assassinsdragons:flamekitt-n:cheeseanonioncrisps:headcanonsandmore:ginniewheezie:dtwizzie:spn-is-bae-girl:remedial-potions:melodyrae14:itsraininbritishmen:floateron:CHECK OUT your differences in wand technique here and how fluidly and casually Ron throws a curse in comparison to Harry and Hermione Hermione has done the reading and is technically perfect of course Elbow straight; wrist bent Wand tip aligned with left sightline left arm held loosely behind her for balance Harry hasn’t ever done the reading Grip too tight; elbow locked Shoulders raised Left elbow cranked in awkwardly against his body Kids’ll imitate his awful technique and Junior Aurors it’ll make their parents nuts; don’t twist your neck like that I don’t care what Auror Potter does When you save wizardkind you can hold your wand however you want until then drop your shoulders Ron’s been around wand users since birth practiced with twigs and then his brothers’ wands Look at how the movement flows from his center the way he uses his whole body throws out his opposite hand behind him to counterbalance the movement Harry and Hermione get their wands into position and then throw the curse Ron’s spell starts mid-motion because he knows his wand will be in position in time (helenish)Mmmmmmm, yes.There will be a day when I see this and I will scroll past.Today is not that dayPlus Ron is casting his curse non-verbally. That’s very difficult and it requires training and practice to successfully cast a nonverbal spell. It’s success is determined by the amount of concentration and mental discipline of the witch or wizard. But this is Ron Weasley he likely didn’t put training and practice into casting non-verbal spells, this advanced magic comes to him naturally. The only other time we see him cast a non-verbal spell is when he accidentally made it snow in the great hall, and that was only because Lavender was glaring him down after he said Hermione’s name while he was unconscious in the hospital wing. He felt crappy and his emotions were so intense he unknowingly made it snow. Here he’s trapped in a muggle cafe, with his best friend and the girl he loves. He’s probably scared, and angry but most of all protective. He wants to defeat these Death Eaters without anything happening to his team. His emotions are intense again and that allows him to cast a powerful non-verbal spell. No, not even a spell, a curse. We’ve seen Hermione cast non-verbal spells loads of times but even here she says the curse to ensure it’s potency. Ron is concentrated and disciplined enough in this moment to curse a Death Eater without any words at all.and isn’t his “eat slugs” curse also non-verbal? because I doubt that “eat slugs” is the actual incantation for that curse and actually if I recall correctly from the book, he says “eat slugs, Malfoy” in an “eff off” sort of way but his wand isn’t even out. then a minute later when Malfoy calls Hermione a Mudblood, he takes out his wand and it backfires on him. and he’s TWELVE when he does this! it’s another moment where his emotions are running high because his friend has just been called the most awful word he’s ever heard. Ron is a great wizard, so much of his magic is natural and intuitive and he doesn’t have to think about it the way Harry and even Hermione do. it’s just a part of him.AND NO ONE GIVES HIM ANY FUCKING CREDIT ITS LIKE “OH LOOK ITS THAT STUPID WEASLEY AGAIN” YOU KNOW WHAT FUCK YOU BITCHES RON FUCKING WEASLEY IS A BOSS ASS BITCH AND YOU CAN JUST NOT!*straightens robes*But us Ravenclaws are still cool right? Sorry for my outburst professor McGonagall.This is the kind of quality content I crave!I am down for Ron being a more powerful wizard than anyone, including Molly, ever gave him credit for. I AM DOWN FOR ALL OF THIS! RON WEASLEY IS SUCH A GOOD WIZARD AND NO-ONE EVER GIVES HIM CREDIT FOR IT!This actually fits very well into a fan theory that I read once. Basically, the Weasley family are secretly very talented at magic, and very sensitive to it as a result.That’s why Ginny was so strongly affected by the diary, and why Ron was later so affected by the locket. Even in Goblet of Fire, JK Rowling mentions specifically that Ron has the most trouble shaking off Moody’s imperius curse. He also seems to be particularly susceptible to Fleur’s Veela powers.This could also explain why Fred and George were able to create a swamp that impressed even Flitwick, before they even finished school, how Percy got top marks in all 12 of his OWLs and why Charlie and Bill do so well with magical creatures. Arthur Weasley enchanted a flying car, which looks like it would have been very complex, and Molly Weasley regularly performs nonverbal spells— INCLUDING A BLOODY KILLING CURSE. “Not my daughter, you bitch!” is not an incantation.The whole Weasley clan is actually incredibly in tune with magic and nobody ever notices.But what this means is that, not only is Ron a very talented wizard, but it also suggests that his abandoning Ron and Hermione in Deathly Hallows (which is the thing that is most often held up as a reason to hate Ron) wasn’t just him being selfish and jealous. He wasn’t imagining it, he actually was affected more by the horcrux that Harry or Hermione.I am so down for this character analysis like holy dangAm reblogging this again because every time I see it, another excellent part has been added to it -- source link
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