ATENCION: Chica no incluida… @lauraceldrans-From Manual to real lifeEnduro Check: Bike, rider
ATENCION: Chica no incluida… @lauraceldrans - From Manual to real life Enduro Check: Bike, rider, hydration pack, goggles, helmet, knee & elbow pad, … … this kind of “stupid” pics are so fun… the floor was freezing @mondrakerbikes @corebicycle_official — Ejemplo REAL de lo que se conoce como Enduro “Bike Check” (lista de mínimos a llevar en una salida ): bici & rider (ambos imprescindibles jeje), mochila de hidratración, máscara/gafas, casco, rodilleras, coderas,… … LO QUE NOS ABURRIMOS! #Maxxis #CoreBicycle #CoreBicycleGirl #mtbqueens #bicycle #procycling #mtb #mountainbike #pedallivrefotos #mtbgirls #downhill_fr_mtb #cycle @prefiropedalar #mtblife #troyleedesigns #bicyclelove #freeride #girlsWhoride #dh #enduromtb #downhill @mtn_bike_geek #dirtjump #bikeporn #downhillmtb #bikepark #mtbpictureoftheday #mtbenduro #downhilladiction ll SUPPORT @downhilladiction @downhill24h @love_downhill_life @mtn_bike_geek @downhill_around_the_world @mtb_and_downhill @downhill_fr_mtb #mtbdirty #mtb #hot #pretty #girls #model #photo @mtbdirty -- source link
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