the-goddess-of-change:“Please you got to come over…im sick and i need your help…please, you’re my br
the-goddess-of-change: “Please you got to come over…im sick and i need your help…please, you’re my brother Nick”Nick sighs and answers her back“fine ill be there in 30 min sis…anything you need on the way ?”“No no, im fine, thank you brother” “okay, see you soon then sis”30 min later Nick looks at his sis who is lying on the sofa wrapped in a towel“So..whats wrong with you ?” Nick asks standing a decent distance away from her“i dont head hurts…my body hurts…im sick…”“Sounds like the flu….im not going near you Maya”“Can you at least get me something to drink ?”“that i can do, what do you want ?”“Water please and can you put some ice in it as well ?”Nick nods and casually walks over to the kitchen and gets her a glass of water and some ice from the fridge and puts in the glass“Here you go” Nick puts the glass on the table and slowly pushes it over to Maya“Thanks Brother”“So…was that all ? or is there something else ?”“You’re being awfully rude right now. im sick and i need your help”“i was just messing around, what do you need ?”Maya looks at Nick and sits up and takes a sip of her drink“well…i got a huge meeting tomorrow at my job…but i cant make it…and i cant call in sick since this meeting is very important and can decide my future in the company”“Okay…and you get sick the day before ? that is not ironic at all but what can i do about that ?”Maya looks at him and sighs“i dont know…but i cant miss it but i cant go there…if i make them sick or just show up sick im going to get fired on the spot…they are very strict about that”“Cant you just reschedule it ?”“No…i cant, the men coming in are very powerful and they barely have enough time as it is…i was lucky to even get this chance to begin with…”“hmm….that is a shame….but maybe this is just the universe telling you no ?”“This isnt funny Nick! its my job, my life and my future here!”“Well then, tell me what you gonna do ?”Maya cuddles up in the blanket and looks down at the floor“i dont know….i dont know…’‘she starts to gently sob as Nick walks over and comforts her’'im sorry sis…you know im bad with this kinda stuff…i just dont deal well with…these harsh reality things..”Maya wipes her eyes and looks at Nick “i…its’re here for me…”“im your big brother…im supposed to be there for you” Nick smiles Maya smiles at Nick as he smiles back at her“i can at least keep you company”“Thanks…there is some wine in the fridge if you want”“Red or white ?”“White wine…i get to tipsy from red”Nick nods and walks over the fridge and gets out a glass of wine and pours himself a glass and walks back to the living room and sits down on the chair next to the sofaNick picks up the remote and flips trough channels and takes a few sips of the drink“S-stop…i wanna watch that” Maya smiles as Nick puts down the remote as they both just look at the tv while Nick keeps pouring himself more wine Nick looks over at Maya who is just cuddling herself in the blanket watching TV while he’s starting to feel the effects of the wine Nick Yawns and pours himself another glass then another and then another as Maya just keeps watching the TV “Ah…damn…” Nick slowly gets up from the chair and walks over to the bathroom and splashes some water on his face“Fuck…damn that wine was good…” staggers back to the living room and sits back down and finishes the bottle and looks over at Maya“H-hey…i’m going to lie down in your bed a bit…call me if you need anything…30 min max” Maya just smiles and nods as Nick walks over to Maya’s bedroom and lies down on the bedAfter just a couple of minutes Nick has fallen asleep as Maya walks over and quietly opens the door and sneaks over to the bed and looks down at Nick just lying there“I’m sorry Brother but…i need this…and you’re the only one who can do it” Maya coughs weakly and pours something down Nick’s mouth Nick swallows it in his sleep and rolls around to the other side of the bed as Maya sneaks back out of the room and closes the door behind her While in deep sleep Nick is unaware of what Maya just did and just keeps going on dozing off While in a deep sleep Nick’s body starts to change unbeknownst to himand while his body is going trough a change so does his mind and dreams Nick finds himself in in a what looks like to be a meeting room complete with a long table, some chairs and a large tv in the back of the room“Huh ? okay…” Nick looks around the room as it feels somewhat familiar for some reason“oh right…this is where…Maya has her staff meetings…i remember meeting her one time”Nick walks a bit around the room and moves a bit on the chair and looks at the tv where he can see a faint reflection of himself and notices some strange things looking back at himFor one his short black hair looks longer and has a bit browner tone to the color Nick shrugs and just images its his dreams being weird due to the alcohol affecting his mind “but why is there no people here ? if im here…it should be someone else as well” Nick shrugs as a woman walks past the room and walks inside “Hey ”….“ can you meet me in my office in 5 min?” she says and walks away“wait what…why did she just…stop talking while her mouth moved and just came back…” Nick shrugs yet again and walks out of the room and walks over to the woman’s office“Okay so i need some help with a few things”Nick nods and looks at her and scratches his hair and notices his nails looks more slim and like they’d just been filed“So i need to you to hand these documents to Kevin then come back here”“Y-yes…okay” Nick takes the documents from the woman and walks around looking for this Kevin’s office as he remembers its one floor above Nick walks up the stairs and knocks on the door but no one replies inside so he slowly opens it and finds an empty office and just put the documents on the table and heads back down to the office he was just in “i delivered them but he wasn’t there” Nick looks at the woman who just nods at him and motions him to sit down“okay so you know what we’ve been talking about right ?”Nick looks at her trying to remember something that never happened or he’s just imagining“Yeah…i do…i think”“Your future here, you’ve done great and this is your chance to make it big here so let us go over the questions you will be asked, okay?”Nick nods at the woman who picks up a piece of paper and looks trough then over at Nick“Okay, first, can you see yourself still working here even after your promotion ?”“That is kinda weird…why would i quit after getting an promotion ?” The woman just smiles and nods at him“True but this is just the questions on the paper and we gotta go trough them” “okay next Question…this promotion will increase your workload by quite a bit, will you still be able to work under pressure, Maya ?”“Yeah…wait ? Maya?”The woman smiles and nods at Nick“Yeah, that is your name yes ?”“No…i’m Nick”The woman giggles at Nick“i love the fact that even someone like you has a sense of humor Maya”Nick just looks at her weirdly as he notices his arms are void of any hair and looks slimmer and more…feminine“Next question is…why should we hire you ?”“Because im hard working…i put my job above all else and i put all my effort into the tasks set up for me”Nick kinda stops after saying that and looks down at his hands “Did i just say that?” he tells himself in his head and looks back at the woman“Great, next question, Are you planning on having children?”“Not…at the moment” The woman smiles and writes it down“okay, this was a great little mock-up test but why dont you go back to your office and work on your papers a bit ? the meeting is in three hours so better get prepared right ?”Nick nods and gets up from the chair and notices something rather strange, he feels smaller than beforeLooking down he notices his legs are showing and are clean shaven as well as a pair of black high heels wrapped around his feet“great, now then off you go, and good luck Maya” she smiles at Nick as Nick just looks at her then nods slowlyNick then walks around trying to make sense of this strange almost real dream“This is weird…but dreams are dreams…” Nick says to himself and looks for the office but just find one named Maya and just walks in because why notThere is a chair, a window behind the chair, a desk in front of the chair, a couple of bookcases and other office looking things aroundNick walks over to the window as he passes by a mirror on the wall and takes a look at his reflectionwithout noticing he does notice his jeans are now gentle deep blue color skirt and his sweater is a blazer in the same color with a white top underneath “Wait what ? How ?” Nick runs his hand trough the clothes but dont really feel anything since nothing here is real“This is my sister’s outfit…why am i wearing it…but wait…?”“i’m at work so it makes sense i guess” Nick says to himself and walks over to the chair and sits down on it and turns it to look out the window looking down out over the city “this view is amazing…” Nick says and looks out over the city and the bustling city life, cars stuck in traffic, people running around trying to make meetings or rushing to get homeA few people are eating food outside and some people are just walking around As nick looks around there is a knock on the door and a man walks inside and looks at her“oh thank god you’re here, im sorry to intrude Maya but the meeting has been rescheduled and is in thirty minutes so get ready! gotta run!” The man vanishes as soon as he walked inside “thirty minutes for the meeting ? that is quite the…rush…but i can do this!” Nick takes a few deep breaths and stands up from the chair and walks by the mirror again and notices something else His face…he now looks completely like his sister and her proportions…as wellBut for some reason Nick thinks nothing of it and gets a glass of water and passes the time by going trough some of the questions til its five minutes left and heads to the meeting As soon as he walks inside the world turns white and the sound of an alarm can be heard “Huh ?” nick looks around the room as it all vanishes and then he opens his eyes and finds himself back in the bedroom of Maya“What a dream…” Nick says to himself and rubs his eyes and yawns as he notices Maya standing by the door with a look of shock and intrigue “good morning…Maya” she says and giggles as Nick sits up in the bed and notices something soft pressing against his chestHe looks down and notices his breasts“H…h…Holy….” “please calm down….it..i did it…i had to…for the meeting i have, if i cant be there, you have to take my place as me…”Nick looks over at Maya and wraps a blanket around herself and walks out of the bed“You turned me into you ? how?”“does it matter…? it wont change the fact you’re me now and by tomorrow you should have my memories as well to help you trough the meeting…i would have asked but i knew you would have said no…so that is why i got you drunk and did it while you slept…” Maya looks over at Nick as Nick is still trying to make sense of this“So then the dream…it all happened in real life as well and now i’m you…?”“Mhm…but please dont be mad…i had no choice”Nick looks at her angrily as he notices some clothes next to the bed, some black underwear, a white top and just some pajama pants “i put some clothes there…its not late but we should both head to bed for real in a few hours but get dressed in the meantime…i’ll help you with the bra” Maya smiles as Nick looks at her with the same angry look but reluctantly gets dressed “There we go, all dressed so come with me” Maya leads him to the living room as they both sit down on the sofa“Aren’t you still sick though?”“yeah but…its fine…if you get smitten it wont affect you til after a few days”“….im starting to a see a new side of you Sis”Maya smiles at Nick“So, okay for tomorrow, my memories should be intact in you with your old ones and you should be able to act like me”“wait…i get your memories ?”“Well you have to…”“But…that is kinda…”Nick looks down as Maya just giggles at him“you get to remember my first kiss…my puberty and my life, everything i remember you will as well”“There is a line of how much i should know about you” Maya just giggles and starts poking Nick’s breasts “But its kinda fun right ? you’re me…we’re kinda like twins”“We already are twins! i’m just one minute older than you”“you know what i mean” Maya sighs and just keeps poking “And stop that..” “Awww dont like it or do you like it ?”“i dont like my new boobs getting poked at by my sister which i also am right now”“so specific but okay silly” Maya smiles and stops Nick sighs and looks down at his top and starts poking his breasts himself“…hmmm…feels so heavy…”“you get used to it…as a woman you dont really have that much choice”“I guess so…”“Anyway…we should get some sleep…you can take the guest room while i take my room okay?”Nick nods at her as they both head to bed and as Nick lies there in the bed looking up at the ceiling and slowly falls asleep The next morning Nick is woken up by Maya as she pokes him awake“Wake up, we gotta get ready!”Nick yawns and sits up in the bed as Maya puts his clothes down on the bed“Get dressed and meet me in the bathroom” Nick yawns again and slowly gets dressed putting on the blue skirt the white top then the blazer and heads into the bathroom where he find Maya smiling at him“okay sit down here” she points at a chair as Nick does as told and she starts doing his hair“Sooo…feeling anything…new?” Nick looks at her reflection in the mirror and blushes as he can remember going trough school as Maya, her first kiss, her first…experience and so on“Yeah…it feels…weird but oddly familiar” “that’s good i want you to be on your game for the meeting this is very important” she smiles and starts applying make-up on him“Feeling closer to me ?” Nick nods at her “i never…believed you had it this hard at work…the men there are pigs…”Maya looks at him and nods slowly“…that is work life for many women…”They both kinda stop talking for a bit as Maya just applies the make-up and sprays some soft perfume on him “Well…all done”Nick gets up and looks at his reflection“i look cute…and i feel so professional”Maya smiles and hugs Nick tightly “Thank you…and good luck…you’re me now…you know what to say and do…right ?”Nick nods at her and takes a deep breath as he gets her purse and keys and takes one final glance at her as he leaves and heads to the officeNick heads inside and water some of the plants there as the woman from his dreams walks inside “Maya, the meeting will be in fifteen minutes…” she walks over and smiles at Maya“i really hope you get it…but im going to miss you…”Nick smiles at her and hugs her “im going to miss you as well Catherine but we will still be friends and hang out when we can”Catherine smiles happily and nods as they chat for a while then Nick heads to the meeting and sit down as three men and a woman walks inside the room and sits down on their chairs “Okay then…let us get this started” the man in the chair at the end of the table looks at Maya“Yes Mr Stevens thank you so much for setting your time off for this”Mr Stevens just nods and gets out some paper and start reading trough it “i see here you have been working here for….seven years and everyone writes positive about you and you have taken steps to reduce costs and make money”Nick nods at him “Yes sir”“Okay then, this position will require you to move a bit around the world and going to several meetings and manage contracts and the likes but i can see here you’re not afraid of challenges and the obstacles it might cause but before that let me ask you three questions”“Yes sir”“okay first. what do you think the company could do better?”“Well…a new web page would help a lot since we get a lot of questions there and maybe make it more streamlined and easier to use for the users and us working here”“i would also maybe cut some of the staff…we could cut three people just here and still make just as much money and increase productivity”“Ahuh yes” mr Stevens nods and writes it down“Second question…how would your colleagues describe you?”“Well…i cant directly answer for them but they all say i’m hardworking…on time and never take unnecessary breaks”“Excellent…now last question, if you were to get this job…what would you do?”“I dont totally understand the question but…i would do as im told, do my projects on time. make sure those around me see me as their boss but still someone they can talk to if they need help…and give a 110%”“I see…well from the reports here and your answers i do think you have a bright future here but i will discuss it with the board and we will give you an answer within an hour so please if you might leave us alone while we discuss it”Nick nods and gets up from the chair and looks at them “thank you so much” Nick then walks back to the office and takes a glass of water and slowly sips it while looking out the window After about an hour there is a knock on the door and Mr Stevens walks inside “Ah, hello Again Maya, we have come to the decision that we want you to take the position, you might start next week once you get there, head to the receptionist and ask for me and i will come help you get set up”Maya walks over to Mr Stevens and smiles “thank you very much sir, i promise you, you wont regret this”Mr Stevens just smiles and nods at her “i’ve never been wrong about people before so i’m sure you wont disappoint and besides…it will be nice to have something good to look at as well” He laughs it off as a joke while Nick kinda feels a bit hurt by the statement but acts professional and smiles at him“Well then, why dont you start cleaning up here and head home and i will see you Monday” “Yes sir” Nick smiles as Mr Stevens walks out of the office Nick sighs and walks over to the chair and sits down“i..i did it…i got the job! i did it!!!” Nick smiles happily and quickly starts packing up the stuff and quickly drives back home Once back home, he finds Maya lying on the sofa looking at Nick with wide eyes as he enters the room“…..I got the job! i mean…we got the job! i mean…you got the job!!!” “oh my god…R-really ? you did it ?” Nick nods as Maya rushes up from the sofa and hugs Nick“Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!”Nick smiles at Maya who smiles happily back at him“i cant thank you enough for doing this for me, you are the best and i cant thank you enough…”“Its fine Sis…i know how much it meant to you and i was happy i could help you…”Maya smiles and hugs Nick again “we need to celebrate let me get some good wine just sit down on the sofa and i will be right over, okay ?”Nick smiles and nods at her and walks over to the sofa and sits down as Maya walks into the kitchen and pours them both a glass of wine and opens up a cupboard and gets out a small bottle “I’m sorry Nick…but im going to be working a lot more now and i just need your help now more than ever…i hope you wont be mad at me and i will change you back….someday but for right now i just need someone that takes care of the place…” Maya smiles and turns the bottle and reads the label on it“This is the…Maid one…no bodily changes but you will…take pleasure in cleaning…cooking and making my life easier as i will be your….Boss…im sorry Nick” She pours the potion into Nicks drink and heads into the living room and hands Nick the glass of wine“To us…Right ?”Nick nods “To us sister, thanks for letting me help and see things a bit from your side but…when can i turn back?”“oh…it should be over in 2 days” Maya smiles as Nick drinks from the glass “Okay then” Nick smiles After drinking for a little bit and watching some TV Nick gets up from the chair and looks around“Something wrong Nick?”“N-No my lady…i just forgot to prepare your meal”“O-oh…it’s…its…its okay…” Maya smiles and sits back down in the sofa and looks at Nick “But since this worked quite fast i think i should get you an outfit and so on”“Worked so fast my lady ? i dont quite understand ?”“Well…i’m going to be working a lot now…i need someone to take care of the place just til everything settles down…I’m sorry Nick…”“….I…i understand my lady, i will…i will clean for you…make dinner for you…make your life easy is after all…a maids job”“Not just a maids job….you might act like one but you are still my brother…”“My lady…i appreciate it but as your maid it wont be right…for now til the time comes call me Tanya and i will be your maid only…that is my duty”Maya looks over at Tanya and nods slowly and mutters lowly to herself“Thank you…Thank you…and goodbye…Brother…’ -- source link
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