rbzpr:Republican marriageDecree that determines the way to record the civil status of thecitizens (2
rbzpr:Republican marriageDecree that determines the way to record the civil status of thecitizens (20 - 25 September 1792), Title IV, Section IVOn the intrinsic forms of the act of marriage. Art. 1. The act of marriage will be received in the townhouse of the place of residence of one of the parties. 2. The day where the parties want to contract their marriagewill be named by it, and the time [will be] indicated by the public officer [whois] charged with receiving their declaration. 3. The parties will visit the public hall of the townhouse, with four major witnesses, relatives or not, [who are able to] sign[their name], if one can easily find [witnesses] in the place who are able towrite. 4. There shall be read in their presence, by thepublic officer, pieces [that are] relative to the state of the parties and tothe formalities of marriage, such as the birth certificates, the consent of thefathers and mothers, the opinion of the family, the publications, oppositions andjudgements of withdrawal. 5. After this reading, the marriage will be contractedby the declaration which each of the parties will make aloud, in these terms: «I declare to take (the name) in marriage.» 6. Immediately after this declaration [that is] madeby the parties, the public officer, in their presence and in the [presence] of saidwitnesses, will pronounce in the name of the law that they are united inmarriage. 7. The act of marriage will consecutively be establishedby the public officer; he will register: 1° the first names, names, age, birthplace,profession and home of the spouses; 2° the first names, names, profession andhome of the fathers and mothers; 3° the first names, names, age, profession, homeof the witnesses, and their declaration that they are relatives or associates ofthe parties; 4° the mention of the publications in the various domiciles, ofthe oppositions who would have been made, and of the judgements of withdrawal ;5° the mention of the consent of the fathers and mothers, or of the family, ifnecessary; 6° the mention of the declarations of the parties, and of the pronunciationof the public officer. 8. This act will be signed by the parties, by theirfather, mother and present relatives, by the four witnesses, and by the publicofficer, in case that any of them is not able to or cannot sign their name, hewill mention this. 9. If, prior to the publication of the present law, somepersons have been married before civil officers, they will be required to come,within a week, to declare their marriage before the public officer of the municipalityof their domicile, who will establish an act of it on the registers, in the forms[that were] prescribed above. Afficher davantage -- source link
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