So Barry ran to the future again. Theyear 2024 to be exact. Since time travel has worked out so well
So Barry ran to the future again. Theyear 2024 to be exact. Since time travel has worked out so well for usrecently, I guess he figured, why not? I really can’t blame the guy though.He’s desperate to know who Savitar is. We all are. Which I suppose brings us tothe $64,000 question… By the way, I don’t know what thatreference means. My abuelo used to say that anytime a really important questioncame up. I think it was a TV show… Huh… maybe that’s where I get itfrom… Anyway, Barry didn’t find outSavitar’s identity, but he did learn that Caitlin teams up with him in thefuture. Which is devastating, but at least we can cross her off the list ofpotential Savitars. I never had her on my list (to be fair, I don’t actuallyhave a list. I’m not Julian), but I guess in a Scream sort of way, it’s alwaysgood to eliminate the possibility that someone’s a villain. Barry’s being super secretive aboutwhat he saw in the future. He doesn’t want to spoil anyone’s destiny. Which isone of those things I totally know is right in my head, but in my heart, I’mlike, “Just freaking tell me! Are Gypsy and I back together? Are we married? Dowe have a little family of gibes?” (Caitlin likes Gypco as a moniker for ourdynamic, but I think Gibe is the clear winner) Actually, now that I write it outloud, maybe I don’t want to know. What if we never get back together? What ifI’m married to Lisa Snart? I mean, she obviously has her perks, but thosein-laws are a no thank you situation. Barry did say that he picked up apiece of intel in the future that may help us track Savitar, but he’s playingit pretty close to the vest right now. I can tell you this – if it involves someoneputting on that creepy headset to talk to Savitar, I ain’t doing it. They canknock themselves out. Cisco’s not playing. I’ve had too many nightmares andgone through too many bed sheets to go down that road again. -- source link
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