sternwomen: At the end of class Miss Evans invited Wendy, the head girl, to join her at the front of
sternwomen: At the end of class Miss Evans invited Wendy, the head girl, to join her at the front of the room for some terrific news: “Wendy has decided to make her New Years Resolution for 2018 to help the boys be more respectful to the girls!” The girls clap and giggle as the boys looked from side to side awkwardly. Wendy beamed and nodded in appreciation of the applause. “And some classes are going to be joining in to help with her pledge and we’re one of them!” Another shower of applauses from the girls as the boys shifted uneasily in their chairs. “So, each week, the girls in the class will vote on the boy most needing an attitude adjustment and he will receive a dozen strokes of the cane to remind him of his manners.” The girls applauded again as the boys looked nervously around hoping it’s a joke. “So if the boys can all stand across the front of the room an put your hands on your heads so the girls can see you Wendy will hand out cards to write the name of the boy most deserving of a caning. Once you’re done, please raise your hand so Wendy can collect your card.” The boys shuffled into position, the girls, scanned their faces, giggling and conferring, before writing and raising their hands, struggling to contain their giggles at the boys expense. Once the cards are gathered Miss Evans calls the room to order. “Once I call your name, you are dismissed, you can gather your things and leave.” “Andrews.” He drops his hands scrambled back to his desk, puts his things hastily in his bag, and walks out the door before there’s a change of heart. It goes on until there’s 2 left. “Johnson and Williams. Well neither of you should be proud to be the last two.” Taking the cane as she strides past them, bending it for effect. She pauses for what seems like an eternity and stares at them before walking back to here desk. The girls are spellbound. “Johnson.” I drop your hands and start to head to your desk. “Johnson where are you going?” “I thought I was dismissed Miss…” looking confused, frozen in your tracks. “Let me finish! Johnson, I’m not surprised to say you have been voted the most disrespectful so you will receive a dozen strokes of the cane.” She swishes it through the air for effect. “And I think I will add another half dozen for being daft.” The girls try to muffle their giggles. “Is that fair ladies?” Walking away while she was talking to him. Shake’s her head in mocking disbelief. “Yes Miss Evans!” they chant in unison. “Williams you may leave but let this be a warning!” And swings the cane menacingly in his direction. Everybody leaves the classroom except Miss Evans, Wendy (who has not been invited to stay and witness but who is not dismissed by Miss Evans, either) and myself. Anyway, I am sure the rest of the girls, will be evesdropping just behind the door! Hello miss am ready dozen strokes of the cane -- source link
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