jbscaptivestories:omgcypressgoatart:Lauren, From the UK to Captive in LALauren shivered, her naked b
jbscaptivestories:omgcypressgoatart:Lauren, From the UK to Captive in LALauren shivered, her naked body spread and held fast in aseries of ropes. She glanced around despairingly, whimpering in fear as she waitedfor his return. The clomping of heavy boots behind her made her gagged whimpersand snotty nasal breathing increase in rate and volume.She heard him kick her small suitcase to the side. He was stillwondering whether to burn it or bury it. “What do you think slut, should I burnyour fuckin things or bury them? It’s not like you will ever need them again.”He commented with a deep sarcastic baritone laugh.He picked up the UK passport lying on the floor near thecontents spilling out of a purse. He scanned thru it and noted her name, as ifhe would ever actually call her that after today, he chuckled to himself.He then walked around to the head of the old stained and discolouredsingle mattress. It was perched on an old box spring and basic steel bed frame.The bed assembly creaked and groaned every time its unwilling occupant tried tomove.He stooped down, grabbed a hand full of her matted hair andwrenched the poor girl’s mascara and tear stained face upwards. He held thepassport down in front of her face and then joked, “Too bad I don’t have astamp for “The Republic of Pain Slut Hell”, to put in your lovely little book,eh Lauren?”“We could note it as, ’Your last place ever travelled to’, andpin it to your cell wall over there in the corner. Give you a nice reminderover the coming years of how far you have come.”Lauren moaned around the obtrusive gag rammed into her mouthand he watched as her terrified eyes glanced over to the small tight spacebuilt into the brick basement wall. It had a solid steel door, currently hingedopen. And a sliding bookcase that could easily move in front of the entrance todisguise that the tiny room ever existed.He shook her head violently about, with his powerful grip, toget her to look back at him, “Hey dumb ass …eyes up here!…Your new owner wantsto see those pretty eyes of yours before I hide them away for a week or two. Alittle sensory deprivation welcome to your new life as my sweet fuck toy!”Lauren’s eyes went huge as he said this and she watched himpick a white metal case off the floor. He shoved it in front of her horrifiedface. His smile broadening as he watched her reaction to the handwritten words,written above the scratched out ones on the metal front.“Funny eh, cunt… So every time you hear or see this case,just know things are about to get nasty….for you!” He laughed. He stood towering over her, watching her scream futilelyaround that bulbous throat choking gag. She was gagging and sobbing, andthrashing uselessly at the myriad loops of ropes he had tied to her body. Shewould do anything at this point to be free of this place and free of him. Shewanted to beg, to plead for her freedom, but her voice was choked off, just pitifulunintelligible noises were all she was capable of making.‘Why had he done this? Would he let her go? Why did he haveher tied up so horribly? Was he going to hurt her more?’ All things she did anddidn’t want to know.She felt him dig his fingers into her hair again, and hetugged and wrenched her head up. Lauren’s frightened and growingly defeatedeyes, looking up mournfully into his.“You goin to be a good little cock sucking bitch if I takethis gag out? You gonna suck my cock and eat my cum bitch?” he growled, “Or do I keep doing really painful things to ya…like this.”He added as he picked up the little one button switch box, he had wired into a carbattery on the floor. It was wired to the two clamps currently snapped on andcrushing her delicate nipples, all squashed into the mattress under the weightof her own body.Lauren’s anguished nipples were throbbing in pain from justthe pinching action of the clamps, not to mention the rope tied tight aroundher right breast and the wooden bar clamp device crushing her left titmercilessly. All early additions to the restrictive mind boggling uncomfortablebondage he had put her in, as she slowly came out of her drugged state.Her last clear memory of her first trip to the US, being ofclimbing into a plain grey uber at LAX. Then many foggy dream like memories cameto her, of a hulking brutal man, painful tight ropes, a deep penis like gagpassing her lips, and the coolness of the air on her naked body as she was strippedbare.Her drugged mind unable to comprehend what was happening,until she was fully strapped down and he was straddling her thighs. His cockburied in her sex and his hips pounding into her ass, as she slowly came too inhorrific realization.Still gripping her hair with one hand, he deftly pulled hislong thick cock from his jeans, while still holding the button. “Well cunt,what’s the fucking answer….You gonna suck my cock and swallow all my cum like agood little cum whore.?Lauren furiously tried to nod. The movement hurting herscalp, as he still had a secure white knuckle grip on her hair. And then shefelt the charge hit her nipples, again…and then again…and again. Her bodyseized and thrashed uncontrollably in its ropes. There was a high-pitched noiseemanating from her throat, a cacophony of disturbing noise, equal to the painravaging her crushed tits.The pain stopped and she realized he was laughingthunderously as she sobbed and shook. “Sorry about that sweetheart, but you were flailing about somuch and making those fuckin awesome pig squealing noises….Well I just couldn’thelp myself. So you ready to suck your owner’s big dick?”She raised her head and nodded again. Her eyes pleading withhim to not to do that again. Not to run an excruciating charge of current thruher poor tortured tits. She wanted to suck his cock…to swallow his cum, toplease him to no end, so that this hellish pain could end.“Good little slut…Glad you know what the fuck you are now!”he said grinning and reaching around to undo the latch on her gag strap. Henoticed her shoulders release for a second, the tension of her predicamenteasing slightly as he slowly pulled the long saliva covered gag out of hermouth and she worked to move her sore jaws.His cock jutted straight out and he shivered in anticipationhimself. He moved his hips steadily closer to her anguished terrified face. Thehead of his penis touched her open lips and he watched her lips purse and herchin quiver. “Your ready to suck for your life bitch?”To his surprise she not only nodded, but spoke, “Yes sir.Let me suck you please, please… Let me please you and then..then ..you willuntie me?” Her eyes glancing up, in an all too hopeful manner, as she stammeredout her request, her hope…He grinned down on her and at the same time slipped his cockin between her soft plump lips, “We’ll see bitch…..we’ll see. Now fuckin suckaway and drain my balls, you sweet fuckin foreign whore.”….A while later….His balls drained twice into her slobberingmouth….“Hahaha…you stupid fuckin cunt. Boy you are one gullibledumb whore.” His taunting laughter filled the room over her muffled screams. Laurenwas going nuts, thrashing and trying to free herself. She had done whathe had said, twice. The taste of his semen still coating her mouth. Even withher underwear now balled up and stuffed in there, it was all she could taste.She had tried to spit it out, but then the world went darkas he pulled some sort of hood over her head. She panicked as she felt him wrapa length of rope around her neck, three times and then knot it tight.Hyperventilating and crying her eyes out in behind the hood,her fear only grew worse as she felt something tight around the hood at hermouth level. It effectively pushed the hood in tight to her lips and kept hersoiled soggy panties from being ejected. Then she heard a long zzippp noise!and the tension around her head and mouth multiplied exponentially.The corners of Lauren’s mouth felt like they were being cutinto, even with the leather hood on. A few last zip/click noises made herrealize that her sick captor had just ziptied the hood tight around her head.She groaned pitifully in her dark stifling prison. Making additional whimperingnoises as she felt him stroking her bare arms and legs with his rough hands andthe leather belt he tossed on the bed earlier.The belt trailed down over her back, over her ass and thendown the back of her right leg. As it approached her knee, Lauren felt it liftoff her skin. With the leather hood on, the sound of the belt swooshing thruthe air was nullified. So poor Lauren’s body, while trembling in fear, wasstill not as tense as it could be.The impending CRACK as the belt impacted the back of her softupper thigh, made her entire body spasm. Every muscle jerked to stiffness asthe pain shot thru her. Her muffled scream of shock and agony still ringing outfairly loud, for a girl with a panty stuffed mouth and a leather hood over herhead.He raised the belt up high again and brought his arm downwith a satisfying grunt. A grunt echoed by a flesh breaking crack, and Lauren’spitiful howls. Her thigh was on fire as she heard him say, “Hmmm that was funcunt? Let’s try this one out!”In the dark she could not see what he had picked up. Shejust tensed every muscle in her body, waiting to be hit, waiting to hear the‘CRACK’, waiting to feel the excruciating pain of being whipped. It camequickly and her gagged wail was followed instantly by more, more and more.He swung the bamboo cane thru the air with abandon. Everystrike of her once pristine skin causing a linear red welt to blossom acrossher skin. He hit her thighs just a couple more times and was now working hisway down to her trapped right foot. The first strike across the ball of herfoot causing her the most anguish yet.A half dozen more lashings he delivered to her tender exposedfoot. Each horrendous crack of the cane was followed by Lauren’s whole body jumpingfutilely against the ropes trapping her. Her hands fisting and scratching at themattress for relief. “Now then cunt, let’s attend to that beautiful full ass ofyours…shall we!” he roared. Shifting his attention to her right ass cheek. Almostcumming again in his trousers, at the sight of her useless thrashing about andthe sound of her muted howls ringing in his ears, as he delivered strike afterstrike across her bottom. Laruen could not stop screaming under the hood, screaming asher ass felt like it was being burned and shredded. Her hips bones hurt fromthe pieces of wooden 2x4’s he had thrown under her hips to perch her ass up higher.At the time she horrifyingly thought it was just to perch her ass up for easy access,for when he first chose to violate her sex. But now she realized it was also toframe her bum for the perfect whipping angle.Panting from the exertion of his whipping of her nice fullass, he settled back to take a breather and popped open a beer. He looked on athis captive lying there, her shoulders heaving and her fingers clawed into themattress. He took a step back towards her and ran his hand all around herheated ass.‘wwpphwww wwweee’ he whistled, “Boy did your skin mark upnice. Feels nice and hot, and boy thosewelts must fuckin hurt, huh bitch?” Lauren’s head moved and he could hear her hidden sobs. Underher smothering, now sweaty and tear filled hood, she was in utter distress. Shewould do anything to get out of this predicament. But she had no way to beg, toplead her willingness to capitulate, to articulate her willing submission toher abductor.Her sobs morphed into squeals of a new found discomfort asshe felt him begin to finger her pussy and ass. They in turn became deepguttural gagged pleadings as she heard him state,“You think that was hot bitch? Wait till I drill your stupidcunt with my reciprocating dildo saw. Hehehe…It doesn’t go deep…but it goesfuckin fast!…Light speed baby ..3,000 RPM at full tilt…That’s 50 FUCKS A SECOND…Fastenough to shred your cunt red and make you wish you had never been born. Hellbitch… I had one defiant little slut actually smoking, before she passed out!” Helied to her, waiting to see what her reaction would be to such a horrific tale.He grasped to the top of her hood and shook it aroundviolently, “But you don’t want that kinda hurt, do you slut? You hear me inthere slut!! You hear what your new master is saying?”Lauren didn’t know what to do, what sound to grunt, whatmotion to make. She was petrified in fear. Then she felt a deep horrible pinpoint shock rip thru her left ass cheek. She screamed mournfully into her pantygag, knowing that he had brought out the electric cattle prod once again.“Answer me you stupid slut…Your hear me in there!!” heshouted and then hit her clamped tits with a full charge of the battery. Anactual crackling noise coming from under her body as he let the current run.Lauren freaked as the current strung her nipples and spread painfullythru her entire chest. Her body jerked and flailed in its restraints and shetried her best to scream out, ‘YES’ through her mouth filling gag and therestrictive hood.At this full body response to his question, he once againgrabbed her hood and shook it about, finally asking,” So are you my fuckingslave toy? My piece of cunt and ass to use as I please forever and ever?”He released her hood and watched with great satisfaction ashis naked, bound and suffering captive furiously nodded her hooded head up anddown. Grinning broadly, he could hear her pleading muffled ‘Yes, yes yes.’There was a long silence and Lauren choked and struggled tobreathe in her hood. She could hear some noises and feel the bed dip backbetween her legs. She shuddered in anticipation of him forcing his cock backinto her pussy.Then she felt the tip of something hard and stiff enter hersex. She groaned and clawed at the dirty mattress as it pushed in past herentrance. It was firm and too hard. Then she heard his voice off to the side ofthe bed and she realized then it wasn’t his cock.“So my dear fuck toy, just so you know what I can inflict onyou, here’s a taste of 600 rpm.”Lauren didn’t get to protest it, to utter a single muffledbegging grunt for mercy. Nope, the rapid drilling of her pussy by the thickdildo immediately sent her into a thrashing screaming panic. It took only mereseconds before the heat began to build and her pussy felt obliterated.Her captor let it run for only 30 seconds, but that was all thetime he needed. So even after he trained her into a perfect submissive sex toyand the years dragged by. He only had to stand at the entrance to her smallcell, Dewalt in hand, and she would be grovelling at his feet, begging to suckhis cock, lick his ass or just generally do what ever kinky thing he demanded.Which of course with a smile, he was all to happy to oblige…..Another story for Laura actually, she’s such a hopeful littlepain toy…Another found story from my old blog…JBFor my kinky scottich lass. -- source link
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