sixpenceee:Frozen FishIn January 2017, the Department of the Interior shared this eerily beautiful p
sixpenceee:Frozen FishIn January 2017, the Department of the Interior shared this eerily beautiful photo on Twitter. Back in 2015, Kelly Preheim, a regular visitor to Lake Andes National Wildlife Refuge, witnessed the startling sight.Kelly explains the reasoning behind the startling sight of many frozen common carp and a few other fish species. The lake levels were low due to drought. The fish kill was due to depleted oxygen. When thick ice (particularly if it gets covered with snow) forms on a lake’s surface, it blocks out the sun, and the algae/plants don’t photosynthesize and produce oxygen, thus depleting oxygen levels. If the aquatic plants and algae subsequently die and decompose, this also uses oxygen, further depleting levels, so the fish essentially suffocate from lack of oxygen.(Source) | Via Oddee -- source link