rufustfirefly:“I was a carpenter to do a renovation/expansion of [Joan Didion and John Gregory Dunne
rufustfirefly:“I was a carpenter to do a renovation/expansion of [Joan Didion and John Gregory Dunne’s] home in Malibu overlooking the ocean and I spent a couple of months there in their house every day first thing in the morning, last thing, the end of every day explaining why we hadn’t made more progress and how it was going to cost even more money. It was a room that was developed and there were bookshelves, there were decks and a wall of doors and windows. I had a young family. I think I became their carpenter for the same reason I became their friend is that I was out of my depth. I didn’t know where I was going, how I got there. Joan always had an Easter party. My family and I were always invited and I always felt that everyone there was smarter than I was and more cultured than I was, but I was always made to feel welcome and comfortable.” - Joan Didion: The Center Will Not Hold -- source link
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