Well, I’ve been away from Tumblr far too long. However It hasn’t been without good reason. I’ve been
Well, I’ve been away from Tumblr far too long. However It hasn’t been without good reason. I’ve been working on a bunch of projects that I couldn’t really post about. This is one of them. A commissioned mini-set titled “Night of the Warlock” featuring the commissioner’s OCs. It’s got 12 images and there will also be a comic style story version as well.The set will be posted soon. Until then, I’ll be writing up a “behind the scenes” style post over at my blog. So come check it out if your interested in seeing and reading some more. (Assuming it’s up by the time you see this post)I’ll hopefully be posting more frequently again from now on. And thanks for all the new followers while I’ve been gone. -- source link
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