itsmeganprincess: Amber’s New Toy (Part 10) Sissy fiction by meganprincess Jennifer soaked in the ba
itsmeganprincess: Amber’s New Toy (Part 10) Sissy fiction by meganprincess Jennifer soaked in the bath and thought. Not about Chad. Amber couldn’t make him do that. Or was it ‘her’ now? For Jimmy/Jennifer, the line between being a ‘he’ and a ‘she’ was becoming incredibly blurred. It was all very confusing. And a little troubling. One thing it was definitely not: boring. She decided to make the best of it. One more day and Brody would be back. This would all be over. And, besides, a simple phrase out of the lips of Amber kept running through Jennifer’s mind: ‘I’ll give you a nice reward if you play along.’ Oh my! Jennifer rubbed the apricot shampoo through her hair and then picked out the rose-scented bar of soap and lathered and thought back to Amber stroking and teasing her hard cock encased in panties with the mascara tube. How hard Jennifer had cum! Before that, there had only been wet dreams. But to really cum was amazing. True, Jennifer had cum into the pair of panties she was wearing. Just like the little sissy that Amber kept telling her she was. But it was worth it. And now, at only the cost of playing along with Amber’s humiliating little games a little longer, Jennifer would get another ‘reward’. She stood up and stepped out of the shower. Just then, Amber walked in unannounced. ‘Aww! You don’t have to cover up, sissy. It’s okay. I already told you. You are not a boy to me anymore. You are a just a cute girly girl. Here, take this towel. Hold it like this. Yes. Good girl. Wrap it around you. See how it stays snug under your armpits like a dress? Yes, you are turning into a perfect little girl. Now blow-dry your hair while I lay some outfits on the bed for you to choose from. Are you excited about your first date with a boy? Hmm? Say ‘Yes ma’am’. Use your pretty girl voice. At all times, remember. Now tell me.’ Meekly Jennifer answered with obedience: ‘Yes ma’am, Miss Amber, I’m so excited about my date with Chad.’ ‘Good girl. And have you thought about what you might like to wear for him tonight? Less than two hours until your date. We have to get you ready. What do you think would be pretty on you, Jennifer?’ ‘Umm…maybe a cute dress, Miss Amber?’ Here Amber clapped and jumped up and down in glee ‘Oh my God, you are just the sweetest girl ever! Okay dry your hair, princess, and then come out and you can start picking cute outfits to try on for me.’ It seemed to take a long time to dry her hair and, at times, Jennifer could have sworn that she heard voices on the other side of the door in Amber’s room. Laughing and giggling. Probably just her imagination. Finally, when she was done, Jennifer walked into Amber’s room, with the white towel wrapped around her girl-style. Amber had changed clothes and now stood in skin tight faded jeans and a black top with tennis shoes. A small smirk flitted across her face. Jennifer caught some sense of mischief and then remembered the voices. ‘Umm, Miss Amber? W-w-was somebody here while I was blow-drying my hair?’ ‘Ya! Mariah and Robyn-Anne were just here. Want me to call them back?’ ‘Oh my God, No! Please? Please don’t. They can’t see me like this.’ Jennifer thought about the two girls. Amber’s best friends. If anything, they were brattier and more annoying than even Amber. Mariah had long brown hair and always wore super slutty clothes for her age. Boots and shiny skirts. Jennifer thought about all the times she had teased Mariah and knew there would be hell to pay if Mariah had a chance to take part in these humiliating games. And Robyn-Anne? She wore Kawaii clothes and dressed ultra-innocent and girly. She seemed even younger than she was with her hair often in pigtails. Amber saw the fear in Jennifer’s eyes and couldn’t resist tormenting her sissy: ‘Aww, poor baby. I’m sure Robyn-Anne would just love to babysit you for a while. Maybe bottle feed you after putting you into some pretty pink plastic panties? And Mariah would probably just whip you with her belt and make you beg to lick her shoes. She would soooo love this, Jennifer. Are you gonna be a good girl for me? Do I need to call them and tell them to come back over? Haha! You look so scared. It’s cute. Don’t worry Jennifer. Aww, don’t cry. They just brought over some clothes. I told them my cousin is in town and has her first date with a boy. They are excited for you. To them, you are just a girl named Jennifer in our grade. See? I made you my age. Well actually, I told then you are a year younger and a grade lower.’ Amber thought this last touch was hilarious. As if all of this was not humiliating enough. Bossed by your best friend’s little sister. Then being demoted to being a little girl even younger than her. But Jennifer had no time to think and was just relieved to know that, if she played along, then Jennifer wouldn’t bring over Mariah and Robyn-Anne to torment her. And besides there was a reward coming. She looked past Amber to the bed. Clothes everywhere. Bra and panty sets. Shoes. Tops. Outfit combinations laid out. ‘Go ahead Jennifer. Start with panties. Which pair do you want to wear? Hmm? Think about Chad seeing you in your panties, sissy. Here try these’ Amber handed Jennifer a pair of baby blue panties in gingham with white lace accents around the bottom of the rear and a little white bow at the top center. The sissy slowly eased them up, glad at least to not be completely naked anymore. She dropped the towel and Amber made her model the little panties. A matching bra came next. Amber tapped her tennis shoes as she waited impatiently for Jennifer to hook her own bra. When it was done, Amber had her little pantyslave pose and model. ‘Oh! Those look so adorable on you. Such a good girl for mommy. You like being a pretty girl for your new babysitter don’t you, sissy? Are you excited about your reward later? Wait! What’s that? Is that a little wet spot forming at the front of your little baby blue panties, Jennifer? Bad girl! Take them off. You need a panty liner, Don’t you? Well, we’ll wait until we settle on the perfect bra and panty set for you to wear on your date. Unhook your bra, little girl.’ Next, Jennifer put on and modeled a pair of red lace boy short panties with a matching cami top. ‘Boy short panties. Ha ha! So funny. You aren’t a boy at all though, right? You belong in panties at all times. Such a sissy. Put your hands on your hips and blow kisses. Good girl. I love taking pics of you.’ Jennifer, as the screws tightened on the blackmail evidence, got nervous all over again and tried to revolt. ‘No! Stop! I don’t want you to take any more pictures of me. I won’t do this. I won’t! ‘Aww! You won’t? You do realize that even as you are saying “you won’t” you are still talking in your precious girl voice? Too funny. You are just like a little girl now. Why don’t you stomp your little feet while you stand in your panties too? Little brat. Well, if that is what you want, that is what you will get. I have the perfect panties for a little girl like you.’ Amber went to her dresser and turned back around and threw a pair of panties into Jennifer’s face. ‘Here! Put these on, sissy. They suit you better. Just right for you. Go ahead, princess. Take off your boy short panties and put the new pair on. They are much more appropriate for you.’ Beaten again, Jennifer obeyed. In a moment she stood red faced in a tiny pair of pink panties. They had the word ‘cute’ on them above the image of two cartoon unicorns holding hands with a heart and star next to them. They looked like the kind of panties a very young girl would happily wear. ‘Feel better, princess? Hmm? Like your new panties? Want your new boyfriend to see you in those? Go to the makeup mirror and look at yourself.’ Jennifer did as she was told and Amber stood behind her smirking before pushing her down by the shoulder and making her sit on the dainty open-backed makeup chair. ‘And here is a pretty little brush and hand held mirror for you to use. Go ahead. Brush your hair, little girl. This must be how you want me to treat you since you are acting like such a baby. Maybe I really should call Mariah and Robyn-Anne over to babysit you. Maybe that is what you want. Push you around in a stroller. Put a pacifier in your mouth. And take lots and lots of pics of you in baby dresses for Facebook. Want me to turn you over to Mariah and Robyn-Anne? Or are you gonna act like a big girl?’ Jennifer brushed her hair and slowly nodded as she looked at the little mirror she held in one hand and the brush in the other. They were made for a little girl too. The little pink handheld mirror was straight out of a juvenile fairytale and the matching brush was heart-shaped. So humiliating to be made to use them. ‘Was that a ‘yes’ Jennifer? You’re going to be a good girl for me? Aww. I know you will. It’s okay. Stand up now. Those little panties really do look cute on you. I’m sorry, but I think you earned yourself a punishment. Stand against my dresser. Legs spread, hands spread on the top, Jennifer. Bad girls get spanked.’ Jennifer braced herself for the assault. Amber leaned in over her shoulder and whispered in her ear: ‘See this little princess hairbrush? This is what little girls get spanked with.’ She held the brush in front of Jennifer’s face. It was a different one than the one she had just been made to use. This one was pink too but it had three princesses from the Frozen movie on it and a picture of a little tiara. ‘Kiss it, sissy. Kiss the back of the pretty brush that you will be spanked with.’ And Jennifer softly kissed it. Ten times at Amber’s command. And that’s how many times Amber whacked Jennifer’s pink pantied ass. Harder and harder with each swing until Jennifer was lifting her left leg with every strike towards the end. After that, things went smoother. Jennifer was made to model in a purple skirted panty and matching bra. And dance and say how pretty she felt. All while Amber took video on her cell. In the end, Jennifer was forced to say that she really wanted to wear the black panties for Chad. In her most convincing voice, of course. But first, Amber made her sissy put in a pantyliner because she knew ‘how excited Jennifer would get in her panties around a real boy’ before allowing the pussy to put on the black panties with white lace at the side panels. ‘You know what wearing black panties on a date means don’t you, sissy?’ Amber mocked but didn’t elaborate and only made Jennifer put on the matching bra. Then came the outfits. First a casual look. Jennifer modeled tiny pink jean shorts and matching pink denim halter top. The sissy was soon strutting around Amber’s room striking poses in a beige sweater, cuffed jean shorts, black stay-up stockings, and black knee-boots. Different tops were tried with her little jean shorts. So cute in a red top with a print of sexy lips and the words ‘born to flirt.’ ‘But you don’t want to be too casual, do you, princess? Girls like you need to be a little dressier on a date. Let’s try some sexy jeans on you.’ Jennifer modeled super tight white jeans. They totally gripped her ass. Amber teased and teased about how Chad would be dying to feel her ass. Amber put Jennifer into a black top with glittery gold letters spelling out ‘tease’. Next came dresses. Jennifer pranced around in an impossibly tiny red dress. She felt so exposed in it as she walked in matching high heels with the narrow straps tickling her shoulders. Not satisfied, Amber put her sissy into over-the-knee black suede boots that laced in the back and a floral dress with a dainty open-back design. The long sleeves were tight at the elbows and flared out flirtily at the wrists as Jennifer modeled for more pictures. The last dress was black. It was all see-through delicate lace on the top layer with a solid black silk underpinning for modesty’s sake. Amber handed her humiliated sissy a little matching black clutch purse and put her through her paces. Finally, they came to skirts. ‘Ohh, I bet you would love to wear this outfit of Robyn-Anne’s. Let’s try it, babygirl.’ A moment later Jennifer stood for inspection, the very image of innocent cuteness. She wore patterned stockings: black kittens stopped at just above her knees and, rising above, was sheer hose material. With her adorable stockings she wore a little black and white polka dot skirt with white mesh fringe and a tiny white hello kitty crop top. Jennifer was mortified so Amber let her off the hook. Well, kinda: ‘Or maybe you prefer to wear what Mariah brought for you, sissy? She would laugh so hard if she saw you in this. Put it on. Oh my God! So hot. I bet Chad would want to fuck your brains out in that shiny black vinyl skirt. And those matching ankle boots. So cute on you, Jennifer!!’ Next came regular black pantyhose, brown hi[-hugging tight skirt and black top. Jennifer minced in matching brown heels and wondered if her reward would ever come. At last, her date outfit was agreed upon. Jennifer was made to gush over a sexy black leather skirt. Then she was made to put on black fishnet stockings but Amber said they were too slutty for a little girl like Jennifer as she laughed sneeringly. Regular black stockings which would be constantly exposed at the frilly top and matching black heels were quickly substituted. Underneath it, Jennifer wore a matching purple camisole and slip. They were really cute and would have been fine…until Amber said just black panties were more fitting for sluts. Jennifer was made to striptease and step out of the purple cami and slip. She actually made Jennifer beg to wear just the black panties under her skirt for Chad and go braless under her blouse. All part of her plan. ‘And now for your reward, sissy. Are you excited? But first you have to really earn it. Sit on the bed facing me. We are gonna do some role play. You need to be ready for your date. You need to be ready and know what boys want. I’ll be Chad. And you? Well, you’ll just be the super pretty and excited girl you are. On your first date and so eager for the approval of the hot boy that’s taken you out to dinner and a movie’ Amber turned away for a moment. When she turned around, she approached the side of the bed where Jennifer waited. Amber had inserted a round hair brush into her jeans. The narrow, long tip stood out above her lowered zipper. Like a cock. Before Jennifer could object, Amber began rubbing it softly across her lips. Ever so softly back and forth. While she looked down, caressing the sissy’s hair and cheek, she began to speak in her most seductive, hypnotic voice: ‘It’s okay Jennifer. You can do this. Just be a good girl. Do a good job and Miss Amber will give you a sweet reward. Good girl. Just gently kiss it. That’s right. Just barely kiss the tip. You are doing sooo good. Look up at me and kiss up and down it. Perfect. Does it feel good when I play with your pretty hair, Jennifer? You look so pretty in your skirt. Now open your mouth. Take the tip. Look up at me. Keep eye contact. Swirl your tongue. Such a good girl.’ And then, as if in a trance, Jennifer was sucking the dick. Amber slowly pushing the brush handle deeper into the sissy’s mouth. Reaching behind her head and holding it firmer. Applying pressure. Until Jennifer bobbed her head in time to the pushing cock fucking her mouth. Stealthily taking a pic or two then discreetly flinging her cell to the side, Amber pulled out with a satisfied guttural grunt and truly took on the role of Chad with a deepened, chauvinistic tone of voice: ‘Oh yeah! Damn baby, you are a great cocksucker. Swallow that cum.’ Jennifer was too stunned to really react and Amber liked it like that. She led her new blowjob queen back over to the makeup table where she teased out her victim’s hair. Jennifer was made to sit and apply full makeup. When she was done, Amber began teasing about the reward. ‘You really want it bad, don’t you, sissy? Want to cum in your panties again for your best friend’s bratty little sister? Want to squirt for your new babysitter? I know you do. That’s why you sucked that cock so good. Haha! Okay, calm down, little girl. I’ll give you your reward. Now, edge your butt back in the chair, Just like that. Get that skirted ass out over the opening in the back of your makeup chair. Remember what I said about black panties? Remember when you had a choice? The pair you picked, the pair you BEGGED to wear for a man was black. Black panties mean you want sex. So now I will teach you. Here, take the little ‘Frozen’ princess brush from before when you were being such a little girl and got punished. Look in the mirror, sissy, and start sucking it. Suck the handle. Just like it is Chad’s cock. Or don’t. I don’t care. But if you don’t? No reward. That’s what I thought. Good girl. Suck that hard dick.’ And then Amber lifted the back of Jennifer’s leather skirt and gently pulled her silky black slut panties to the side. She had already well lubed the shaft of the handle of the hairbrush she now held; the one Jennifer had sucked as part of the conditions of her reward moments ago. And as Jennifer sucked one handle-cock in the mirror, another was firmly entering her tight little virgin pussy. As the tip entered, the sissy moaned loudly; the sound muffled by the handle of the brush she was being forced to suck at the same time. Amber’s face appeared over Jennifer’s face in the mirror as she forced the other handle deeper into the wimp’s hole with a quickening pumping action: ‘Good girl. Suck that cock. One in your mouth and one in your pussy. This is what happens to little sissies. This is what will happen when Chad brings his friends around to use you. Once everybody knows what a slut you are. How you like to wear black panties. And over the knee boots. And leather skirts. Slut. Whore. Take it, Jennifer. Good girl. Now flood your panties. Look at me in the mirror, sissy, as I fuck you. Flood your panties, Jennifer. Such a good girl. Good, good girl. Cumming in her panties while being used. Let the guys know how much you crave their attention and how much you love wearing pretty clothes and makeup for them. Let them see you cum in your panties, princess…’ TO BE CONTINUED Reblog/like and leave comments to show you want more. Princess creates these stories only to make that little wet spot appear on the front of your little girly panties as you read, sissy. This story will appear on tomorrow with pictures. You can find all of the chapters there. Just do an author search for meganprincess and all of my stories will appear (59). Love love ! -- source link
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