blackandbrownlove:#Melanin #WarOnMelanin The Aeta (Ayta, pronounced eye-tə), or Agta, are an indigen
blackandbrownlove:#Melanin #WarOnMelanin The Aeta (Ayta, pronounced eye-tə), or Agta, are an indigenous people who live in scattered, isolated mountainous parts of the island of Luzon, the Philippines.These peoples are considered to be Negritos, whose skin ranges from dark to very dark brown, and possessing features such as a small stature and frame; hair of a curly to kinky texture and a higher frequency of naturally lighter colour (blondism) relative to the general population; small nose; and dark brown eyes. They are thought to be among the earliest inhabitants of the Philippines, preceding the Austronesian migrations. The earliest inhabitants of the Philippines lived some 40,000 years ago.The Aeta were included in the group of people termed “Negrito” during Spanish Era. Various Aeta groups in northern Luzon are known as Pugut or Pugot, an Ilocano term that also means “goblin” or “forest spirit”, and is the colloquial term for people with darker complexions. These names are mostly considered inappropriate or derogatory by fellow Negritos of northern Luzon.… The Aeta are the indigenous people of the Philippines. The pale skin Eurasians you see there today are Mongoloid – not Negrito. The Mongoloids are invaders to the islands. Those they could not kill they have tried to breed out. The Aeta have been dealing with genocide longer than the Australian aborigine, and long before any Europeans set foot on the island. Most people suffer some sort of cognitive dissonance around this issue. It is inconceivable that Asians are killing black people and Asians have been killing black people and stealing their land for ‘thousands’ of years. There is no stigma like that of the European slave trade. The Arabs and the Mongols have essentially gotten away with the mass murder of hundreds of millions of black lives. Most see the people of India as a race and not genocide. To be clear – Indian is a nationality not a race. People are not aware of truly how much suffering black people on this earth have had to endure. 800 years before the transatlantic slave trade there was the Arab slave trade. The Arab slave trade was still going on when the European slave trade began and has never quite ended. It is said that the Arab slave trade was equal to the European slave trade if not worse. Before the Arab slave trade the Mongols killed upwards of 40 million people (some estimates are as high as 80 million). At this early time in human history that is almost half of what would have been the worlds known population. The Mongol Empire eventually stretched from Central Europe to the Sea of Japan. The black people in China and Japan were genocided out of history (some say they still remain in pockets). The black people of Thailand(the Mani), Cambodia (the Khmer) and Vietnam (the Champa) are all still there despite the genocide. In India the black people there have been under attack for 3500 years. Today black people in India are extremely confused about their identity. Most people alive today still dont know how it is that black people came to have straight hair even though the science is there. This may come as a surprise but black people were even the first Hawaiians and Hebrews. Racism did not start in Europe. Racism started in the East and spread towards Europe, which explains why they were the last ones to take part in the enslavement of indigenous black people. What the Mongols couldn’t finish the Arabs took up and what the Arabs couldn’t finish the Europeans took up. WE HAVE HAD NO FRIENDS YET NO RACE COULD HAVE ENDURED WHAT THE BLACK RACE HAS ENDURED AND STILL BE ALIVE TO TELL ABOUT IT. WE ARE THE TRUE INDIGENOUS PEOPLE OF ALL TROPICAL LAND ON THIS EARTH AND WE ARE STILL HERE… [Message for the racists that commented on this post] I know exactly what I’m talking about. #BlackLivesMatter #StopBlackGenocide …None of our scholars used the word “colorism” because none of them saw the need to. It has only been popular for a couple years now and already I have seen this word used to cover up anti-black racism a thousand times over. Even when a situation is clearly anti-black racism rearing its ugly head people will say “colorism exists everywhere”… Even when all points are indicating that it’s black genocide and erasure, people are saying “colorism exists everywhere”…All you hair revolutionaries and social services revolutionaries need to take a seat, and/or read a book. …“Shadeism” was a popular term long before colorism, and still is. Do your research. Pigmentocracry is also another term you should all get familiar with.Those terms do not apply to this image, and neither does colorism. …Just in case you missed it: Those terms do not apply to this image, and neither does colorism. …It’s messed up that only one non-black person accurately saw this image for what it is. She wrote “98% sure that last girl is actually African and her white counterpart is….welll. not filipino”. The way the word colorism is being used is not serving our best interests. It should find its place among ethnic white people – where it belongs. … Black people fought to no longer be called “coloured”. As soon as we rid ourselves of that term – here comes “colorism”… I found that very coincidental, and suspect. …The word “colorism” may have some place (most likely among ethnic white groups) but as it stands it only serves to confuse the narrative. How many times did you hear Master Teacher MLK or Malcolm X use the word “colorism”? How many times did Master Teacher Dr. John Henrik Clarke or Dr. Yosef Ben-Jochannan use the word? Were you ever once confused by the words our black scholars used? What about the rest of our African historians? Did they too lack the intelligence? Do you think they lacked the proper vocabulary to express themselves? Could you dare think such a thing? … The struggle for black people is real. The Black Holocaust is real. Black Genocide is real. Anti-Black Racism is real. Black Erasure is real. Fix your lips and call this what it is. “Colorism” is a nice soft word like “colonialism” that white people use to make themselves feel better about what is happening and what has happened. They are two very watered-down definitions that mask the brutality and continual injustice and unjust circumstance black people are now dealing with. … Can white people say STOP BLACK GENOCIDE AND ERASURE?Can white people say STOP STEALING BLACK PEOPLES RESOURCES AND LANDS? Can white people say BLACK PEOPLE WORLDWIDE DESERVE REPARATIONS? Can white people say BLACK LOVE MATTERS? Can white people say BLACK PEOPLE DESERVE LAND IN AMERICA? Can white people say BLACK PEOPLE DESERVE SAFE SPACES? Can white people say WHITE PEOPLE ARE THE REASON HOLLYWOOD AND BOLLYWOOD IS ANTI-BLACK RACIST? Can white people say NON-BLACK PEOPLE OF COLOR ALSO PERPETUATE ANTI-BLACK RACISM AND BLACK GENOCIDE? Can white people say FOR 3000 YEARS BLACK PEOPLE IN INDIA HAVE BEEN ENSLAVED BY ANTI-BLACK RACISM? Can white people say CLEARLY THERE IS A GENOCIDE TAKING PLACE IN INDIA AND MELANESIA?Can white people say WHY HAS EVERYONE ELSE GOTTEN REPARATIONS BUT BLACK PEOPLE? Can white people say BLACK PEOPLE DESERVE BLACK SPACES? Can white people say BLACK PEOPLE IN AFRICA, THE WEST, INDIA, THAILAND AND MELANESIA HAVE BEEN CUT OFF FROM ONE ANOTHER BY EURASIANS? Can white people say EVERY TIME THEY TURN ON THE TV THEY SEE THE ANTI-BLACK RACISM TOO? Can white people say WHITE PEOPLE ARE CAUSING AND HAVE CAUSED BLACK CHILDREN TO SUFFER FROM SELF-HATE? -- source link
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