cdray: Almost a month on hormones.. I know only a short amount of time doesn’t change you drasticall
cdray: Almost a month on hormones.. I know only a short amount of time doesn’t change you drastically, but IDK, maybe I’m more adaptable to it? Bodyshape’s already changing, not to mention my face. The side effect of the pill is kicking into my heart veins, and breathing’s gone a bit heavier. Gotta watch out for the signs and try not to risk my life for transition. Xcept for that I just brought a couple more photos, sorry if they are all the same but I don’t roam around as much as I did due to my body condition these days :) I’ll be kicking any minute once I get back to normal. Enjoy! XOXO♡ 활동이 뜸해서 최근엔 매번 실내사진에 비슷한 복장이지만 그래두, 추가했어요 ㅎㅎ 몸이 많이 변한듯, 호르몬약 특유의 심혈관에 끼치는 부작용때문인지 피로감이 늘고 땀도 많아지고 숨이 조금 더 무거워지기는 했는데, 아직 적응기/조절기인것도 있고 다시 조정 들어갈듯. 만남문의는 여전히 카톡: yan2201 라인: yan2201line 텔레그램: Raymona로, 행복한 하루되길 바래요 :) ♡ XOXO 개좋아 -- source link