culturevulture73:bethagain:culturevulture73:bethagain:culturevulture73:medie:runmild:moonblossom:silentstephi:derdoktorsschnabel:chocolatequeennk:spatscolombo:cracked:12 Times Han Solo Used The Force Without Knowing ItI need Han to accidentally be force strong, mostly because HE WOULD HATE THAT SO MUCH “Wow so you’re basically a self-taught Jedi” “WHAT–ARE YOU–I’M THE BEST PILOT IN–”“That’s force shit”“I’M AN EXCELLENT SHOT”“Yeah, because of the force” “I’M INCREDIBLY PERSUASIVE”“That’s the force making people believe your terrible lies against all reason ” “I’LL SEE YOU IN HELL”I can picture his reaction now…Originally posted by gameraboyNo, but this is:Originally posted by sterkillerOh heckGeorge Lucas can pry Force Sensitive Han from my cold dead hands.I love everything about this theory, but my favourite part of it by far is now utterly offended he’d be by the suggestion.Okay, but consider:ANGRY FORCE GHOST HAN“why the fUCK am i here? i’m dead, i distinctly rememb–ohhhh no. no no no. no.” Oh god. Obi-Wan finally gets the last laugh. “Well, now, my friend, fancy meeting you here.” At which point, Han hauls off and slugs him.“THAT is for lying to Luke, you sonouvabitch! ‘Certain point of view’? Oh, and where is Anakin, I need to have a few words with him too - starting with he needs to come with me to straighten his damned grandson out. And then, we need to tell Luke to haul his ass home to Leia.”Ok all of this is awesome. But consider: I think Han would be secretly pleased. He’d pretend to be all annoyed, deny it, no big deal. But he’d steal Luke’s lightsaber out of his quarters to have a go… He’d practice levitating things in private and pretend to be offended when Chewbacca walked in on him (and Chewie would shake his head and laugh)… He’d show off in front of Luke and Leia and then act like he wasn’t fishing for compliments.Yes! Yes he would. They wouldn’t want to let it go to his head (ha!) but I think Leia would secretly be happy she’s got another pragmatist learning the Force with her, to balance Luke the dreamer.And Luke would be so thrilled. “We’ll make you a saber…”“Good, you never let me work on yours, and I think we can modify the basic design so it conserves power but still has a steady blade…” They walk away, talking about power cores and the best metal to make a hilt and Leia just shakes her head…Omg yes! Han would come up with some crazy design that ignites faster (so he can be as quick with that as he is with a blaster), and it’s very cool until it triggers accidentally and almost takes his foot off. That power conservation mode looks great, slices through durasteel no problem… but may as well be a plain shaft of light up against Luke’s saber blade.Han goes through several other incarnations until Luke finally sits him down and says, “Han. Lightsaber blades have been honed to perfection over a lot of years. You try to change them and you throw everything out of balance. You have to trust what we already know is good.”Han huffs at him and walks away. But it gets him thinking. Developed over many years. Trial and error making something as good as it can be… “Trust what we already know is good.”Han shows up to his next training session with his favorite blaster on his hip. No lightsaber in sight.Luke grins.Leia, watching from the sidelines, has to cover her eyes as Luke and Han stage their practice battle with real blaster bolts, even if they are set on stun. “You’re maniacs,” she says as Luke picks himself up, shaking off the energy burst, and faces Han again.The two of them spin and duck and dodge, and can’t stop laughing.Yes! Because I know, no matter whether he’s Force sensitive or not, Han says,“Remember, I told you nothing beats a good blaster at your side, kid. I’m the good blaster at your side.”THIS POST KEEPS GETTING BETTER. -- source link
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