and moved to hugBuck, a steady hand drawing comforting circles on the firefighter’s back, hishead resting on his shoulder.The pair stayed like that for a fewminutes, until Buck pulled back, and just stared at Christopher. With a smile,Buck fixed Chris’ glasses which had become crooked after the impromptu hug,then moved his hand to the boy’s disheveled curls. “Thank you,Chris.”“You’re welcome, Evan. When Igot bad news about my mommy, all I wanted was a hug…” Chris began to explainawkwardly, his feet shuffling on the spot. “Just thought it could help youtoo.” He finished matter-of-factly, even though no explanation was everreally necessary for such a declaration of affection.Buck smiled and ruffled Chris’ hair.“You’re a very smart boy, do you know that?”“My daddy says I’m too smartfor my own good,” Chris said simply, then scrunched his face. “I’mnot sure I understand what that means, but daddy says it a lot.”Buck couldn’t help the chuckle thatescaped him. “You will know soon enough, buddy. Don’t worry about it. Nowtime to go to bed.”“Okay, Evan.” Chris agreedeasily, turning the game off as he stood to follow Buck. Then something came tohim and he lifted his hand to stop Buck’s progress. “Wait here,” he said beforehe moved to the kitchen, coming back a few minutes later with an ice pack inhis hand. Without saying anything else he carefully pressed it to Buck’sinjured side and used his other hand to move Buck’s to hold it in place.Buck sighed as soon as the coldbegan to alleviate the throbbing on his side, then raised his eyebrows in asilent question.Chris shrugged. “Daddy never wantsto use it, but I have learned to notice when he needs one.” He explained shily,looking up at Buck from under his glasses.Buck smiled sheepishly, wonderingwho needed the other more, Christopher or Eddie. But who was he kidding, heneeded the both of them even more. “Thanks bud. Now let’s go.”Fifteen minutes later, teeth brushedand pajamas on, Christopher was lying comfortably in Buck’s guest room.“Good night, Evan. Thank you for letting me stay tonight.”“Thank you, Chris,” Buck said emotionally, before a sudden thoughtoccurred to him. “You never really call me Evan. Why now?”“When my daddy and I have aserious conversation, he always calls me Christopher, and often when I overhearhim talking to abuela, she calls him Edmundo. So Evan made sense for ourserious talk. I…” Chris explained simply, the rest of his sentenceending in a yawn as his eyes finally closed and his breathing evened out.Toosmart for his own good, indeed. Buck thought to himself as heturned off the lights and walked out of the room with a sincere smile on hisface. Chris’ ice pack still tightly pressed to his side.Maybe life had taken a brother away,but fate had gifted him a teammate that had turned into an older brother and ithad only taken a night with his nephew toremember. Eddie would never replace what Daniel could have been but Buck wasstill infinitely grateful to have him in his life.-x-x-x-The next morning Buck woke upfeeling lighter than the days before.After taking a quick shower, he wentto his guest bedroom and woke Chris up, then made his way to the kitchen. Bythe time the boy sat down at the kitchen table, showered, dressed and ready forschool, Buck already had two plates of eggs and toast ready for them. The twothen ate in comfortable silence until Chris reached down to his pocket and slidhis hand towards Buck. Setting two pills on the table and a tube of antibioticcream. A determined and proud smile on his face.Buck returned the smile and downedthe two pills, but waited until he was alone to apply the cream. Chris didn’tneed to see his wound, as minor as the burn had been, and worry about the samething, or worse, happening to his dad.When Chris went back to his room topick up his school supplies, Buck did quick work of rubbing the cream andredressing the wound, then took it to his bathroom cabinet, where Chris hadmost likely taken it from. Or at least that’s what he thought. If he was beinghonest with himself, it had been quite a while since he last used it. Not thatthere hadn’t been injuries in between…During the drive to school Chrisresumed his conversation about the science fair, and Buck offered to help himfinish his presentation this weekend. Chris gladly agreed and offered Buck tobe a part of the stories he would share. After all, every superhero needed asidekick.Buck had to bite his lip not toargue that last statement, feeling lucky just to be included.“Goodbye, uncle Buck.” Chris thensaid when Buck parked in front of his school. “I will see you this weekend.”“Bye, buddy. Have a good day.” Buckreplied with a smile, and, only when Chris had closed the door and was walkingto the school’s front doors, he added to himself, And thank you. As it turned out, it wasn’t only Eddie who had goodinstincts.-x-x-x-Parking in his usual spot and walkingtowards LAFD Station 118, Buck could see Eddie standing at the front of theapparatus bay. His feet shuffling nervously, much like Christopher did when hewas nervous.“Morning,” Buck said as he came tostand next to his best friend.“About last night, I can explain.”The words began rushing out of Eddie as soon as he parted his lips. “I didn’tmean to ambush you. Or well, I did. But…”Lifting his hand in a placatinggesture, Buck shook his head, then moved his arm over Eddie’s shoulder, engulfinghim in an awkward side hug. “No need to explain. Thank you.”“So it went well?” Eddie asked,feigning surprise.“Better than well,” Buck admitted.“You’re one lucky dad, Christopher is a great kid.”“We’re both lucky. And not onlybecause we have each other,” Eddie said in a rare display of affection, his armgoing over the shoulder of the best friend that had become his little brother.Side-by-side Buck and Eddie thenwalked home.Evan Buckley had been born a saviorsibling, and even if life had made it that he couldn’t save Daniel, that didn’tmean he hadn’t saved many others along the way. And however broken his pastwas, it had led him here.It also meant that now he had a bigbrother looking down on him from heaven, and one standing right by his side. -- source link
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