sluttcunt:This is my first, but hopefully not my last online interview with a follower of mine who h
sluttcunt:This is my first, but hopefully not my last online interview with a follower of mine who has asked to remain nameless and faceless. She contacted me last month after seeing some of the pictures I posted. With her permission I’ve included our first correspondence and then the interview.“NANCY”“hi, just wanted to tell you that there are girls out here who have pussies like the ones you post, but are naturally like that and not photoshopped.”ME:I’m sure there are! Point them in my direction, I’d love to chat with them!“NANCY”My pussy is different. If you want proof i’ll send you pics of it.(PICS SHOWN ABOVE)After a bit of back and forth, proof of her age (she just turned 21) and chatting on Skype, ‘Nancy’ agreed to an interview. Trust me, she’s BEAUTIFUL and you’d NEVER suspect what she told me.ME: So you contacted me and asked if I’d keep your identity private, and if I would, you’d expose misconceptions about the female reproductive anatomy.NANCY: yeah. a lot of stuff on your blog is fake. i thought, let him see a real one.ME: May I ask you some personal and intimate questions?NANCY: Sure.1. Are you a virgin, and if not, when did you lose your virginity?N: no. i started having sex when i was 14.2. Your pussy appears to be, how should I describe it? Unique?N: yep. my cervix sits just inside my pussy hole. i can only stick my fingers in about an inch deep beside my cervix.3. Has this caused you any problems?N: no. before i knew what i was doing, i had been fingering and penetrating my cervix for a few years. most of my boyfriends that i had sex with when i first started were not very thick and they ended up inside my uterus a lot.4. Have you ever been to the gynocologist?N: yes. she noticed and said that if there arent any infections, or pain, then not to worry. she warned about dirty fingers, safe sex and all that.5. So you actually finger your cervix, you’ve been fucked in it?N: yes and yes. lots of times. it usually tugs the condom off when they pull out. lol6. What’s the largest penetration/depth you’ve been able to take?N: well, before i told you only an inch deep if i stuck my finger in beside my cervix. but actually in my cervix… ive stuck a lot of things. 7. Like what?N: i lost two chopsticks in it once. instead of freaking out i just went to sleep and woke up the next morning and they both were sticking out far enough to pull out.8. And that didn’t hurt, putting them in that deep?N: nope.9: A chop stick is pretty long. How long would you say they were?N: about 12 inches long each, side by side, they slid right in and kept going in until I couldnt reach them. i’ve put those flexible glow tube necklaces in too, connected end to end. but they probably curled up inside. i guess, deep, i took a drum stick from my room mates drum set and was able to put it almost all the way in before i felt it bumping into the back.10. That hot! So how far out does your cervix stick most of the time? Or does it always stay behind your pussy lips?N: when i’m not horny, it’s poked out far enough to make my pussy lips separate. sometimes it presses against my panties. when i get horny it draws back inside more. dunno why. when im on my period it pokes WAY out of my pussy.11. Do you stick a tampon up into your cervix?N: no, i use pads. the gynocologist said pads were best since i protrude so far on my period.12. Does it hurt at all to touch or play with your cervix?N: not at all. it’s probably pretty tough compared to a lot of girls. but i can be as rough as i want with it. the only time i know i’ve gotten too rough is if it starts to bleed a little. but usually i can play with it, or let my boyfriend play with it.13. Do any of your friends know about your pussy?N: most of my guy friends do. you know boys, one talks and then they all know.14. Have any ever asked to see it?N: yeah the ones who’ve not seen it usually think it’s a lie or something.15. Do you show them?N: sometimes, depends on where i am and what im wearing. if i have a skirt on and im comfortable enough, i’ll pull my skirt up and tug my panties to the side and show it to them.16. What do they do?N: they oo and ahh, some ask to touch it, some ask if they can fuck me. lol17. How do you react?N: ive let a few touch it, usually they wanna touch it to see if its real, once or twice they’ve shoved a finger or two into it.18. That must have been unreal for them.N: they were pretty shocked. boys are easy to shock. they dont think most girls will do kinky stuff. some won’t but some will. ;)19. What’s the kinkiest thing you’ve let someone do?N: at a christmas party last year i was with my boyfriend (ex now) and someone mentioned my pussy and i had just turned 21 and was happily drunk. so i flipped my skirt up and showed them my pussy. if his friends hadnt used their cell phones to make video, i wouldnt remember much of it. they took turns poking it with their fingers and pulling on it until it came the farthest out ive ever seen it. 20. He didn’t let anyone have sex with you did he?N: my bf? no. but they stuffed an entire pack of strawberry twizzlers up in my cervix, one at a time until they ran out. i woke up the next morning leaking melted twizzler juice and some of them were still sliding out by the next night. 21. So, you can be fucked, actually IN your cervix?N: completely, any size cock now. at least, so far. havent met a dick that didnt fit. 22. But you always use protection right?N: always. that’s asking for a baby. lol but i do have a fantasy of lots and lots of guys fucking me, then pulling out and tugging off their condom and jacking off into a container and doing it for a long time until theres tons of sperm in the container. then once it’s cooled down some, and been out in the air, all the sperm dies. and i fantasize about using something to pump it into my cervix until my uterus is completely swollen with semen._________________That concludes the first and hopefully not the last interview I got to do with Nancy. She plans chat with me more and if she does, I’ll be sure to post more! -- source link
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