Richard Manton - Extract from The Odalisque A few things that you should know before starting out: T
Richard Manton - Extract from The Odalisque A few things that you should know before starting out: This is set in an Arabian harem, sometime before the turn of the century. The main character is named Jenny, who is an Englishwoman, captured and made into a slave of the Khalif, a military leader. Fardji is the chief eunuch of the harem. Pabi is another slave girl, with whom this story deals intimately. The first section summarizes the problem she presents to her masters. In the second section, the solution is explained in detail. This is an extract from The Odalisque, a novel by Richard Manton. It is not my intellectual property, but that of the author and/or Blue Moon Publishing. I am making no profit. There was much about Pabi that suggested self-importance and disobedience, coquettishness and perversity. It seemed that Pabi resented her captivity and brooded on this resentment, in a place where such brooding was futile. Even to (the main character) Jenny it seemed absurd that such an obvious young whore as Pabi should set so high a price on her own importance, and her own right to come and go as she pleased. This Asian coquette would have been out of place anywhere but in a harem. She was promiscuous in her dormitory masturbation with other girls, and wanton in making love to herself. She was warned several times by the eunuchs, but Pabi was possessed of the idea that she had certain feminine rights, including the right to use her own body as she chose and to dispose of is as she wished. But in the culture of the harem such playing with herself and over-indulgence with other girls was regarded as childish and rebellious. In the warmth of this climate this frequent arousal – two or three times a day – led to a certain flaccidity and slackness. It would deprive her body’s openings of the tightness and resilience that her master required. It would dull Pabi’s responsiveness to him in bed. The frequent and easy sexual relief on her own fingers or the fingers and tongues of other girls would also make Pabi lazy. Such easy ways must be prevented, in order that Pabi work harder in bed with her master to achieve with him the only release permitted her. In any place but the harems of Arabia and the Palace of Beit-et-Mal, such philosophy would have been received with horror – and with outrage on behalf of feminine pride. But here there was no need for pretence. It would have been possible to dispose of Pabi in summary fashion by the knife or the noose, but this would have been a waste. But the evening came when she was called to her master’s presence in a way that suggested something other than simple bedroom pleasures. She was not seen again by the other girls for several weeks. By the time she returned, Pabi was very different in temper and disposition. They had made a proper woman of her by removing childish temptation once and for all. It was Fardji who revealed to Jenny the nature of Pabi’s enforced compliance, for he had been there to witness it. ————————————————————————————-The Khalif considered the challenge that Pabi’s promiscuous conduct presented. The Asian girl’s rounded face with it’s high-boned cheeks and the dark shining eyes of Eastern beauty under the arch of their brows was powerfully seductive, even to members of her own sex. The pretty mouth and coquettish shortness of dark hair confirmed her promiscuous playfulness. The new Lord of Kordofan to whom she had been bequeathed gave his orders. Pabi’s wanton behaviour was to be curbed by the skill of a wise woman, as the duenna Karima was known. Unless such steps were taken, she would spoil other girls as well as herself. Karima was summoned to the palace of Beit-et-Mal as she had been on a hundred times before, when such measures were required. On the evening appointed, Pabi was dressed in a waist-length tunic, ending in a tight leather belt. From the waist down her tawny body was naked. The ceremony was to take place in a marble-tiled room of the harem. This room was without windows or any apertures in the plain rose-tinted stone of its walls, apart from the door and a single opening through the wall to the adjoining chamber. This opening was at waist-height in the wall. It was no more than twelve inches high and eighteen inches wide. The waist-high hatchway was designed so that the girl who was to receive Karima’s attention must stand in the windowless room, bending tightly forward through the aperture with the upper half of her body concealed. Indeed her head and shoulders, as well as her arms, were in the next room. Those who had charge of Pabi gave her no choice in this matter. There was a brief struggle with an inevitable outcome. Pabi was soon bending over so that her head and shoulders were on the far side, her bare hips, backside and legs were presented to Karima and the eunuch Fardji on the near side. No doubt her mouth had been well wadded and her arms fastened at full stretch, her head supported and a bottle of restorative sal volatile held close to her nostrils. But Karima saw none of that. To enforce stillness of her hips and legs, a black strap was drawn tight round the Asian girl’s thighs, just above her knees, and another around her ankles, holding her firmly to rings in the hatch-wall. A wooden partition was lowered to touch the small of her back, and then locked into place. A heavy velvet curtain was corded tightly around Pabi’s waist, so that no light or sound carried from one room into the next. This helped to ensure that the duenna worked impassively, and without compunction. There must be no vindictiveness nor spite, but also no relenting, nor misgiving. Karima had no cause for hesitation or remorse. She never saw more of her subject that the rather heavy-cheeked olive tan of Pabi’s bottom, her bare hips and the thighs whose parting was an easy rear approach to her femininity. A girl who was no more than a bottom, a pair of thighs, hips and legs to the woman who dealt with her was the best subject. The wildness of her mouth was never heard. The frenzy of her eyes was never seen. It was also thought best that Pabi should never know the identity of the woman who dealt with her. By this means all thoughts of vengeance, all fury and resentment were rendered futile. It would have been unlikely in any case; that such an encounter would have occurred even accidentally, but by removing all possibility of revenge, it was made more likely that Pabi would accept what had happened. Karima had carried out such orders on many girls in the past, their skin tones ranging from palest European to darkest African. Being long accustomed to this she had no compunction in doing her duty again upon this anonymous concubine, especially since she could do so unaffected by the girl’s desperation. There was wisdom in preventing Karima from being distracted by Pabi’s frenzy. It would have been much crueller to have made the ordeal longer by Karima’s hesitation or by half-measures that then had to be improved on. Pabi could not keep quite still in her panic, because the eunuch Fardji had told her just beforehand what was going to happen. Her feet twisted one way and the other as she bent through the hatch, moving the few inches that her thigh-strap allowed. The urgent cheek-creasing of Pabi’s Asian-tan arse and the movements of her legs made her look like a restless filly under correction between the shafts. Before beginning, Karima took a bamboo cane that was long and supple. She touched it across the olive tan of Pabi’s bottom to prepare her. Then the Persian woman brought the cane flashing down across the tawny rear cheeks with a smack like a ringmaster’s whip. Pabi’s bottom-cheeks tensed and creased urgently. Karima flexed the bamboo and thrashed again – and yet again – across the rather fatly presented backside. Twelve or fifteen strokes, like a reform school caning, marked Pabi’s arse before Karima paused. The woman’s fingers slipped between the girl’s legs, coaxing back warm secret folds. Fondling, caressing finger-tickling, she made Pabi’s toes curl with an exquisite torment of arousal and alarm. Karima’s face was impassive with the arched beauty of dark eyes, the falling forward of her black hair. Pabi soon writhed with arousal, pressed knees twisting side to side as far as the strap round her sleek thighs would allow. There was a thin-bladed metallic resonance. The light caught a fine edge. Karima let the coldness of it touch high on the rear of Pabi’s tan-skin thighs. She held it there, making the Asian girl wait for what was going to happen. The spilling of Karima’s dark hair as she looked down did not hide the steady passion in her eyes. She slid a hand under The Asian girl’s bare belly, as if to feel the fluttering of panic and the quickened pulse. But Karima made the girl wait still longer, heightening the panic skilfully, ignoring the urgent tightening-together and flesh-creasing of Pabi’s tawny-skinned bottom-cheeks in alarm. Karima continually fingered back the warm folds, fondling and choosing. Skilled in female passion, she had brought a first arousal from her victim. Even in the rising panic, she coaxed Pabi skilfully towards a final, shuddering release. Then Karima’s mouth tightened. With her blade hand there were firm steady movements between the Asian girl’s legs, the pruning and trimming of troublesome femininity. It lasted only a few seconds, trimming away the teasing bud and pruning hard the sensual womanhood. Despite the wadding, there came a distant but intense frenzy. “She still needs more,” Karima said quietly to Fardji. “Half-measures are cruellest”. Quick movements with the hand followed for another minute or two, and there was a second muted shrillness. By the time Karima had finished, Pabi’s legs had given under her and she lay limp through the aperture.On several evenings in the weeks that followed, Pabi was presented to Karima, bending once more through the aperture so that the older woman never saw anything of the girl above the waist. The Asian coquette was frantic at discovering what had been done to curb her self-caressing and seduction of other concubines. Karima tried to calm and distract her anonymous but pretty-figured pupil. She stroked the sallow heaviness of Pabi’s bottom-cheeks. Her fingers slipped between, stroking and tickling. It was here that Pabi must learn to be sensitive to a man’s’ intrusion from now on – and eagerly responsive if she could train herself to accept it. A slim glass probe dipped in oil entered her behind easily. It slid in and out; doing things that Pabi would find perversely rousing. Karima’s promise to sensitise the girl in such places that suited only male passion was fulfilled. After several prolonged sessions of this kind, Pabi’s resistance, the rear tightening and refusal, had stopped. Karima explained to Pabi that the impossibility of easy release between her thighs would drive a warm-blooded girl of Pabi’s culture to extremes of perversity. “Girls in her condition grow mad for the relief of their tension. She will provoke a whipping, if there is no other way. She will sometimes be like a she-cat on heat, but quite unable to relieve her feelings without a man’s deep insertion. Despite the torment of the whip, even that will calm her a little if there is nothing else. She will spent the energy of her frustration in wildness under the lash. Then she will be exhausted and quieter.”“A girl like this is often spoilt and self-indulgent.” Karima said on the next occasion. “She must be broken in properly, like a new filly.” And then Pabi was broken in by Karima. For the next hour the bare white walls of the room rang with the sharpness of the whip smacking across the rounded olive-skinned cheeks of Pabi’s bottom. A connoisseur of such occasions might regret that the precautions prevented him from hearing Pabi scream, but the vicious imprints of the woven snakeskin marking her rear cheeks told their own story. Karima could not see the wild eyes or hear the shrillness, but the next day there was no doubt. Pabi was calmer than at any time since Karima had made “a man’s woman” of her in the harem way. After this, Pabi passed into the possession of her new master. Karima had worked according to his instructions. He was a man who sought an enjoyment more perverse that of a passion for men or women. It pleased him to take such girls as Pabi and make them serve him as pageboys or stable-lads. Pabi’s dark hair was trimmed off at her nape, leaving the casually brushed and closely moulded cut that highlighted the seductively rounded impudence and high-boned prettiness of her face. Like several others in this class, Pabi’s costume consisted of a blouse and pants of white cotton, so tight at the seat that she could scarcely have sat down in them. By this appearance she was to flaunt those charms her master preferred, and she must provoke him to make use of her. Little provocation was needed. His harem contained a score of such young women, trained to serve him in the same way. When he chose her for his night’s pleasure, it was the high-boned prettiness of Pabi’s face that caught his attention; the urchin impudence in the ellipse of her dark eyes matching the shorter crop of upward brushed hair. Pabi was sacrificed on her first night with him. The scene of the drama was that regal bedroom whose walls were draped with hangings of blue and gold. At the center, the bed rested on a huge dais in the shape of a boat, with carved bronze figures round it. A canopy to match the wall hangings, draped with real lace and surmounted be immense white ostrich plumes, rose dome-like above the bed. Pabi, in her short white blouse and skin-tight white pants, was positioned by the eunuchs to await her master. She was made to lie on her belly over the pillows. Fardji’s hands felt round her waist as he undid her pants. They were such a tight fit that he had to tug them down over her hips side to side, until he had worked them down to her thighs. The girl herself lay still and even lifted her hips from the bed a little to assist him. Fardji took a fine porcelain dish from the dressing-table. He scooped a dollop of greasy tallow and placed it on the dish. Then he chose a phial containing strongly perfumed attar of roses. He tipped this until the tallow grease was pungently and sweetly scented. With the little dish in his hand, he came over to the bed and set it down. Fardji took the sweetly perfumed unguent and spread it amply between the Asian-tan swell of Pabi-s bottom-cheeks. The Khalif entered, dismissed the eunuchs, and went to his chosen pleasure without delay. His excitement seemed heightened by the thought of using – or misusing – Pabi in this way. The natural tightness of her anus ensured that Pabi’s bottom gave him as much pleasure as a pageboy might have done, while the girl added a natural feminine response at having a man’s erection inside her. This lewd and vulgar use of Pabi’s backside took place in surroundings of the greatest opulence, the two secretaires and the Psyche glass with huge columns, the white and gold couch with a little white and gold table, the complete toilet-set in gold and tortoiseshell. The sight of the round impudent face and high-boned prettiness in the Asian girl’s features was reflected for him in the gold-pillared Psyche glass. This inspired him and the tightness of Pabi’s bottom upon his stiffness hardened him still further. Best of all he might discharge his passion safely on such hot infertile soil without the least danger of spoiling his urchin page-girl’s shape by unwanted breeding. The Khalif bred by his wives, not his concubines. The eunuchs who spied upon the scene assured their acquaintances that Pabi had enjoyed losing her backside’s virginity. On future occasions they swore that when she saw her master’s weapon uncovered, Pabi’s young bottom itched with the excitement of having it. They spread the word that Pabi had been thoroughly cured of her lesbian yearnings and had become a proper man’s woman. Karima in her wisdom had assured that Pabi would play alone no longer, for she had nothing left to play with. A man’s deep searching was necessary to her pleasure now. -- source link
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