fuck-usag:korrasera:geekandmisandry:coolmanfromthepast:tzimiscelord:rockn-roll-cat:bilt2tumble:blackqueerblog:Do businesses have the right to tell them they’re not allowed to enter with guns? Because if I see that, I’m leaving the restaurant, club, store, whatever - without paying. I remember a time, seems like back when people had sense, when just seeing somebody get out of their car in the parking lot with this type of weapon, automatically generated MULTIPLE 911 calls.Because nobody knew what this person might be up to.The general assumption, back then, was; if somebodies carrying a gun like this, their going to USE it. Today? People have gotten used to the idea that these idiots might be making some kind of, ‘2nd Amdment Political Statement’. Now it seems people are reluctant to call, willing to wait until/if shooting starts. Far too little. WAY too late. No one but the man carrying this gun KNOWS WHAT HIS INTENTIONS ARE. No one CAN KNOW why he’s brought this Assault Rifle into a public space full of unwary and likely defenseless people. Until he either walks out of the shop w/o incident OR he unslings that gun and opens fire. We don’t know. We CAN’T know. Anyone aware of OTHER PEOPLE beyond THEMSELVES/Other peoples INTERESTS (up to and including NOT getting shot)? Anyone with any sense of Civic Responsibility, Social Boundaries, or Public Safety? Would. Not. Do. This. So you can already assume their judgement is impaired. DO NOT WAIT to find out how deep that impairment extends. The people who do this sort of thing have no interest/concern for YOUR safety, so you’re going to have to look after it yourself. Leave the establishment immediately- directly, don’t wait for the Cheque or your order to arrive. JUST. LEAVE. AND-CALL911 Call even if you know other people have done/are doing the same. Practice YOUR Civic Duty by notifying Authorities of a potentially EXTREMELY dangerous, public, situation, even if it overwhelms their call centers/dispatch. Don’t let Dispatch blow you off with ‘We already know/we know this guy/nothing we can do, it’s his Right’ You have a right to safety in a public spaces, You have NO IDEA what he intends, AND IT’S THEIR JOB TO ENFORCE/INSURE PUBLIC SAFETY. ‘Git yo ass down here and MANAGE this situation!!!’ Worried about walking out on your check? Don’t be. Again, you are CONCERNED FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY. In Open Carry States, business establishments can and do post signage stipulating that guns are NOT ALLOWED on premise. Those that do post this signage will understand why you left. Those that don’t? After calling 911, contact the store or it’s Franchise Office and ask WHY they don’t. Inform them that they can wait for you to come back & settle up AFTER this public threat has left the area. OR they can just deal with the loss of revenue from people leaving without paying BECAUSE THEY ALLOWED A MAN WITH AN ASSAULT RIFLE TO FREELY ENTER THEIR STORE. Suggest that they might wanna take any revenue loss up with HIM. If this became the Standard Response to this kind of irresponsible and, frankly, infantile behavior? How long do you think it will go on before SOMBODY, Retailers, Police, Legislatetors, do SOMETHING about it? And it’s WAY past time that something was. people will call the cops on a black kid washing his parents car in front of his own house (potentially putting that kid in a life threatening situation) and then turn around to question whether or not its okay to call the cops on a man with a fucking assault rifle walking in a store for a fucking pretzel (potentially saving multiple people from a life threatening situation) like why are our priorities so fucking skewed in america““Call even if you know other people have done/are doing the same. Practice YOUR Civic Duty by notifying Authorities of a potentially EXTREMELY dangerous, public, situation, even if it overwhelms their call centers/dispatch. Don’t let Dispatch blow you off with ‘We already know/we know this guy/nothing we can do, it’s his Right’ You have a right to safety in a public spaces, You have NO IDEA what he intends, AND IT’S THEIR JOB TO ENFORCE/INSURE PUBLIC SAFETY. ‘Git yo ass down here and MANAGE this situation!!!’““If the guy is legally allowed to carry in that place and its doing nothing wrong, its his right, as you said.You have a right to safety, true, but that right isnt incompatible at all.Not is doing their job to enforce public safety.Is he shooting people? No, he is minding his business.Tadaaaa. Your right to safety is intact and at full power. Safety is sucessfully enforced. You just called to clog the lines and prevent people from actually getting help.Heck, the more you try to take others peoples right in a despotic way, the more convinced i am that weapons are needed.WAAAAH I CANT CONTROL MY EMOTIONS THEREFORE YOU ARE OBLIGATED TO DO IT FOR MEOr y’all can grow the fuck up, you sissy bedwetter liberals. These people will defend this and then be shocked when people want to push gun reforms and ban assault weapons. Just to point out the problem with what @tzimiscelord and @coolmanfromthepast up there demonstrate (and they’ve both done this thing before because they’re terrible) you should understand that what’s going on here is that the man pictured above is carrying a large firearm into a public space in order to intimidate people into recognizing him as someone who is both personally powerful, because he’s fucking armed, and socially powerful, because there are other people who agree with him.The rest of us are pointing out that not only does him being there with a gun make everyone else feel unsafe, but given how often white supremacists lose their shit and start murdering people, he’s honestly a direct threat to the people around him.What @tzimiscelord is trying to do is defend his right to intimidate people because this need to intimidate comes from the kind of inadequacy that white supremacists and white culture at large have experienced as we grow to be a more open, accepting, and inclusive culture. The man pictured is exactly who you should be thinking of when someone mentions that to a lot of white people, making us question our privilege feels like an attack. When you’ve gotten used to being given more than anyone else, being asked to be fair to other people feels like unfairness to you.Next, you’ve got @coolmanfromthepast who’s trying to flip the script. See, it’s not the emotions of the bystanders that are the issue here. He’s actually talking about the emotional state of the people carrying guns into public spaces, who are so scared of the rest of the world that they have to act like tough guys to feel normal. The only way that @coolmanfromthepast seems to be able to deal with that is to pretend that it’s everyone else who’s having the emotional problems here, so he’s basically trying to flip the script. This is astonishingly common among people who need to defend white supremacy, because I’d swear the first argument they all learn is the adult equivalent of, “I’m rubber and you’re glue!”As one last side-note, there’s a reason that I say white supremacy a lot here, and that’s not just because this is an issue with white Americans. It’s because open carry and lax gun laws, like Jim Crow and all of the other bullshit that followed in the wake of the Reconstruction, played a big part in establishing an environment of fear that terrorized black people in the US. As a direct result of the breaking of the power of slavery, a large part of the country decided to instead create an environment where they were still in control of black people by the spirit of the law if not the letter. This kind of aggressive and intimidating behavior was a core part of that strategy, because white men walking around with guns were a constant reminder to black people that black lives didn’t matter no matter what had happened during the war.One prominent victory in the civil rights movement, attributed to the work of Martin Luther King, Jr. himself, was ending the culture of fear that had ruled the south since the end of the war. Not because he fixed everything, obviously, but because he brought the question of civil rights abuses to the forefront of collective consciousness. People everywhere sat up and realized that sundown towns existed. They started to question how local law enforcement could murder black people and not be questioned on it. People started to become ashamed of a past that saw white families gather to watch lynchings of innocent black people.So yeah. Chuckleheads like @tzimiscelord and @coolmanfromthepast are trying to defend emotionally immature white men who can’t control their emotions and feel the need to carry firearms in public, and I’d guess they’re doing so because they’re just as afraid of the way the world is changing.That’s the thing about people who say things like “sissy bedwetter liberals” unironically. Only bullies go after people like that, and bullies are always the most terrified people in the room.Yeah call the cops because you don’t want to wait until he’s literally killing people to CONFIRM he’s a danger to the public. -- source link
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