Hey posters! iOS users aren’t banned, imgur allows nudity, ignore/report PMs about facebook an
Hey posters! iOS users aren’t banned, imgur allows nudity, ignore/report PMs about facebook and kik, and other scams Note: Mods are volunteers (not employees of reddit) and can’t help with harassment or scams that happen via PMs. Please click ‘report’ and 'block’ on any harassing PMs. Reddit admins (employees) can also be reached at contact@reddit.com.iOS user that is 'not allowed to post here’ ? It’s a reddit bug, not a banhttps://www.reddit.com/r/redditmobile/comments/5waw5p/ios_post_failed_message/Some users report that using https://imgur.com or https://vidble.com for image hosting solves the issue.NUDITY IS ALLOWED ON IMGURImgur allows nudity. Imgur does not allow nudity in their gallery: http://ift.tt/2i7fjbZ you upload there don’t click any “share” or “publish” buttons/links. Just get the URL for the picture/album and post that on /r/gonewild.Don’t add people on KIKHe threatened to expose me to family/friends if I didn’t provide custom content. I really don’t think he had enough info to do that, but I thought I should report bc he’s likely trying to scare/exploit others this way.He attempted to extort me for $200 dollars to not share the photos.is threatening to dox me with face photos and things that I’ve posted… He is doing this over kik, in as so far as I don’t comply with his wills.APRIL 2017 UPDATE:He only wishes to coerce me into sending him exclusive pornography. His username is /u/ShadowBeanerz on here I believe. I also know that he made another Reddit account to message me with anonymously, but I’m unsure of the name.http://ift.tt/2pHzIUW 2017 UPDATE: /u/Pilot_Bro is not a mod. Please click 'report’ on his PMs claiming to be a mod and do not add him on snapchat to 'verify'AUGUST 2017 UPDATE: beware of /u/forseriouslytho, /u/butforrealtho, and other foot fetishist. OCT UPDATE: also /u/butforealthoHe has made another attempt to lure me back to Kik but I recognized him because of his distinctive way of writing, he had a sort of Irish/British/Australian type of accent … will request shots like a closeup of one feet, very closeup of the toes and the back of the toes with flash, so he can see the callous and prints etc. … I’m reporting him because I don’t want other posters to fall into the trap like I did and receive harassment.$ FOR CUSTOM CONTENTThere is a troll jumping accounts that offers money for custom content, never sends payment and then claims they are underage and starts threatening lawsuits.Hi. I’m a poster on Gonewild and I was approached by a user going by the name /u/topoholic. He offered me money for custom content, and I accepted. It turned out he was scamming me. Here are pictures of our conversation: http://ift.tt/2dFhySL I don’t know how legitimate his threats are, but please ban this asshole from the gonewild subs (and reddit as a whole) so he doesnt prey on anotherAlso, please note our sidebar text:If you use reddit to sell …, and wish to post to Gonewild, please do so under a separate account. We wish to remain separated from all money-making endeavors, so that Gonewild remains a purely exhibitionists subreddit where people post for absolutely no other reason than the thrill of it.FACEBOOK TROLL LINKIf someone sends you a link like http://ift.tt/A2QWfA please just click 'report’ or 'block’ on the message.If you get a different link, try logging out of facebook before clicking on it to test it. If any doubts remain, please send the exact link you received to us mods to investigate it.GEOTAGGING HEROINGIf you get a message like http://ift.tt/2aCwLzY and/or they pester you for snapchat/skype/email please screenshot and forward to the mods and report to the admins.From another poster:He also tells girls “Be careful if you’re posting from your Mac…” to just blindly make girls nervous. He then talks girls into Skyping with him and will refuse to help in Reddit messages. Only Skype. Then, when he gives his advice, he expects the girls to reward him with sexual favors. He then harasses them if they do not.If you feel that a hosting site used by posters is revealing geotag information please contact the mods with details. The main hosting sites allowed here have been confirmed to strip geotag information from uploaded pictures.PHOTOSHOP OFFERThere is a guy that periodically claims to photoshop posts for many GW posters. Sometimes he does this via posts in other subreddits, some times he mass spams a private message to posters and non-posters alike http://ift.tt/2aBvjKJ . Many of his examples are pictures he photoshopped without permission.If you want to make minor tweaks (color balancing, adding a watermark of your reddit account name, blocking out tattoos, etc) to your own photos, that is OK. More excessive modifications leads to user reports and spam filtering/banning (depending on circumstances).Also - be highly suspicious of any PMs suggesting that you email them - your email may be traceable to your real identity or may reveal other details. We recommend clicking 'report’ and 'block’ on them. -- source link
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