dickardcain:concentrated-sunshine:wyoh:vaginawizard:spiderkiss:poppypicklesticks:maraudere:Josh Thom
dickardcain:concentrated-sunshine:wyoh:vaginawizard:spiderkiss:poppypicklesticks:maraudere:Josh Thomas talks about male suicideI wonder how feminists will react to thisProbably ignore it then go back to making male tears mugs and gifs Actually this is a very common idea among feministsIt’s something feminists have been talking about for years it’s called toxic masculinity and it’s one of the common threads among the topic of ‘Patriarchy hurts men too’. If fact the first time I read about toxic masculinity was on a feminist blog.If you actually read things feminists talk about instead of straw manning them you might know this but OH WELLLiterally the only people talking about toxic masculinity are feminists. Open your eyes.It’s not toxic masculinity, it’s institutionalized sexism.It’s like they came so close to realising and then just slipped back into the old ‘but it’s just patriarchy backfiring on men’ logic again.No it’s not backfiring, it’s working exactly as intended but you can’t acknowledge that or your movement falls into chaos.Folks will scream “women hold up half the sky” til blue in the face but they seem blissfully ignorant of the mountains of male corpses under their feet, maybe it’s because they’re too focused on the 500 rich guys thinking “I want a piece of that pie” .It’s kind of interesting he seems to skirt completely around a very valid question.If men have it so good? Then why are they motivated to commit suicide. Emotional repression doesn’t make you want to die. That just prevents you from seeking help. There has to be something to cause the depression in the first place, whether biological or situational.The point I’m trying to make is that maybe men don’t have it as good as he says they do.Story time.While in the Marines I witnessed two suicide attempts, was told of three additional attempts, and was briefed on those who succeeded in ending their lives. All of these occurred in units I was in. The first attempt was by a guy in my platoon who lived down the hall in the barracks. He got shitfaced and shouted out the window to onlookers “Hey! I’m gonna kill myself!” As he made his way into his shower, the Duty NCO for the barracks bolted into his room and tackled him before he could hang himself. He was sent back to the unit he came from originally and I imagine he was sent to the psychiatric clinic. Days after the attempt I just described, a male Marine in a unit that I had transferred from hung himself in his wall locker with his belt. He left behind an infant daughter. 10 months after that, a junior Marine (we’ll call him Birken) in my platoon was the Assistant Duty NCO in the barracks one evening. Down the hall from his post there was a Marine in another section was spending some quality time with his girlfriend. Some time during that evening he decided to open up a sack full of crazy, and began assaulting his girlfriend. She attempted to break out of the barracks room through a window and shattered it in the process. Crazy pants BF picks up the shards of broken glass and begins hacking off pieces of his own face while Birken is pounding ferociously on his locked door. GF manages to get to the door, opens it, (finds her inner Jamaican) and sprints down the hallway. Crazy pants attempts to slit his wrists, and Birken is able to easily restrain him until help can arrive. Ed Gein Jr was hauled off to God Knows Whereville, and I never saw or heard of him again. Roughly a year or so later, a female in my company attempted to kill herself by swallowing an excess of aspirin. A friend of mine (one of her NCO’s) tried to forcefully make her regurgitate the pills. At first he was unsuccessful, because she bit his hand repeatedly. During the commotion, others came and held her in place so that he could stick a pen down her throat. This caused her to vomit up the pills, and saved her life. She returned to work as normal after spending some quality time with “the wizard.” One morning while I was getting ready to take my post as Duty NCO, I heard yelling down the hallway from my barracks room. I sprinted towards the noise, and found several NCO’s from my platoon standing inside and outside the room of one of our junior Marines (we’ll call him Schaefer). I glanced at Schaefer’s door and the message “I am not an animal” was written in blood on the outside face of the door. Schaefer was still inside the room with one of my Sergeants was firmly grasping a towel around his wrist. One of my friends and I had to scrub his blood off of his door after he left in an ambulance (He had cheap generic paper towels too so that was the hardest part of the whole ordeal…for me at least). He was committed to the hospital for four days and was placed on suicide watch for an additional week. Fast forward two years later. After a long and very shitty day, I walked downstairs in the barracks and witnessed a passed out female Marine who had purposefully overdosed on Ibuprofen. Apparently she had boy trouble. The Duty NCO already had paramedics and MP’s with her. She had her stomach pumped and was back at work in less than two weeks. This last one is especially juicy. One night a male Marine meandered into the fuel farm, doused himself in diesel, and set himself ablaze. Every part of his body except for the bottoms of his feet were completely charred. He didn’t die though. I have no idea how he was found but he was flown out of country to a burn center in Texas where he died two weeks later. Notice a trend here? All of the males used more violent methods, and the only “successes” were males. If you look up methods that stretch international lines, you’ll find the same patterns to be true. I’d provide a source but a Google search is all it takes to find data on it. Although I haven’t researched this a whole hell of a lot, I’d be willing to put money on the fact that it’s biological. -- source link
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