mommysontexas: gothlover32:mthrbrd06: Ancient Pagan Mothers and Sons: A Theory About Why Mother Son
mommysontexas: gothlover32:mthrbrd06: Ancient Pagan Mothers and Sons: A Theory About Why Mother Son Erotica and Fantasy is Currently so PopularNote: First off thank you all for the hundreds of Likes/Reblogs so far (and sexy messages and stories from like-minded naughty mommies and boys :), it’s nice to know so many others share these thoughts and feelings. The ideas and information in this post are things I’ve gathered and theorized about after reading the books “Sex at Dawn”, “Gothic Incest”, and “The Spiral Dance”, as well as articles online. Full disclosure, I am a 38 year old single mother of a teenage son and we have always had a very close and openly affectionate relationship, with lots of cuddling and some kisses that may have lingered a little too long… I have always enjoyed Mother/Son roleplay, porn, and erotic stories, and have fantasized about him for a little while now (why I created this erotic fantasy blog as an outlet) and I won’t go into detail (I will save that for another post), but I will say that I recently found out he has the same feelings. Our relationship hasn’t quite gotten sexual yet, and I know I shouldn’t let it, but dear god I think the tension during this quarantine with just the two of us sharing a small apartment is driving us both crazy… The Mother Goddess Asherah (known by many names throughout the world) was worshiped in various ways, including through ritual sex. Although she was believed to be the Horned God Baal’s mother, she was also his mistress. Pagans practiced “sympathetic magic”, that is, they believed they could influence the gods’ actions by performing the behavior they wished the gods to demonstrate. Believing the sexual union of Baal and Asherah produced fertility, their worshipers engaged in sex to cause the gods to join together, ensuring good harvests. The priest or a male member of the community represented Baal while the priestess or a female member of the community represented Asherah. One of the goals of this ritual was to fully dissolve the ego and surrender to embodying the Goddess and her Son-God lover in sexual union. To transform into these powerful and primal divine feminine and masculine archetypes, producing a union where both partners were able to be vulnerable and connect to the masculine and feminine within themselves and the other. Some scholars believe that several pagan cultures around the world took this idea and practice of “sympathetic magic” even further. In the absence of modern taboo, they believed that sexual relationships between pagan mothers and their sons was a holy union, which pleased Asherah and Baal (causing them to mate), and created an even more powerful form of magic. Cleopatra famously married her son and described their relationship as being akin to Isis and her son Horus, and many statues and artworks from Greece to India depict a fertile Venus goddess with her attentive child and lover. This practice may have been even more common in ancient matrilineal clans where they lived in small, close-knit kinship groups, the patriarchal figure of the father was not as important or present, and fathers’ true identities were often unknown.In some cases where fathers would leave or die while hunting or through natural causes, sons would take their place as their mother’s lover. It is possible some sons would also mate with their mothers with their father’s knowledge and blessing. After all, these were small tribes that needed more people and prized fertility above almost all else, so it did not matter if a son was breeding a child into his mother. Especially when in terms of age a teenage boy and his mother would both be at the peak of their libido and would naturally be attracted to and close to each other, with a desire to bond that could easily get…physical. At this time people were unaware of the higher risk of genetic abnormalities that can occur when a mother has a baby with her son. In fact, it may have been seen as normal, even divine and celebrated. The perfect and fulfilling cycle for a woman, to create more life with the being she created and loves more than anything, while the boy gets to return to where he came from and seed her with new life, the two becoming one and connecting in a state of sexual ecstasy, just as with the God and Goddess. This is a theory for why Mother Son fantasy and erotica has currently become so popular. It is connecting us to something very primal and ingrained which may have played a large part in the history of our ancient ancestors who worshipped the Great Mother Goddess and her Son God lover. And the special unique closeness and love of the mother son bond is something many men and women both long for and can be easily sexualized and roleplayed. Just think about Back to the Future, Bates Motel, Boardwalk Empire, Sex Education, Nowhere Boy, Sons of Anarchy, or any number of modern shows and movies where Mommy Son sexual tension is explicit or just beneath the surface. Just because we now know that a mother and son having a baby is risky and truly taboo doesn’t make the idea or fantasy of it any less powerful or desirable, even if that’s something you would never actually want to do in real life. In fact the taboo fantasy combined with trying to suppress our natural urges for procreation makes it extra hot and appealing to many people.I truly think the huge recent rise in popularity and acceptance of Mommy/Stepmom/MILF/Cougar & Cub porn around the world is another expression of the rise of the Goddess we are seeing play out in many other aspects of society, as people long for less toxic masculinity, a greater presence of the Divine Feminine, and strong, sweet, nurturing maternal energy, men and women alike. Much of this erotica, whether taking the form of stories, captioned pictures, art/comics, or videos plays into evoking all of the primal feelings and naughty, lusty, exciting scenarios I discuss, reblog, like, and sometimes post (escalating teasing, tension, and seduction; Age-play, staying home from work and school, “innocent” cuddling and trying to behave, breastfeeding, keeping secrets or being exhibitionist, being quarantined/stranded, being at a resort alone together, pregnancy risk/pregnancy, sneaking behind Father’s back etc. I’m kind of a Fantasy nerd so ancient times and other worlds, royalty, fictional M/S characters, historical settings, magical creatures, Gods and Goddesses all sometimes also make their way into my M/S roleplay and imaginings :) The fantasy of sneaking behind Daddy’s back or him being “away” is very prevalent in all kinds of erotic fiction and videos, and it is extra potent and thrilling for both sexes. Not only due to the shared excitement, risk, and connection of participating in a secret naughty transgression together against “patriarchal authority” and trying not to get caught, but in that it subconsciously activates the idea of sperm competition for males and females which is very arousing, and makes the male want to be a better lover than Daddy in order to please Mommy, so that she wants and prefers to give him her love, sexual affection, body, and womb. And it is an empowering fantasy for women in that they get to play the dominant and erotically charged role of an independent and sexually unrestrained Mother, the object of desire by both males. In this role they have full control of their sexuality, and can choose if they wish to literally and symbolically shun the Patriarchy (Daddy) by denying a domineering or uncaring man who they may not have a relationship with or who wants to take their body, and instead make love with a more sensitive one who they love and have a close emotional connection to and may be more physically compatible with or attracted to. The taboo (in terms of relationship and age) fantasy of being with a young, virile, insatiably horny and attentive son who they “shouldn’t” be with is also very attractive to many women and vice versa with boys lusting after their mature mommy’s curves, caring, and experience. Many women admit to being aroused or having an orgasm while breastfeeding, but some may feel embarrassment or shame about it and keep it secret. Science says this arousal is a perfectly normal physical response, and “breastfeeding” a partner, an act where roleplaying as Mommy/Baby Boy feels natural and extra pleasurable, can release similar amounts of Oxytocin(the “love” or “bonding” hormone) and Dopamine for men and women, recreating this intense bonding sensation, but now with an uninhibited and free sexual dimension for both partners. In addition to the search statistics, and sheer number of videos and art, the most popular professional and amateur female porn actresses have embraced and seem to enjoy the Mommy/Son genre of porn and skew older, more mature, and curvier than in the past, while their male counterparts are much younger, thinner/less jacked and sweeter than before. And it usually depicts women as powerful, seductive, fertile, matriarchs or goddesses who are in a sweet emotional and physical relationship with their younger not overly macho boy, and not like a lot of porn where there is no emotional connection or tension between the characters, or that degrades and oppresses women or gives them no agency. It all adds up to a very naughty, primal, and potent fantasy with many sexy possibilities that is ripe for both partners to explore and play in. What do you think?? Dont see the problem with it myself Love. ❤️ -- source link
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